Veleia's inscriptions are true. I'd like to believe you.
The forger should know more than all the professors of the UPV together on Latin, Old Basque, Egyptian. Well, maybe it's not that hard.
Is it a matter of faith or scientific certainty?
I lost faith long ago, the subject is entirely scientific.
But are there certainties that are true or guesswork that can be true?
We believe that they are true, but the humanities are no longer enough and laboratories have the last word.
Discoverers don't defend discovery either...
He who told you that, in addition to liar, is foolish.
I see Juan Martín Elexpuru as the main defender of the cause.
And Orpustan, Txillardegi, Luis Mari Mujika, Hector Iglesias... Delivery of 2,300 signatures There are seventeen plentiful reports signed by researchers from nine countries. Harris, Fritz, Frank, Hive...
It cannot be denied that things have been done wrong in the process. Doesn't this override the finding?
How easy it is to defame power! The day before, Elisha and Idoia were the best archaeologists in Álava, the next day they were the worst and also scammers.
It's not that hard to let down.
400 pieces of different themes and languages, in the materials of the time, with a perfect old look... Impossible. A large team and millions would be needed. And what for?
They dedicated themselves to the exploration of professional archaeologists and massage therapists.
And students and harrijasotzailes and volunteers of all kinds, as in every excavation in the world.
Has the news not been made, the spectacle before the investigation?
Yes, when the UPV/EHU and the Council declared everything wrong and sentenced archeologists to civilian death, without proper investigation of things.
What prompted you to focus on the issue?
I sniffed the resolution, and when I saw the pictures of the oysters, I checked my suspicions. Rarely have I had things so clear.
And I couldn't close the argument ...
Let us hope the truth will follow its course. A good laboratory of archaeometry would solve the case one morning.
The problem is how our universities and professors will stay on the day their authenticity is proven.
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Hiru kontzeptuok aztertu eta antzinako egiptoarren sinesmenekin lotu ditu Brown unibertsitateko (AEB) Victoria Almansa Villatoro egiptologoak (Journal of Egyptian Archaeology).
Egipto, K.a 2162 edo 2191. Nitokris faraoiaren bi urteko erregealdia amaitu zen eta, hala, VI. dinastia amaitu eta Egiptoko lehen tarteko aroa hasi zen.
Nesiamon duela 3.000 urte inguru Karnakeko Amonen tenpluan jardun zuen apaiz egiptoarra izan zen eta haren momia Leedseko (Ingalaterra) museoan egon da 1823az geroztik.