Being a tourist is a shame. Or we feel embarrassed and we just accept to be tourists in small doses. The real tourists, the whole tourists, are the following, the others, which seem like us but which inside (we know) are different from us: we went on vacation to a site like this, but we thought it was too touristic; or we did not want to enter these museums because it was full of tourists (in the final phrase, dear reader, pronounce the word tourist with a point of repugnance).
Tourism is a falsehood, a vain fiction, and so it makes us tickle to think that we have some authentic and exciting experience. Entrenched in hotels, chained in prepared routes, the real life of the places that walk escapes the tourist. In fact, the most beloved memory is the one that stops us from traveling, from being tourists, and we live a certain authenticity (that sad experience): the one that we feel the chilly and the disguise of the traveler when seeing people walking alone and (say) making reckoning in a neighborhood of Rome.
Tourism is also an invitation to be forgotten. In tourist guides, history is beautified and beautified, conflicts are softened and borders are softened. Because we have to inform the visitor, but without loving their holidays: forget about the enemies of history, the wars of the past and the disagreements of today. It has come to have a good time, not a policy course.
In Fitur, Yolanda Barcina has just presented the route of castles, with the intention of attracting foreigners to Navarra. As he said, we must seize this year’s opportunity to show that we are proud of our history. There will be those who are scandalous about this route, but I believe that the initiative of the castles will best reflect their point of view on history in the government of Navarra.
Let us imagine: through three dates (1212, 1512, 2012) the visitor is offered an impeccable historical narrative: in the first, the Navarros participated along with the rest of the Spaniards in a key victory in the reconquest; in the second, Navarre finally joined Spain; on this occasion, the time has come to celebrate this Spaniard of the long centuries. A perfect narrative, therefore. And, as tourist charges demand, internal conflicts will be forgotten, disagreements silenced, and alternative views excluded.
None of the conferences that can be organised would so clearly indicate the historical vision of the authorities of the UPSN: it must be turned into a sweet to swallow the past easily, for a quick consumption of those who will pass the time.
There will be those who, like those who give up tourist status, will be thrown into the search for truth in other neighborhoods. But it would be enough for me for someone, instead of following that real (impossible) traveller experience, to take the official version that will be presented to us and undo the piece by piece. Not so much to complete the negative copy of this version, as to offer another seamless story, but to show the cheat character of all the narratives, whether they are from the tourist or the traveler, perfect. May our account be memorial and defective, full of holes, discussed endlessly.
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