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Seventeen years

  • Camembert objective:: Jon Alonso Susa, 1998. 344 pages. EUR 14,25
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
I said to my friend, That Jon Alonso has a decade, very prosperous, in which he poured out all his literary production and then kept it in an equally literary silence. It took time to reach the standards, around 37 years old, in 1995, the great Idia Drag with essay and the almost simultaneous novel Katebegi galdua. And it ended a decade after the collection of stories, The Space of Smokers, in 2007, with the Astrolabio program. This would entail the Camembert we have chosen for this section (I dare not classify it, but the book is from 2001).

As an objective, Camembert will refer to Alonso today. If the Basque karma is classified as difficult (the writer himself gave it as rapsody), this that we have in our hands is not so much, but at least curious. Drink at least two taps: essay and novel, novel and essay. On the one hand, and not by the gastronomic Prezistically: in the micro he focuses on the painter Toulouse-Lautrec to talk about art in the macro. On the other hand, the novel is its character, its plot, with all its rigging.

And how do you do it to hook them up? Well, not bad, on the contrary: soft, natural, through a protagonist that you see will receive the leg of a crystal from the very beginning, an endearing character, in the end, is so calamity. On the one hand, he speaks to us at length of a place of time that was capital in the history of art; art, to be the art we know today (or do not know), points to the curve adopted, with an immense dark, generous documentation, as the most substantial essay. And on the other hand, we're reading a novel, hell, with all peace of mind, without having to put on the glasses. The Vaseline in the novel insinuates what would otherwise be a violent attempt.

Yes, but friends are the first, friends of mine, and every now and then they attend them. He immediately got me out of crackle. Camembert means yes, it is a book that needs to be claimed, but to get rid of the decade. The beauty of a text is a beautiful thing, which would be curious to be able to speak with Alonso for a decade. But that decade goes on and so the sad Tropics relaxes. Alonso is a great asset. So I had the intuition that you'll also now have something in your hands. It has occurred to me that those of us who have read their work enthusiastically would like to do so if we were to come up with something for the new year.

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