Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

An exciting way to get up

  • It falls up -- Antton. Baga Biga. Duration: 37’22’’. EUR 11.
Lander and Antton from the Lor of Elorrio group have become a partner project and the result is elegant. If at first it was a project in the form of a soloist, it is easy to perceive the starting point of most of the songs in this work: with a mild and quiet tempo, many songs start with a almost naked voice, but soon the group joins by multiplying the intensity in a very special way; the songs rise to climax. The Sunday tapas chosen to round the melodies are elegant, pop-rock guitarist, new wavero and in some cases world-music. In addition to the luxurious instrumentation and upward development of songs, the melody and emotion conveyed by the singer must be taken into account. And words have a lot of convincing values, to get back up.
Antton: "Grabaketan, baliabide teknikoak baino naturaltasuna eta intuizioa lehenetsi ditugu"

“Izan nahi dudana eraiki eta nintzena desegin”. Zerotik hastea komenigarria da?

Lor-ek bazuen ibilbide oparo bat egina, Anttonek ibilbide xume bat, hau hala ere aurreiritzi gabekoa da, hortaz, badu zerotik hastetik.

“Maitasuna ixil-ixilik” dago gure inguruan barra-barra? A ze baikortasuna!

Gure herrian luzaroegi dugu maitasuna ixilik, zain. Falta zaizkigun lagun eta senideen hutsune hotza maitasunak daki ixil-ixilik duintasunez bero mantentzen.

Lan honetan ahotsa asko landu duzue, tarteka ia biluzik utzita…

Begiratu izan dugu kantari unean zer komeni zaion eta horrela bideratu ditugu ahotsa zein instrumentazioa. Badakigu zuzenekoari begira biluztasun hori kontra bihur daitekeela, baina kantagatik egin dugu apustu.

Argia askotan agertzen da diskoan.

Ez gara iluntasun zale. Iluntasuna arazo moduan ulertuta; arazoan bueltaka ito baino irtenbidea bilatzearen aldekoak gara. Diskoan musika, mezu eta hitz aldetik ematen den zerbait da. Badira hemen iluntasuna mantentzen interesatuak, horren aurka argitasun puntu bat zuzentzeko era ere bada.

Hitzek asko dute barrura begiratzetik, norberaren eta kanpokoaren ona eta argia aurkitzetik, benetako baloreetatik eta altxatzetik.

Saiatzen gara hitzetan mezua txertatzen, mamia izaten, hermetikoegi egin gabe letrei erreparatzen dienak norbere irakurketa egin dezan.

Konponketa txukunak daude eta soinuak distira handia du. Gauzak oso argi zenituzten estudiora joan aurretik?

Gero ikusi dugu gauza txiki batzuk aldatuta emaitza hobetu genezakeela, eta akaso pena horrekin geratu gara. Mikel Santosek lan itzela egin du. Grabaketan, baliabide teknikoak baino naturaltasuna eta intuizioa lehenetsi ditugu. Ondarroako Santos-en grabatu genuen; badira estudio hobeak eta medioetan aberatsagoak, baina lanak badu bihotz bat, bestela lortuko ez genuena.

Vocational training practices are a source of problems
The dual system is already underway in this course in the Vocational Training of the Southern Basque Country, and although it has been sold as an example, it is proving problematic in several centers: the teachers “are passing red” in search of companies for all students to... [+]

World March of Women Declares the Need to Develop Feminist Justice
The World March of Basque Country Women held a conference on sexist violence this weekend in Atarrabia. The judicial system has been called into question, the values of feminist justice and self-defense have been analyzed.

2025-01-28 | UEU
The Bakedano Moreno Sea
"We are all referents in sex education"
The online course "Sex education beyond classrooms" with the UEU will be taught by the sexologist Mar Bakedano Moreno (Baldorba, 1992). She holds a Master’s degree in Sex Education and Counselling from INCISEX, a Clinical Sexology Training from Dos Areas and a Pedagogical and... [+]

Bilboko Axel Hotelaren irregulartasunak salatu eta itxiera eskatu du EHGAMek

EHGAMek Axel hotelaren irregulartasunei jarritako helegitearen inguruko isiltasun administratiboaren ondoren, hotelaren itxiera eskatzen du eta hainbat eragileekin batera prentsaurrekoa eman dute.

Breton loses half of its speakers in six years, according to the latest study
In Brittany, the population that speaks Breton very well or quite well is 2.7%, three points less than in 2018. Today it is 107,000. The speakers are younger. The number of Galo speakers has also decreased, but not at the same speed as the Breton language.

2025-01-27 | Julene Flamarique
The Spanish Government is considering the possibility of learning to drive outside of self-school, with the opposition of self-schools
The new model could save students thousands of euros. Teachers at the auto schools criticize the plan and expose the danger that may arise on the roads. They warn that the new measure “jeopardizes the employment of thousands of teachers.”

2025-01-27 | Leire Ibar
GKS calls for unity of the working class against fascism and war
Thousands of young people gathered in the mobilizations organized by the Youth Solizalist Coordinator (GKS) on January 25 in Bilbao and Pamplona to "prevent the normalization of the warmongering and fascist agenda in the Basque Country". Crowds have gathered in both capitals to... [+]

The house of a former councillor of the PNV in Zarautz has been decided to be demolished because it was built illegally
The case has been in court for ten years, and finally the Superior Court of the Basque Country has ruled what other smaller courts did not see: that the old farmhouse was not "reformed", but that a much larger building was erected and further from where it needed to be. It was... [+]

Bengoetxea takes over as rector and the financing of the UPV/EHU continues to be a subject of debate
Without making any special announcement, Joxerra Bengoetxea calls for "academic freedom and critical spirit" when he takes the oath of office as rector of the UPV/EHU, in Ajuria Ena: "The UPV will be the wall of containment against those who deny scientific evidence."

2025-01-27 | Leire Ibar
Tens of thousands of Palestinians are returning to devastated northern Gaza
Internally with the ceasefire agreement, the Israeli army has opened the Netzarim corridor. After almost a year of exile, thousands of Palestinians have embarked on a deep emotional journey to their homes. Trump has proposed the displacement of Gazans to Egypt and Jordan,... [+]

2025-01-27 | ARGIA
Denounce immigration policies and demand the impeachment of the defendants on the threshold of the trial
Around 2,000 people gathered on 26 January during the march from Irun to Hendaye to denounce Europe’s “murderous” migration policies. They have supported activists prosecuted for helping several migrants cross the border when they ran. The activists will be tried in... [+]

2025-01-27 |
EH Batera calls for the joint proclamation of the right to decide on Patriot Day
Euskal Herria Batera reports on the event that will take place on April 11 in Kursaal, Donostia. The event will take place a few days before the celebration of Patriot Day. The event was attended by Mireia Epelde, Xabier Euzkitze and Carlos Etchepare, whose founder, Manex Fuchs,... [+]

2025-01-27 | Aritz Arrieta
The Basque host country?

To be honest, I don't know why I'm writing this. In today’s hostile environment, opinions of this kind are not well received. Perhaps LUZ will not publish this because it does not correspond to the opinions they have published so far (but if they have finally decided to publish... [+]

Don’t let the sound of money silence the buzz of bombs

On January 15, the techno-business lobby called Cedarios presented its 6th report, Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. This neoliberal Think Tank, made up of eminent experts drawn from the world of finance, presented a magical... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude