Looking more closely at the previous complicated phrase, we see that it is bacteria, not all of them. As I will try to explain in the next point, fortunately resistance does not always occur, but in very few cases.
Often, resistance is the result of changing the structure of bacteria genes. In this way, the composition of the membrane surrounding the outside of the bacteria is also modified, and antibiotics cannot pass through, let alone reach the medulla of the bacteria. Or the bacteria will make some ferments, letting antibiotics do nothing, or they will change their form of nutrition and learn to survive without the need for products and foods that block antibiotics. Some bacteria are resistant only during inactivity or while maintaining the characteristics of the usual environment (degree of acidity or pH, presence of oxygen or absence of oxygen, etc. ).
In some cases, changes in the bacterial genes are transmitted to their descendants, so this resistance can pass from one bacterium to another, using the special and curious communications that occur between the bacteria, or because there are viruses that carry these genes and introduce them into the bacteria (they are called bacteriophages because they eat them). For all these reasons, the problem of resistance is increasing and there are more and more resistant germs, especially in the hospital environment.
The growing presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria makes it difficult to treat the diseases that produce them. The problem is even more serious when resistance to more than one antibiotic appears. In fact, finding new drugs is not easy at all.
Antibiotics should only be used when they are really needed, and unfortunately the abuse of these medicines is widespread, especially in boys and girls. They are often used without prescription by a doctor, and in these cases the doses and duration of treatment are likely not to be adequate. This facilitates the formation of resistance, as the amount of antibiotics is not enough to remove the microbes. On the contrary, bacteria “learn” to become resistant, but not only these, but also their descendants and others. For this reason, the damage will not only be for the patient who medicalises himself, but also for all those others who may contaminate in the future such bacteria or their descendants.
We cannot fail to mention the bad and widespread habit of dealing with antibiotics and pharyngitis and the like. Conventional antibiotics have no efficacy in these cases, as they are diseases caused by viruses. But as in a few days of taking the medicine the disease goes away on its own, people think it has been cured by antibiotics and, instead of smoking a bad habit, they will believe more in the next time the antibiotic cures you.
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