It's not the best time ever, the broth is over... And now what?
Thanks to the crisis, we are alive again. The general emergency room was over. Here we have all been bourgeois, right-wing and left-wing, artists and not artists ... This film required a suspense and now plays spabills.
You are not going to start saying that for a record it costs twenty euros, right?
Of course! Even though digital is cheaper, in the leap from vinyl to digital prices doubled because the industry decided to fill its pockets. But the question is: if the records were cheaper, would people buy them?
Yours, yes... You are the mythical Gari, the mythical singer of a mythic band from a mythic time.
I'm not him. Looking at the past doesn't give me strength, it doesn't interest me. I'd rather live other illusions, open up other paths. I have nothing more to do with it.
Are the returns of the divine groups not fashionable?
Past and dead are dead. In the balls that preceded the farewell concerts of the Hertzainak people did not congregate. Let us not fool ourselves, the group’s echo is heavier than it was then.
This is resolved immediately with a good promotion campaign!
Promotion? I have always been a disaster and I intend to make the disaster even bigger.
Disasters have enormous social recognition.
Now rock gives social prestige, saying that you've been at BBK Live has become a way to position yourself in society. However, the institutionalization of rock has not changed reality. Macro-festivals are mirages, fashion catwalks.
Despite being condemned to hope, rock and roll will never give money in the Basque Country.
An art career is a background race, and fortunately, the songs of the sirens have long been silent. Most importantly, we are able to create unique projects with our own identity. From there, eco, answer, media... Who are we in?
Journalists love to believe that they're in their hands.
I don't see music in newspapers, there's no criticism. Well, you're not going to be critical of taking the promotion page and including a couple of ideas, right?
Beware, hey, you've been warm to sing in Spanish!
What are languages? Tools. What are they for? Agree codes together to communicate. What happens? That I am very clear about who I am, but that the ideologies that want to be attached to a language in an interested way do not agree with me.
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