The architects that came from outside in 2008 looked enviously at Pamplona. For envy, knowing the meander of the river Arga in the area of Aranzadi of Pamplona and the orchards, edges, life and landscape that are preserved there. These were urban experts from Germany, France, Portugal or Catalonia who had to participate in the Contest of Ideas for the space designated as Natural Park, called by the City Hall, and who praised the one here as a miracle rarely seen.
By envy or by whom he knows, two years later the UPN group, led by Mayor Barcina, had launched the new urbanization plan of Aranzadi. A large part of the surface of the orchards - from 130,000 m2 to 85,000 m2 - will disappear to plant the new flood forest and the ordinary urban gardens. Of the 35 existing buildings, only three remain, and new ones will be built for the opening of the Agricultural Museum of Navarra. The first great work of the park has been a new road to solve the building and the parking lot of the Caja de Navarra.
Several voices have risen up against this absurd, which is the destruction of orchards to make a museum of orchards, and they have put forward a new proposal, while the meander is filled with asphalt and cement before us. From the City Hall, no gesture, no intention, to rethink or revise the issue.
Now envy is ours: We look at Europe and see initiatives for the recovery of orchards in cities such as Terres in villes in France, Ranstad in the Netherlands, Milan or London. Closer, in Barcelona, the rural park of Baix Llobregat has been created, a natural area that promotes agricultural use and also aims to bring producers and consumers closer to a quality and local food. In our case, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, without going any further, urban gardens are maintained, valued and created. In Pamplona, however, we do not do what those outside admire us, we take out the peasants and put them in the museum. Once again, they turn their backs on modernity and put us in the last van. They say envy is a mortal sin, but what is done here is even more serious.
Gobernua babesten duten lau alderdiek eskatu dute presidente ohien agerraldia batzordean. Enrique Goñi Nafarroako Kutxako presidenteak bere burua eskaini du batzorde horretan agertzeko. Jose Antonio Sarria Enpresarien elkarteko presidentea, Jose Antonio Asiain Banka... [+]
Telefónicak Yolanda Barcina Nafarroako Gobernuko lehendakari ohia fitxatu duela zabaldu du webguneak.
Oraindik Nafarroako Gobernuko lehendakari den Yolanda Barcinak UPNko lehendakaritza ere utziko duela zabaldu du gaur Diario de Navarrak.
Iruñeko karrikak kolorez eta musikaz girotuko dituzte maiatzaren 28tik 31ra, Iruñea After Barcina, Nola? Fest jaialdiarekin. Egitarau oparoa prestatu dute astebururako, kontzertuak eta desfilea besteak beste.
Nafarroako Legebiltzarreko ikerketa batzordean informazioa eskuratzeko diren arazoen berri ematen du Xabier Lasak. Ez da baikor eta hurrengo legealdian batzordea berriz abian jarri beharraz mintzo da.
Yolanda Barcinak datozen foru hauteskundeetarako UPNko zerrendaburu ez dela aurkeztuko iragarri ondoren, UPNk hilaren 29rako hautagaiaren izena emango duela iragarri du, urtero egiten duen alderdiaren egunean.
Yolanda Barcina Nafarroako presidenteak iragarri du ez dela UPNren zerrendaburu izango hurrengo foru hauteskundeetan.
“Iragarritako amaiera” izan da Barcinaren asteleheneko iragarpena Patxi Leuza Geroa Baiko parlamentarioarentzat. Albiste ona dela uste du, ez hainbeste oposizioko alderdientzat, baina bai gizarte nafarrarentzat.
Ezustean harrapatu zuen Yolanda Barcinaren erabakiak Adolfo Araiz, datozen foru hauteskundeetarako EH Bilduko zerrendaburua. Ezustean, bai uneagatik eta baita moduagatik ere, baina bere ustez “oso erabaki ona da Nafarroarentzat”.
Auzitegi Gorenak berretsi egin ditu AHTren aurkako ekintzaileei jarritako zigorrak. Okzitaniako Tolosan 2011n Yolanda Barcinari tarta aurpegira bota zioten. Auzitegi Nazionalak Julio Villanueva, Ibon Garcia eta Gorka Ovejerori bina urteko espetxe zigorra ezarri zien, Mikel... [+]
Yolanda Barcina Nafarroako Gobernuko lehendakaria Cristobal Montoro Espainiako Gobernuko Ogasun ministroarekin bildu zen asteartean Madrilen eta bileraren ondorioak lurrikara ekarri du Nafarroara. Madrilgo Gobernuak Nafarroako hainbat legeren aurka jarritako helegiteak... [+]
Jakin gabe EH Bilduk lehendakarigai nor aurkeztuko duen, samurragoa da irudikatzea Uxue Barkos Nafarroako lehendakari, PSNko edo EH Bilduko bat baino.