It's not the garden of the balcony, but the garden balcony. It is fashionable to organize a garden in balconies and terraces. The money advanced and the joy that the garden conveys. Tomato, bell pepper, lettuce, parsley, chops... You see it all. In this photo the guindillas in pots and hemp inside the balcony. Those who came well at lunch, nothing but taste. The joy that the garden conveys is very varied. And a lot of pasta ... More and more cannabis is being seen on balconies, everywhere.
Urte amaieran ospatzen diren egun motzenak eta gau luzeenak dituen solstizioko jaietan elkarri opariak egiteko ohitura dago. Orioko etxe honetara oparitarako paperean bilduta etorri dira balkoiko landareak. Ez da erregalo makala! Hor egon dira egunetan, paperik kendu gabe... [+]