Reading the text of the act of Aiete celebrated on Monday in Donostia-San Sebastián, it can be said that the mountain has given birth to the mouse. When the hopes are high, the frustration tends to be greater, and so it has happened around the event: seeing that people were becoming increasingly known and famous, the text seemed to be able to clarify more, and it has not been so. There is sufficient reason to say that such a text cannot be more in-depth. It is true, but it is also true that you have not told us anything new. We are accustomed to hearing these kinds of expressions, and at most what the different views say in the event that something is recognised to the text is that it has come together in a short text.
Another thing is the context and we must place the hopes that the text has not given us in it. We are in an accelerated reality, and the ETA itself, the Basque left, is obliged to take steps. This is the most important aspect that the context shows us, that the time of jokes is over, that the steps that each one takes are united with those of others and that at this stage only one part of the desired dosage is in the hands of one. The consensus also shows that compromises cannot be secured before anyone, that you cannot bring such famous people for an excursion and, on the one hand, if it cannot be presented as a Peace Conference, on the other, if it is a Peace Meeting. The peace meeting will be held when it is taken by those who can take the urgent decision. That political conflict and violent conflict are not one, especially those who have worked in the violent have to recognize it, as most of us have known it for a long time. If this summit satisfies the whole of society, it particularly convinces the Abertzale left that it only acts on the political tracks.
Surely, with what will happen when this is written, when it is read, the political scenario will be transformed, it will be able to be transmitted between lines to several experts and informed people and ETA will respond quickly with the yes. That is the case and that it complies with the first point of the text. That feeds the context and then what's coming.
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