The initiative to reform the Consumer Law launched by the Basque Parliament unfortunately confirms this in number 76 of the magazine Bat Soziolinguistika. nº) the reflection we brought out. That is, there are two main ways to recognize and understand Euskera (Frame Claim indicator and Frame Herabe), that both are opposed and that the second is eating the site at the first. As a result of this parliamentary change, the Basques will not have to be treated in Basque in the department stores. That is, it is another step of Shy Frame, to nullify that step in favor of the Basque of Lean Frame. Basque train clash.
What's basically is that one of those two ways (frame) of detecting and understanding Euskera is trying to destroy the others. This is the usual game between any rival and, on many occasions, the one that the protagonists themselves lead to destruction.
What do you do to get out of this rush? Today, it is impossible for the vasophile Frame to face that other point of view. Moreover, even if it were possible for a moment, the future of the Basque Country could not be built on this game of adversaries. This fund is unstable, that is, according to the correlation of forces of the centres of power, the implementation and deactivation of policy and linguistic planning would happen again and again. That is not the solid background that the Basque Country needs in order to ensure a dignified future. With these playing conditions, we bring the Basque Country to the alley.
Aware of the current situation, I see no more than a solution: to create a new perspective (frame) to detect and understand the Basque country that will be shared by a large majority. A condition for moving along this path would be that a large majority would wish to guarantee the future of Euskera, of truth and of pain.
The following steps should be taken:
(a) to negotiate and agree on the essential language policies; (b) to carry out a
sincere assessment of the results of those policies;
(c) to design and implement corrective measures in the light of that evaluation.
The truth is that this approach is not easy to implement. But the key is not difficulty, but will. The will to survive, because if the option is not retained, we can fall into a conflicting situation of dark end.
In addition, the proposed solution has a historical precedent, that of Finland, in the magazine Bat Soziolinguistika Bat by Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza Txillardegi (number 30). (nº) As you said: In that “advanced and peaceful North, in the last hundred years, there was the hard linguistic struggle” and the “five-month civil war” (1918). This conflict was between speakers from Swedish and Suomi (or Finnish). How did they approach the situation? It is not necessary to know exactly, since the differences between the situations here and here and then and those of today are large. What we know is that these two languages declared them official and established rights and measures based on the proportions of speakers from each place. In addition, over the years, these measures were able to adapt to new situations. There is no doubt that the first step towards achieving this would be to reflect, negotiate and agree on the situation. All this is also possible for us, provided that the desire of one and the other is real to guarantee the future of the Basque Country.
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Berrogei urte dira Euskal Herrian autismoaren inguruko lehen azterketak eta zerbitzuak hasi zirela. Urte hauetan asko aldatu da autismoaz dakiguna. Uste baino heterogeneoagoa da. Uste baino ohikoagoa. Normalagoa.
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