The Abertzale Left has honoured Txillardegi. It is right to pay tribute to Txillardegi for his courage and his mastery in favor of the Basque country. The others do not seem to me to be so understandable.
Txillardegi left ETA in 1967, eight years before Franco's death and 44 years before ETA decided to leave the guns. In 1976, Txillardegi created the ESB (Congress of the Basque Socialists) with the aim of making policy and institutionalizing the Basque Country. Moreover, the old regime is still in force before political reform is adopted by referendum.
It's OK to pay tribute to Txillardegi. But shouldn't ETA recognize that it's taken him 44 years to make the same decision as Txillardegi? Will the heirs of the Union who have taken more than 30 years to complete the rebuilding of the ESB not be recognised?
Less florid tributes and more debt declarations. The recognition that ETA and its honourable Members owe to Txillardegi and, indeed, to the Basque Country: “Sorry, José Luis, you got it right and we didn’t realize it. You’re a pioneer and it’s taken us two generations to own it.”
Just over two months ago, Agent Euskal Herrian Euskaraz was 44 years old. Specifically, on November 4, 1979, the agent was introduced in Durango. Since then, despite changes in times, ways of doing and strategies, the objective of EHE remains: Construction of the Basque... [+]
It is ten years since the death of José Luis Alvarez Txillardegi. Ephemerides give the excuse to collect and create initiatives. To pay tribute to the Basque Country and entrepreneur from Donostiarra, nothing better than books. It left behind a huge contribution of cellulose... [+]
Txillardegiren heriotzaren 10. urteurrena izan da gaur, eta ohi bezala, haren omenezko ekitaldia egin dute Txillardegi plazan (Gaskonia) Txillardegi Udal Liburutegia herri ekimeneko kideek. 2018an inauguratu zen horma-irudia berritu du Mikel Herrero Sesmak. Material hobea... [+]
Ostegun honetan aurkeztuko dute Jose Luis Alvarez Txillardegi-k prentsan argitaratutako kronikak biltzen dituen liburua. Donostiako idazle eta pentsalaria hil zenetik hamar urte bete dira aurten eta efemeridearekin bat eginez, haren ibilbidea hobeto ezagutzeko bidea izango da... [+]
Urtarrilaren 14an hamar urte beteko dira Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza Txillardegi hil zela. Omenaldi gisa zenbait ekimen prestatu dituzte datorren urtarrilerako, "Txillardegiri zor zaion aitortza publikoa aldarrikatuz eta izenik ez duen Donostiako Udal Liburutegi zentralari... [+]