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Intermediate destinations, more than ever

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It is not easy for the political movements of the last few months, many and very diverse, facts and sayings of each other, to focus in a clear direction. Causal and casual differentiation, current and perspective.

In fact, the roadmap of some of them, that of the sovereign left, is already known, is based on well-known references in their main traces, that of Aiete and that of Gernika. Both look at one of the two great challenges facing Euskal Herria to address in more appropriate conditions the integral solution of the conflict, which is fundamental, the challenge of the socio-economic model.

The doubts come from other actors: whether there is a strategic roadmap in its scope, even if it is hidden, or whether it wants to hinder the new situation, with the intention of gaining time; the current ones, in case.

In any case, in general, the political landscape is becoming clearer, relocations are taking place, because both in economics and in politics they have a short-term scenario. And you have to walk in the short term, in the long term, in perspective. Deadlines through the lights and shadows of the past, the two-lane model is now fairly consolidated, technical and political, as well as the scope of each of them: who, when and how the accounts are. The State is an essential agent at the same point of departure, where prisoners have the opportunity to take charge of it. But not much of the political riel, even if it is then necessary. Therefore, the essential thing on the rails is the political, and the irreversible steps on this rail must make it increasingly possible to reach multilaterality on this rail and culminate entirely with the technical.

They will try to create anxiety about obstructing the political path under way, opening up the feeling of helplessness caused by the closure of the State, convinced that unilaterality will lead us to rot. How long is the unilateral route? Well, I've already said that the road we've been on for years knows where it takes us, so we have to give time to the new betting path, fill it with steps, of course. The objectives are not achieved overnight, despite the fact that some social agent is striving to the contrary in high-speed purity. The lesson left by the recent past is that political processes are transition processes, the need for a roadmap; either in the legal-political framework or in the socio-economic model, the main challenges of leftist sovereigns, changes need a transition. Intermediate goals are therefore more necessary than ever, in terms of pragmatism, with direction and not objective. What is more, when the main traces of the roadmap have to be embodied day by day, arousing illusions and giving rise to new dynamics. It cannot be forgotten that social perception is a fundamental pillar in a transition.

Therefore, unilaterality, increasingly stronger, overcoming the barriers to new broad consensus, making the multilateral phase increasingly inevitable. It is not possible to stop on that path, and the sovereign left must continue to combine three areas: mobilization, ideological and institutional, and in the latter, not only from the opposition, but also from power, from the large and small institutions, in a different management, learning from the counter-power, each from its own sphere, to reconcile opposing positions along the way. We have a lot to learn in our betting journey, probably more than we think.

2025-03-28 | Sustatu
La Ligaren blokeoak euskal domeinuei eragiten dien kaltea monitorizatuko du Puntueus-ek

Azken aldian, asteburuetan, Internet ez dabil ondo. Hasieran, zaila zen webguneei ezarritako blokeoen zergatia ulertzea; orain, badakigu Espainiako La Ligak agindu zituela, futbola modu ilegalean emititzea saihesteko. La Ligaren blokeoak euskal domeinuei eragiten dien... [+]

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“Ez genuen komunik, ez urik, ez argindarrik... eta hori ere kendu digute!”

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Olatz Salvador
Konfort gunea

Olatz Salvador
Noiz: martxoaren 15ean.
Non: Deustuko jaietan.


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Intza Gurrutxaga Loidi, EHE-ko kidea
“Oldarraldiaren aurrean, hainbat administraziotatik, adibidez, koldarraldia dator”

Euskal Herrian Euskarazek manifestazioa deitu du apirilaren 6rako, 11n EHEko bi kide epaituko dituztelako. Hiriburuetatik autobusak antolatzen ari dira. Bi helburu bete nahi dituzte, batetik, epaituak izango diren bi kideei babesa erakustea, eta bestetik, euskararentzat justizia... [+]

Bidasoako haur eta gazteen psikiatriako kontsultaren itxierak haserrea piztu du

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2025-03-28 | Irutxuloko Hitza
Metroaren lanetako gainkostua 33,3 milioi eurokoa dela adierazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak

EH Bilduk galdera sorta bat erregistratu zuen Eusko Legebiltzarrean Donostiako Metroaren igarobideko lanen gainkostua argitzeko. Informazio hori atzo jakinarazi zuen Susana Garcia Chueca Mugikortasun sailburu sozialistak.

Ezkabako ihesaldia gogoratzeko, La Fuga mendi-martxa

Kirola eta oroimena uztartuko dituzte, bigarrenez, mendi-martxa baten bitartez. Ez da lehiakorra izanen, helburua beste bat delako. La Fuga izeneko mendi martxak 1938ko sarraskia gogorarazi nahi du. Ezkabako gotorlekuan hasi eta Urepelen amaituko da. Maiatzaren 17an eginen dute.

Atzera bota dute Zaragoza eta Araba arteko goi tentsioko linearen proiektua

Martxoaren 19an amaitu zen proiektua aurkezteko epea, baina Errioxako PSOEk adierazi du Forestalia enpresak "interesa baztertu" duela. Enpresak bi parke eoliko eraiki nahi zituen Aragoiko lurretan, baina oraindik ez ditu lortu baimenak eta hori dute egitasmoa... [+]

2025-03-28 | ARGIA
200.000 euro lortzeko kanpaina abiatu du Integrazio Batzordeak

Seaska Sarean inklusio egoeran dauden 165 ikasleei laguntza bermatzeko hasi dute kanpaina, antolaketa propioa eratuta. Frantziako Hezkuntza Ministerioaren jarrera salatu dute kanpaina aurkezteko prentsaurrekoan, behar bereziak dituzten haurren inklusiorako baliabide... [+]

AEBn ekoizten ez diren autoei %25eko muga-zergak ezarriko dizkiela iragarri du Trumpek

Muga-zergak apirilaren 2tik aurrera ezarriko dira eta altzairuari eta aluminioari ezarritakoei batuko zaizkie. "Gurekin negozioa egiten duten eta gure aberastasuna eskuratzen duten herrialdeei ezarriko dizkiegu", AEBetako presidenteak adierazi duenez. 

2025-03-27 | Arabako Alea
Greba mugagabea hasi dute Gasteizko lorezainek

%90eko jarraipen "ia erabatekoa" izan du grebak, sindikatuen arabera. Gasteizko parkeak, lorategiak eta eraztun berdea mantentzen dituzte Enviser azpikontratako 90 langileek.

Eguneraketa berriak daude