Born 18 November 1986 (USA). The Gia Carangi model died at age 26 from AIDS-related pneumonia. Ignorance isolated and marginalized AIDS patients at that time, Carangi lived surrounded by cameras while Carangi died only to his mother, beside him. Five days later, at the funerals that were held, nobody appeared fashionable either. They only received the condolence card sent to them by the photographer Francesco Scavullo, who has been arrested for insults.
Gia Marie Carangi was born in 1960 in a troubled family of the slums of Philadelphia. Although after the divorce of her parents she went to live with her father, it was the mother who pushed her to try to be a model at the age of 16. The following year, model agent Wilhelmina Cooper received a series of photographs of Carangi, who was immediately transferred to New York. With Wilhelmina's hand, for six months, Philadelphia's rebel young brunette broke the aesthetic model of clonic models with clear eyes. Carangi wasn't an anonymous medium to show the costumes of the great designers, but she was the star, the protagonist of the fashion magazines. Thus, it was the precursor of the generation of top model that would arrive a few years later: Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford... The latter is also very similar to Carangi.
Before entering the fashion world, Carangi was engaged in drugs from time to time, but when success was achieved, dependence increased. And in March 1980, when cancer killed Wilhelmina Cooper, the model lost the north. It became more and more difficult to work with him, he was fired from the agencies and he ran out of work. He started several detox treatments, but after three "clean" months of the last one, he left for Atlantic City and began heroin again, until he fell ill and was admitted to the hospital.
Thus, the first Top Model was also the first woman to die from AIDS in the world. Gia Carangi's ultimate goal was to record a video for children about drug damage, but although ironic, he didn't get the camera of any other media.
Hego Euskal Herrian 2020an 134 kasu positibo atzeman dituzte. Abenduaren lehena da Hiesaren Aurkako Nazioarteko Eguna, eta NBEk ohartarazi du oraindik pandemia hori ez dela amaitu; iaz munduan 680.000 pertsona hil ziren hiesarekin lotutako gaixotasunen ondorioz.
Passionate, guerrilla, passionate 120 battements par minute, like the activism of Act Up. The 1990s are the beginning and AIDS kills a lot of people in France (also), but Parisian activists are not willing to give up, they struggle to put pressure on institutions and... [+]
GIBari heltzeko garaian, guk uste dugu arlo biomedikoan soilik oinarritzen den estrategia ez dela nahikoa LGTB+ komunitateak sexu-osasunean dituen premiei erantzuteko. Lesbiana, Gay, Transexual eta Bisexualen Estatu Federazioak diskurtso inklusibo bat jarri nahi du agerian... [+]
Sutsua, gerrillaria, pasionala da 120 battements par minute, Act Up taldearen aktibismoa bezalatsu.
Madrilgo Alcala-Meco espetxean da dagoeneko gaixo larrien zerrendan dagoen Ibon Iparragirre euskal preso ondarrutarra. Pneumonia zantzuekin ospitaleratu zuten maiatzaren 31n, baina ekainaren 8ko arratsaldean eraman dute berriz ere kartzelara.