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Urki laztana

Kaixo Urki. Ez zaitut ezagutzen. Argiako orrietan irakurri dut zure berri. Antza denez 5 urte dituzu eta 630 kilometro egin behar dituzu, batez beste, gurasoak ikusteko, zure aitona-amonekin batera. Espetxean omen dituzu gurasoak; ez dakit non eta ezta zergatik ere. Erreportajearen egileari ez zaio garrantzitsua iruditu detaile hori, ez baitu zer ikusirik zure sufrimenduarekin, eta zure modura asteburuak autobusetan igaro behar dituzten beste milaka seniderenarekin.

Nire haurtzaroko Hernanin ere, detaile asko ez ziren garrantzitsutzat jotzen eta ez zizkiguten denbora askoan kontatu. Hernani herri lasaia zen. Eta itxuraz denok bakean bizi ginen. Politika kontuetan sartzen ez zenari bakean bizitzen uzten zioten. Hernaniko kanposantuan guda zibilean izandako hilketak, alargunen tragediak, kartzela eta heriotza-zigorrak, … isilean geratu ziren. Aurrerago, koskortzen hasi ginenean, gure lagun batzuen gurasoak gerran Francorekin ibili zirela jakin genuen; gerratik herrira irabazle itzuli zirela eta haien legea nagusitu zela gure herrian. Jatorrak eta atseginak ziren, eta haien etxeetan beti ongi hartzen gintuzten. Hori bai, ez zuten ongi ikusten guk euskaraz hitz egitea edo kantatzea. Eta ez zuten onartzen haiek egindakoari buruzko galderarik edo komentariorik egitea. Gainerakoan dena normal.

Demokrazia iritsi zenean, berriz, beste batzuek hartu zuten agintea nire gaztaroko Hernanin. Baina, berriz ere, herrian gertatzen ziren gauza askoren detaileak isilean geratu ziren. Hobe zen haietaz ez hitz egitea arazorik ez edukitzeko. Gogoan dut, Urki, zure adina zuten haur batzuen aita tabernaria kale bazter batean seko utzi zutela tiroz hilda. Haren seme-alabek gurekin ikasten zuten ikastolan, baina hobe zen gertatutakoaz ez hitz egitea. Seguruenik, gainera, zerbait egina izango zuen horrela bukatzeko! Urte batzuk geroago jakin nuen Hernaniko beste ezagun bati hankan tiro jo ziotela. Eta beste bati gutun azal bat utzi ziotela lantokiko mahai gainean, langileen bistan. Hartzaileak ez zion kasurik egin jasotako mezuari. Handik aste batzuetara haren etxeko postontzira iritsi zen antzeko beste gutun bat, baina bigarren honetan emaztearen izenean bidalia. Gure ezagunak, etxekoen beldurrak bultzaturik, eskatzen zioten dirua ordaintzea erabaki zuen, horrela bakean utziko zutela pentsatuz. Baina alferrik. Hurrengo urtean beste bat jaso zuen, eta hurrengoan beste bat... Baina, bueno, garrantzirik gabeko detaileak ziren horiek ere, eta garrantzitsuagoa zen beste batzuen sufrimenduari erreparatzea.

Ez dakit, Urki laztana, zer etorkizun tokatuko zaizun zuri. Ez daukazu bizi duzun egoeraren errurik eta ez da bidezkoa zure gurasoek egindakoaren ondorioak zuri ordainaraztea. Zure joan-etorriak gero eta laburragoak izatea opa dizut, eta ahal bada behintzat, zure aita eta amaren konpainian koskortzea nahi nuke. Ez dakit handitzen zarenean zure gurasoen ekintzen detaileak garrantzitsuak iruditu zaizkizun. Askok esango dizute, lehen gertatu zen bezala orain ere, hobe izango dugula gertatutako guztia ahaztea eta aurrera begira jartzea. Hernaniko tabernariaren semeek, halere, seguruenik nahiago lukete haien aitari gertatutakoari norbaitek garrantzia ematea eta egindako kaltea onartzea. Ez dakit inoiz haiekin bizitzea tokatuko zaizun, baina hala balitz, zuen harremanak oztoporik ez edukitzea nahi nuke, eta ahal dela elkarrenganako errezelorik gabe koskortu, hazi eta elkarrekin bizi ahal izatea.

Izan ongi, Urki.

"Oncological yoga is based on tenderness and respect"
Paula Barrio, professor of oncological yoga, works on tools for oncological processes: “We connect with the body and the injured area.”

2025-01-31 |
The first day of the kitchen and cleaning strike was followed yesterday by more than 70%, according to the unions
Hundreds of workers joined in the human chain that took place in Bilbao on Thursday under the slogan “Improving working conditions, decided here and now”.

2025-01-31 | Euskal Irratiak
Ramuntxo Labat-Aramendi
“Duintasunez arituko gira; Ahetzeko herriko etxearen egoera egonkortu nahi dugu”

Lehen itzulitik bigarrenera, auzapezgotzara jauzi egin zuen Ramuntxo Labat-Aramendi abertzalearen zerrendak. Erdiespena "xinaurri lanari esker" egin zela uste du Labat-Aramendik. Ahetzen zerrendak bozen %44,39 lortu zuen urtarrilaren 12an eginiko behin betiko bozketan... [+]

The premises of the Pamplona Lava Association and the Windsor Bar will be unified
In this way, they will give stability and solidity to the project that has taken the Basque language and culture to the heart of the city.

Worker killed in truck crash in Arbizu
A 52-year-old Altsasu has died after a workplace accident in Arbizu on Thursday, according to the Navarre Provincial Council. He is the fourth worker killed in a workplace accident in the Basque Country since the beginning of the year. The incident occurred during the... [+]

Strike in public education in Navarre
Unions say the third strike of the school year has also been a success
Thursday was the third day of strike since the beginning of the school year in Navarre Public Education and after the morning mobilizations, the LAB, Steilas, ELA and CCOO –callers of the protest– expressed their satisfaction. The torrential rain and cold have constantly... [+]

The ban on UNRWA in East Jerusalem will further complicate aid to Gaza
On January 30, Israel launched a ban on the UNRWA Office of Assistance and Labor for Palestine Refugees in East Jerusalem. Following the ceasefire agreed on January 15, they have the third exchange of hostages and prisoners this Thursday.

2025-01-30 | Julene Flamarique
The Fifth Anniversary of the Tragedy of Kabbalah
Joaquín Beltrán and Alberto Sololuze will meet on Sunday in the Eitzaga neighborhood of Zaldibar to remember and demand responsibility for the disaster. The detachment was caused by “the greed of the businessmen”, and the Basque Government has “not taken the slightest... [+]

More sanctions await in the case of the house of the former PNV councillor in Zarautz
The SOS Talaimendi said that the ruling of the Superior Court of the Basque Country "has not left a gap" and that "there remain some arbitrary and quasi-criminal decisions that have not yet received the legal sanction they deserve". It states, among other things, that several... [+]

2025-01-30 | Leire Ibar
Call to fill the streets for public health in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz and San Sebastian on February 1
The Popular Platform for Public Health (OPA) has called for demonstrations on February 1. They call for mobilisation to combat the privatisation of health, to strengthen primary care, to improve conditions for health workers, to combat precariousness and to advocate for both... [+]

2025-01-30 | Julene Flamarique
“We have won”: the Socialist Housing Union of Pamplona stops the eviction of Burlada
A woman who is a victim of gender-based violence and her five children, three of whom are under the age of eighteen, were evicted on Thursday. The dismissal has not been completed on the grounds that there were no conditions to carry out the decision, but a new date will be... [+]

San Sebastián residents sentenced for speaking Basque have been fined
The Basque Government has lifted fines for the Basque people who were punished for speaking Basque to the border. These citizens are Manex Ralla and Amaia Abendaño, who have confirmed to this media that they have been deprived of fines.

2025-01-30 | Leire Ibar
The Basque Committee of the EITB denounces the rejection of the Basque language requirement in management positions
The Basque Committee of the EITB has expressed its rejection of the selection processes for the management positions carried out in recent months. Three people who do not have a C1 level have been selected for key positions: For the direction of EITB Media, for the direction... [+]

Adif says that the situations of labor slavery denounced in the works of the AHT are "false"
After receiving the scandalous testimony that AHT Geldi denounces the existence of situations of labor slavery in the works of the High-Speed Train of Navarre, the company Adif that promotes these works has had to respond publicly: "They're a lie."

2025-01-30 | Aiaraldea
Amurrio City Council refuses to include the Ayaraldea Media subsidy in the municipal budgets of 2025
The budgets of the Amurrio City Council for 2025 will be discussed and voted in this Thursday’s Plenary Session and, once again, the Municipal Government has refused to reinstate the agreement and subsidy of the Ayaraldea Media.

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