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Koblakarien lan nekeza

  • Martin Larralde :: Batzuen artean.

    Bonberenea Ekintzak.

    Iraupena: 33’24’’
    10 euro.

Eneko Barberena eta Mikel Oceja Arrasateko bi ipurterre dira. Barberenak hausnarketa, poesia eta prosa batzen dituen liburuxka (hirugarrena dagoeneko) idatzi, Ocejak janzten lagundu eta beste lagun baten erruz liburu-diskoa egiteko lanean jarri ziren, Bonberenea Ekintzak-en laguntzarekin. Hala, ia hiru urte hartu dituen epean 11 musika taldek testuetako batzuk musikatu dituzte askatasun osoz. Horien artean, bada bertsorik (Jokin Labayen eta Manex Agirre), folk iluna (3 Zikinak), gaurkotuagoa (Ain_1), countryra hurbilketa (Bihotz Bakartien Kluba), errezitatuak (Xabi Strubell), hip-hop eta crossoverra (F-21, Basske), baita Goseren eta Pirritx eta Porrotxen ekarpenak ere, Bonberenea Txarangarekin bat eginik. Arrasaten eta Bonberenean bakarrik erosi daiteke, baina sarean eskuragarri jarri dute emakumetu edo gizondu ez diren ume guztientzat.
Eneko Barberena - Martin Larralde
"Azkenean luzaroan irauten dutenak liburuak, filmak, diskoak eta kantak dira"

Zer dute talde hauek guztiek komunean?

Guztiak direla nire gustukoak. Guztiak daude Arrasaterekin edo Bonberenearekin lotuta, eta batzuk bidean ezagutu ditut. Bertsoak, folka, elektronika eta abar dago, baina Txapek lan handia egin du eta ondo batu ditu kantak. Norbaitek esan dit rock gutxi dagoela, baina niretzat hori naturala da. Gainera, rocka egiten dutenek ere proiektu honetan bestelako soinuak landu dituzte beraien borondatez.

Martin Larralde bezalako koblakariak, ahotsak eta testigantzak falta dira Alzheimer, herri kazetaritza sentsazionalista eta zentsura garai hauetan?

Horren guztiaren aurrean Internet bada aukera bat espresatzeko, baina gure begi bistatik informazio gehiegi igarotzen da eta benetan oso gutxi da irauten duena. Azkenean luzaroan irauten duena liburuak, filmak, diskoak eta kantak dira.

Bi egileok 80ko hamarkadako punkaren zaleak ez izan arren, Josu Eskorbuto aukeratu duzue azalerako…

Neurri batean txantxa da, ez dagoelako Euskal Herrian Larralderen figura baino kontrajarriagoa denik: bata, euskalduna, nekazal girokoa… bestea, erdalduna, giro industrialekoa… Baina, bestalde, Josuren kantetan ederto jasotzen da bere garaia nolakoa zen, bere bizimodua eta pentsaera.

Proiektu hau gauzatzeak ausartago egin zaituzte?

Agian ausartagoak bai, hau irten ez balitz oso zaila litzatekeelako idazten jarraitzea.

Zer izan da zailena?

Gauza askotan ezezagutza handia genuela eta bidean ikasi behar izan dugula. Baina ikasi dugu autoekoizpena zer den, jende asko ezagutu dugu…

Musikariak koblakari aproposak dira? Gustuko dituzu gaur egungo musika taldeen hitzak eta jarrera?

Bai. Mezulari aproposak daude, hitz mamitsuak dituztenak eta pentsarazteko gaiak ematen dizkidatenak. Arrasaten bertan urrunago joan gabe, Anger, Gose, Never Surrender eta Ain_1 aipa ditzaket.

Bonus track: where is the prize?

They were all in food and drink, seemingly cheerful, but some were nervous between snacks and appetizers. He would receive the prize for the second time, but he would be the first to have it in his hands. And I was nervous because the reminder had to get to the office, damn it.... [+]

Chronicle of the Light Awards
Brake on Speed

Even if things change quickly and vividly, some things don’t change: The Light Awards event is one of them. This is what an outside journalist who has come to this chronicler in need has told him, along with the fact that LUZ has changed a lot before the awards ceremony... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
Audiovisual Light Award: EITB Culture
EITB Kultura has been awarded the Luz Award for showing the work of Basque bodybuilders, for bringing projects from all corners of the Basque Country to public television, and for the quality audiovisual they produce. The award was presented by Leire Ikaran and Kerman Diaz on... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
Press Light Award: The Word of Irucho
The Luz de la Prensa Award went to El Palabra de Irutxulo for its continuation of the rise of the extreme right and its presence in the street to show the true face of the reactionary groups. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the San Sebastián media. Aizpea Aizpurua,... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
The Audiovisual Light Award: The podcast BaDA!bil
The Audiovisual Light Award has been received by the podcast BaDA!bil, produced by the production company Tres Damillas, and financed by the association Gerediaga and the EITB. The podcast has received around five tables with four roommates around the Durango Fair. The award was... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
The Meritorious Light Award: The Songs of Mine
For its work and success in promoting the Basque language among the youngest in fifteen years, the Prize of Meritorious Light has been awarded to the project Ene Kantak. The award was presented by Nerea Urbizu, Fermin Sarasa and Jesus Irujo.

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
Light Award for Best Campaign of the Year: Lift the Head
The Light of the Best Campaign Award went to the Head of the Rising initiative, made up of parents’ associations, for the work done by the school to delay the age of their children to be the first mobile phone and for the results obtained, for the struggle of the school to be... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
The Internet Light Award: Route of the Orion
For the effort made by a public institution to network the popular heritage of the losers, to allow the voice of the voiceless to be heard, and above all, so that Navarre remains a pioneer in the recovery of historical memory, the Internet Light Award has been received by the... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
Message from the LIGHT team: In the dark world, more LIGHT

Irureta Azkun made an appointment on behalf of the LAR team:

"One of the thousands who make up the LUZ community has recently told us that sometimes LUZ is dark, that there is hard news that moves it inside. That we're doing a good job, but the bad news is knocking his throat... [+]

2025-01-31 | ARGIA
We have distributed the 2025 Light Awards for communication in Basque
This year we have awarded six prizes: the audiovisual prize has been awarded to the TV show EITB Kultura, the press prize to the San Sebastián media outlet Palabra de Irutxulo, the audiovisual prize to the podcast BaDa!bil, the internet prize to the search engine Oroibidea and... [+]

Calexit, an initiative that seeks the independence of California
The initiative has called for a referendum and has been approved by Secretary of State Shirley Weber. Now, to continue the process, they need to get 546,000 signatures by next July. Marcus Evans made the request.

State victims ask President Chivite to be present at their confession ceremony on February 13
125 applications to the Government of Navarre for recognition as victims of state violence in 2023 and 2024. Of these, 41 have been approved. The Association of Truth Indebted and Tortured has valued well the path it is taking.

The Arizona Show
Extreme, carried to the limit

Actors: Justin Garfield and Jon Plazaola...
WHEN: January 26th.
IN WHICH: The New Culture Center. In the square.


The couple Margaret (Aitziber Garmendia) and George (Jon Plazaola) leave Idaho to guard the border between... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude