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The Last Communion

Xabier Lete live / Latest concert.

Errenteria 1999-IX-25 (double CD).

Record label: A&M Kultur Promotora

Musicians: Xabier Lete, Pascal Gaigne, Txema Carces, Pello Ramirez, Joxan Goikoetxea, Karlos Giménez.

I think Xabier Lete's last concert was his last great communion. Carried out in Errenteria, in two parts, it has come to us in two CDs. I have searched for a thread to spread and share the echoes of that memorable communion. I must confess, I'm a neophyte in music, so my musical string is a little weak.

Praise the five musicians in a sigh, and increase the very daring melodies of their strings and their keys. The combination of musical notes of my hand leaves me open. It seemed to me to be an immense story, and that of all together was the dowry of subtlety. The result fascinated me so much that for a moment it made me think if the songs had been fixed in the studio. That is, if the musicians themselves played some tickets again and if the songs were rewritten by the hand of the current technicians. Poor boy! As the notes that were played at the concert were heard, neither the women, nor the gentlemen, will we listen to them. Pascal Gaigne's notes are masterful, in the notes of Joxan Goikoetxea and Pello Ramirez you rock sweetly at the same time. The bass of Txema Cárces is always present, but without startles.

However, the excellent note by Karlos Giménez cannot be overlooked. The last one is the unreleased recording of Xabier Lete, which has united the letters of Lete and the musical adaptations of Giménez, including the composition of several songs, with its own personality. In two CDs, the performance is composed of 11 + 10 pieces of music, the words and melodies have definitely been screwed in the canvases; adorned with 20 sermons or preambles of the author. Xabier Lete didn't want to, being alive, publish the latter. The result is, by the way, that of death and life inseparable in our imagination of this poet.

People are formed by internal and external experiences, and in these songs the character of the oiartzuarra also appears: Biography, Tears if it rains, Perhaps, You say, A garden for you, in the death of Xalbador, I am, Navarra, the crucible... and Lizardi! in his song the words are raised for himself. As for the echoes beyond it, you will find them in Havana, Chile, Catalonia, Paris, Pius Baroja, George Brassens and Jacques Brel.

You may think there are always songs in the collection. And he has them. However, it has renovated water from the old source. Old foods from the existence of Xabier Lete, immortal images left by the alone and songs: the sadness and joy of a body and a tree. Oiartzun's doorstep wanted to pay the old debts with the latest breaths.

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