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‘Le Havre’, film zoragarria

Film hau ikusi eta guztiz txundituta atera nintzen: izugarria da, ederra, bikaina, mundiala, sakona. Tristea, hitsa eta iluna ematen du eta, barru-barruan, beren pertsonaien jarreretan eta jokaeretan, oihaneko ostaje eder eta argitsua nabari da, solidaritatez, adiskidetasunez eta gizatasunez betea. Istorioak izugarrizko indarra du eta pertsonaiak ezin hobeto aukeratuta daude. Auzo baztertu bateko kaleetatik eta etxe txiroenetatik hartu ditu horiek, txoko ilun eta zikinenak aukeratu ditu, baina denak argitasunez eta berotasunez bete ditu. Errealismo zikinaren sailkapenean sar daiteke kontakizuna, baina aldi berean poesiaz eta sentimenduz betea sentitzen du ikusleak. Mutiko beltz emigrante bat eta Marcel Marx idazle buhame eta frakasatua, orain kaleko zapata garbitzaile dena, dira kontakizuneko protagonistak, baina auzo horretan bizi diren beste pertsonaiek ere indar eta esku-hartze handia dute: Marcelen emazteak berak, emakume tabernariak, gizonezko fruta saltzaileak, polizia inspektoreak... Pertsonaia honen anbiguotasuna oso ondo lortua dago, denbora guztian zapata garbitzailearen atzetik dabilela baitirudi hau delituren batean harrapatzeko asmotan, baina gauzak ez dira guztiz horrela... Izugarria da filmak mantentzen duen tentsioa hasieratik bukaeraraino.

Aki Kaurismäkik itxaropenari atea irekita utzi nahi izan dio, pertsonaia baztertu hauek ia beti galtzaile suertatzen direlako bizitzan. Hemen, aldiz, auzoko pertsonaia ilun eta anker itxurako hauek bihotz baten eta sentimendu jator batzuen jabe direla erakutsiko dute, legeari eta ustezko zuzenbidezko estatuari aurre eginez eta atzapar horietatik aske ateratzeko itxaropena egon daitekeela aldarrikatuz. Harrigarria da gaizkileen giroko filma dirudien honek nola aska ditzakeen ikusleen bihotzetan sentimendurik finenak eta nobleenak, eta nola hori ez dagoen derrigorrez kurtsileriarekin eta bigunkeriarekin lotuta. Film hau ez baita ez kurtsilerian eta ez bigunkerian erortzen, eta azken uneraino mantentzen baitu suspentsea, tentsioa eta dena hankaz gora joango dela sinestarazten dizun sentsazioa.
Dudarik gabe, aurtengo Oskarra proposatzen dut film eder honentzat. Hain gauza gutxirekin hainbesteko indar narratiborik lortzen ez dut sekula ikusi eta ez nukeen imajinatu ere egingo posible zenik. Gora Aki Kaurismäki!

2025-01-19 | Urtzi Ugalde
Goodbye, mom

These were my last words when we left, held hand in your deep breathing sleep. Your heart stayed forever without a special, simple, dignified pain. As you want and demand. How we want and respect.

Already a month before the arrival of winter, the last days of the longest night,... [+]

No maternity wrench

Company: Txalo teatroa.
Created by:Elena Díaz.
Address: Begoña Bilbao.
Actors: Finally, Ibon Gaztañazpi will account for the details of Intza Alkain, Tania Fornieles, Oihana Maritorena and IRAITZ Lizarraga.
When: 10 January.
Where: Auditorio Itsas Etxea... [+]

The New Popular Front, after the failure of the motion of censure against Bayrou
The vote took place this Thursday afternoon and, as was planned, the motion of censure against Prime Minister François Bayrou has not moved on. And that is that, without the support of the far-right National Union, I had no chance of going ahead.

2025-01-17 | ARGIA
Start the season with the open txotx in Saizar and Alorrenea
The event was held last Wednesday at the Alorrenea de Astigarraga, by decision of the Sidra Territory. Saizar de Usurbil has held his txotx start party in the Atano III pediment of Usurbil.

A demonstration will claim this Saturday in Pamplona the demolition of the Monument to the Fallen of Pamplona
The demonstration convened by the memorialist groups will begin at the Memorial to the Fallen at 18:00 and end at the Plaza del Castillo. The final gala will include El Drogas, Gran Resperason, Ilargigorri and La Chula Potra. The following lines explain how the subject is in... [+]

2025-01-17 | Oihane Artetxe
Vulnerable children: institutional violence in our context

Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]

2025-01-17 | ARGIA
Spoiler, kinship, civility, shrine and guacamole, among the latest updates to the Basque Dictionary
Euskaltzaindia has received the results of the work carried out in the second half of 2024. It presents new forms and compositions of existing ones. In the new ways, this time, above all, they've worked the vocabulary of cooking. They have taken as their source the contents of... [+]

The City Hall of Hondarribia recognizes Jesús Carrera as "victim of the unjust situations generated by the dictatorship"
On the 80th anniversary of the assassination of Jesús Carrera, all the political parties that make up the Hondarribia corporation have issued a municipal declaration.

Forest plantation with native species begins on Sunday in Arrankudiaga-Zollo
The owner of the plot has signed an agreement with the Lurgaia Foundation and the environmental group Sagarrak has made an appeal to join the plantation. The students of the Zaraobe Institute worked on Tuesday in tree planting.

2025-01-17 | Antxeta Irratia
More than 1,000 self-incriminations collected by the J’accuse campaign
In Irun they have called for the collection of self-accusation signatures at Plaza San Juan on Saturday, January 18, from 10:00 to 13:00. The agents have called to participate in the demonstration that will begin on 26 January in Irun ‘massively’ to denounce ‘racist and... [+]

2025-01-17 | Gedar
A person must declare in Soraluze for dealing with spawning
On June 5, the Police identified two people who had been thrown from the Matones Park of the company Desokupacyl. One of them must appear on 29 January in order to make a statement at the Court of Guard.

The Spanish Government rejects the wind farm between Eskoriatza and Aramaio
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Democratic Challenge of the Spanish Government has rejected the Itsaraz wind farm, which the multinational Statkraf planned to build between Álava and Gipuzkoa.

Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileen eta euskararen alde elkarretaratzea egin dute Bilbon

Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.

Eguneraketa berriak daude