“Frantsesek diote, famili barrenean dala bear arropa zikina garbitu. Ber asmoekin Ameriketan Mad errebista agertzen da. Amerikano bizimodu ta moden satira egiten azkarra da, guri asko ikasi digu; baina azkenik agertu den liburu batek gehiago. The ugly american, Amerikano itsusia, dauka titulutzat. Igela xumeago da eta gure euskaldun itsusiarena kronikatxo bat bakarrik izango da.
Irakur zer dion Bertrand de Born trobadore zaldunak euskaldunetzaz, Errege Ricardo-ri zuzendutako sirventes edo poema batean:
Ez zait euskaldunen konpainia
Puta salduena baina gustatzenago”.
(Igelaren lehen zenbakian, 1962ko alean argitaratua)
This weekend I've been thinking about the word 'aesthetic' in relation to a phrase said by a friend: “This work is aesthetic.” I have studied the etymology of the word aesthetic, it seems that its meaning was originally perceived through the senses, and it was later associated... [+]
Mexikoko bi emakume hauen bizitzak indarkeriak eta desplazamenduak zeharkatzen ditu. Haien familiako edo komunitateko kideak hiltzen ikusi dituzte, eta krimen antolatuak zabaltzen duen terrorea azalean sentitu dute; mehatxuak, jazarpena... ohiko dituzte. Baina horrek guztiak... [+]
The other day in Bilbao, I met a friend at the Bira bar. We were very happy at the Tar and I said: “Of course, since you’re Guipúzcoa, hahahaha.” And he insisted that he was not Guipuzcoan. Without me understanding it, I kept saying, “Ah! Is it not? You were born in New... [+]
Zalantza asko izan ditut, meloia ireki ala ez. Ausartuko naiz, zer demontre! Aspaldian buruan dudan gogoeta jarri nahi dut mahai gainean: ez da justua erditu den emakumearen eta beste gurasoaren baimen-iraupena bera izatea. Hobeto esanda, baimen-denbora bera izanda ere, ez... [+]
We are in the midst of a world imperialist offensive led by the Western bourgeoisie. The form that the imperialist offensive has taken is that of war, with all its variants: economic war, cognitive and cultural war, lawfarr; and, of course, military war. Western imperialism has... [+]
In recent years, the concept of industrial policy has reappeared strongly at various levels. The organization that was the hammer of neoliberalism, the International Monetary Fund, today insists that markets have been pressured to allocate resources efficiently and solve these... [+]