Ah, a man who lives on his back to the public!
I don't know how I couldn't see an eye on my back. Maybe because he feels more without seeing it. You realize the meaning of each applause, the emotion of each silence ... Public magic is about breathing.
Do you want to believe that being a conductor is magic?
A good director is the one who is deeply committed to music and orchestra, combines technical perfection and emotional intelligence and visualizes a part that goes beyond the technical application. That's why we call magic work.
Don’t say you’re able to make a Ferrari with a running car!
The same thing I can do with a blacksmith's regular car. It's much more responsible than dancing together. There's a lot of headache behind the fabric, because my job is not to read the works, but to interpret.
Do you have to tell me how important it is to have a personal stamp?
Why do you think each director interprets the same work in his own way? Why don't I interpret a piece like five years ago? Identity leads to art.
I know some with a lot of personality and little art.
Among us, the unsealed has a party. Each work is reflected in the pentagrams of personal life. You must have the same work and fully internalized techniques to reproduce from you. What is not born of yourself can hardly be credible.
But what is credibility in this world of cellophane?
Do not accommodate either personally or professionally. A piece must excite each concert, because each concert must give its own life, because it is the way to influence collective nostalgia. What is not surprising is a lost concert.
Okay, but those who have global fame and the continual praises of criticism are forgiven everything.
Above all, music lovers don't see it. The more you travel, the more you have to travel, because knowledge brings prudence and love respect.
And the social location of going to your concerts.
Classical music adheres to elitism, but it is up to us to introduce classical music into the hearts of all, to turn it into the protagonist of the lives of all. It is an essential pedagogical and creative act for the training of anyone.
That's why you hear so little classical music in general radios?
We have forgotten to pamper the ears and heads living in an extremely aggressive, aggressive and cacophonic acoustic environment gara.Gure. When will we remember that the tamer appeases the beasts with the music?
I don't want my daughter disguising herself as a Gypsy in the caldereros. I don’t want Gypsy children at my daughter’s school to dress up as Gypsies in caldereros. Because being a gypsy is not a disguise. Because being a gypsy is not a party that takes place once a year, with... [+]
Zerbait egin beharra izan liteke aurtengo Argia Sarietan garaikurra jaso berri dutenen oinarria. Zapalkuntzaren, bazterkeriaren, ahanzturaren aurrean antolatzearen erabakia hartu izana. Edo ilunetik argia ateratzea, zirrikituak bilatzea eta komunitateari eskaintzea. Balio... [+]
The road goes by steps, and I learned a little while ago that it seems to have already begun. But people also want to learn to fill that sentence with content. Alone we could achieve little, maybe even resignation as soon as we started. Gathering huge crowds can also complicate... [+]
Ez zuen egoki jokatu, neurriak hartu behar ziren, bestela, ez dugu ikasten. Itxuraz, ez zen ohartzen egindakoaren inpaktuaz, normal jarraitzen zuen, batzuetan, ingurukoek baino itxura zoriontsuagoz. Gainera, altuegi hitz egiten du, hori ez zaio inori gustatzen. Darabiltzan... [+]