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Asisko Urmeneta
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

You are interested in the channel: Nafarroa Beherea
2025-03-20 | ARGIA
“Kateekin ateak hautsi” goiburupean ospatuko da Nafarroaren Eguna apirilaren 27an

Iruñeko Zaldiko Maldiko Elkartean eta Baigorriko Bixentainean aurkeztu da aurtengo Nafarroaren Eguna, egun berean. Ohi bezala, apirileko azken igandearekin bat egingo da festa Baigorrin, eta horrez gain, apirilean hainbat ekitaldi egingo dira eskualdean.

2025-03-06 | Haizea Isasa
Kasu, ez gitxu lo!

“Kasu, ez gitxu lo!”. Gure denbora eta manerekin baina heldu gira.

Azaroaren 25ean Baionako elgarretaratzera joan ez joan eta autoak nola partekatu pentsatzetik (joan-jina bi oren), bat-batean Lartzabalen elgarretaratze bat antolatu genuen, eta 47 emazte bildu!... [+]

EHZk aurtengo leloa eta lehen taldeak jakinarazi ditu

Elkarteak ekainaren 27, 28 eta 29an Arberatzen (Nafarroa Beherea) izango den jaialdian izateko aurresalmenta abiatu du ostegunean. Hiru eguneko sarrerak 43 euro balioko ditu eta Ipar Euskal Herriko "lau ertzetatik" festibalera hurbiltzeko autobusak antolatuko dituztela... [+]

Many issues and challenges will be discussed during the February Thursdays in Amikuze
From the 6th to the 27th of February, four events have been organized in Donapaleu. The first will be in the village house and the next ones in the Caminos area.

2025-02-04 | Euskal Irratiak
Euskara hutsezko haurtzain-etxea irekiko dute Aiherran

Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.

Die 'Xalbador II' by Mixel Aire Etxebar
He died at the age of 81 at the Basurto Hospital. Mixel Aire was bertsolari and pastor like his father Fernando Aire 'Xalbador'.

2025-01-08 | Jon Alonso
Basque Country with three speeds

When we woke up, culturally and administratively, the landscape showed a three-speed disaster.

As far as culture is concerned, I had the opportunity – once again – to confirm this last November 14 at the Mint library in Ortzaize. There we met because Eñaut Etxamendi... [+]

2024-11-05 | Euskal Irratiak
Debrien Figurak, feminismoaren eta transfeminismoaren inguruko egun arrakastatsua Oztibarren

Baionan Loverdose eta Atharratzen Bekat’uros egin den bezala, Oztibarren (Nafarroa Beherea) Debrien Figurak feminismoaren eta transfeminismoaren inguruan antolatutako egunak arrakasta izan du.

Day of twinning between Baenza and Tafalla
Non-Catholic liturgy in the chapel of Urdoz

Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]

2024-10-31 | Euskal Irratiak
Baigorri-Tafalla egunak ospatuko dituzte asteburuan Baigorrin

Baigorri eta Tafalla herrien arteko senidetzea ospatuko dute asteburuan Baigorrin. 1978an hasi ziren lehen harremanak, baina hautetsien aldaketarekin pixka bat galdu zen ondotik. Haatik, duela hiru urte Tafallakoak berriz Baigorrira hurbildu ziren.

Mendiartea trying to give collective answers to the problem of loneliness
The Ibarra Beti Aitzina association of AIBA Aldude works to keep the Aldude Valley alive and vividly alive, which links the municipalities of Urepele, Aldude and Banka. On this occasion, he added a subject that may be a little clumsy to talk, following the open doors of the... [+]

2024-09-24 | Euskal Irratiak
Bost urte euskara hutsezko lehen haurtzaindegia sortu zela Baxe Nafarroan

Larunbatean ospatu dituzte Ttinka mikro haurtzaindegiaren bost urteak Lakarran. Baxe Nafarroko euskara hutsezko egitura bakarra da, Euskararen Erakunde Publikoaren B ziurtagiriduna.

2024-08-12 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Orchard forest
Working the beauty of life towards self-sufficiency
Odei Etxeberri Bimboire, Gorka Roca Torre and his sons Oihan and Miru are self-sufficient in food. To do this, they have had to analyze in which foods and quantities the body needs; in which foods they are found; what they cultivate to obtain all of them in each season of the... [+]

2024-07-22 | Garazi Zabaleta
Root planting
Fruit, fruit and organic nursery
Mahaño Lanathoua started planting trees on her father’s land in 2017 with the idea of cultivating the forest orchard. “At first it wasn’t about creating an economy from there, but about taking steps towards our self-sufficiency,” the farmer said. However, when he... [+]

A 63-year-old farmer dies and a 12-year-old boy in Aiherra after a tractor accident
The event took place this Monday morning and the man's wife called for emergency services at 13:23 hours. The two victims are in a state of cardiac arrest, so the emergency services have not managed to save their lives and have been taken to the hospital. The girl was a neighbor... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude