Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


Ghost! That's what the 2-year-old who came to the kitchen said. They approached the living room and there were the “ghosts” on the television screen with three capuchins. Experts are right, we have to be very careful about what children see on TV, also on sponsored schedules. We must always be careful that the terrible “ghosts” do not cause traumas.

The armed actions are over, and I would like to think that this will also put an end to the hooded people who speak on behalf of the Basque Country.

It is not anything we leave behind. The attacks have been harsh and unsustainable. And the communiqués we've read to justify them. The discourse of those who have defined themselves as saving warriors has, on many occasions, been very painful, disappointing. Not a few practices, and we have had to suffer military theory and how.

Plenty of examples. In December 2000, ETA murdered Paco Cano, councillor of pp in the Barcelona town of Viladecavalls (Barcelona). Cano was a masonry. Under the work van, the explosive device was destroyed by the agents of the Ertzaintza.

In a statement issued a month later, ETA accuses him of being "an oppressor of the Basque Country". Masonry of Viladecavalls “Opresor del País Vasco”. Offensive, pathetic.

And how many things like that. Councillors, journalists, cooks, businessmen... All enemies, all of them took the death penalty, by the consent of others, in the name of the liberation of the people.

There have been cruel words for the dead, “oppressors”, “traffickers” or “enemies”. Shortly before, and with words, suffering for the relatives. Don't be afraid to read these things.

It is clear that we have to look forward, but not forget what we have lived through until yesterday. Not only has ETA violated human rights, we have denounced it many times, but its responsibility is great and it cannot fail to do so.

To move forward, the hooks and the booths are incompatible, a combination that is so dreadful that it only generates fear.

For years we have seen the hooded men speaking on behalf of the Basque Country. It has to be an image of the past, and we are not going to miss it.

Those created to deal with Franco have ended up in a grisly ghost, and not only in the eyes of the 2-year-old.

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