It has not been five months since ETA announced the end of its armed activity on 20 October and, in a quick glance, it seems that the peace process has not moved much: basically, the citizens have believed that ETA’s life is over and life is still normal; the outliers come, above all, from the hand of the crisis, as announced storms, one after the other.
At the same time, however, many vestiges of political normalization are seen and disliked: The violence of ETA has disappeared, the fear has also disappeared from the bowels of many threatened, the activities of Bildu and Amaiur represent that a normal policy can be made, neither arrests or few related to new cases, nor allegations of torture…
But the peace process does not come to light, and many of the consequences of the conflict remain there, waiting for how and who: the problem of the prisoners, the legalisation of the sortu, the talks with ETA, the trial of the past and the follow-up of the jailings, the issue of the victims… All of this, when there is no doubt that there is now water in the pool. The problem is whether maintenance workers have left a stream of water that doesn't rot in the well.
At least you see a small stream of water, if there are movements and expressions, not all the order and speed you want, but you notice here and there you want to jump into the pool. Seeing Brian Currin and his team working is to encourage, because before that group has already borne fruit and because international participation is fundamental in such a difficult process, especially to ensure that water does not rot. The Abertzale left is increasingly comfortable in the context of political normalization, immersed in complex management processes and assuming that the accumulation of sovereign forces is the best stimulus for the peace process.
The PNV also has its wager clear, with a controlled internal situation, wants to demonstrate its ability and dexterity to reach agreements with anyone, with agreements that are repeatedly linked to pp and that will bring it into relation. On the subject of pacification, he has also taken his place and is ready to work on the bridge between the pp and the Abertzale left, aware that this issue will be key to returning to Ajuria Enea.El
PSE-EE is also clearer with his position, calling for the rapprochement of the prisoners, and raising his position on the talks more clearly. The next step would be a public meeting with the Abertzale left, which would be not only institutional but also logical. In view of the 2013 regional elections, it will also continue to make its position more flexible, since being in the process of renewing the PSOE and showing a constructive attitude towards pacification can help to overcome the failures of the last two elections. He is sick, but it is obvious that they are the best adult sites he has, as more obstacles than benefits await him in the economic sphere.
But as this path goes on, it is also up to him to move away from the PP discourse. And how can we do it without breaking the government pact? The evil, but that is in the hands of the Basagoiti party and its support is becoming more and more fragile. It would not be surprising if the government broke up in the first few months before or after the summer. These pre-election breakdowns occur in many coalition governments, and in this it may be even easier when the cement of ETA violence that both have suffered disappears.
And PP? He has admitted that he is going to bring about changes in prison policy, and that is no small matter. If pp has so many other problems with the crisis situation, it would not make sense to leave the context of a logic of peace, at least in the CAV it would bring him nothing. Perhaps more than here we are seeing the gestures of Mariano Rajoy in Paris, because the measures taken in France to bring prisoners closer can hardly be understood outside the usual collaborative work between France and Spain.
Of course, this can be a positive and voluntary reading. In the best case, moreover, the movements express that the water is not rotting, and not that a direct and solid peace process emerges from the jet that the Basques need.
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