On March 11, some 70,000 people packed the Hurricane of Buenos Aires football camp. Thirty-seven years before, the other 11 March, we wanted to recall the electoral victory of Peronism, precisely under the slogan Cámpora presides, Perón al poder, after eighteen years of prohibition. The event, for its part, highlighted the connection between the left spring of Dr. Cámpora and the current government of Cristina Fernández. In Euskal Herria we find it difficult to understand the Peronism of the Left created by a soldier who was protected by Franco. In any case, before the closeness of the presidential elections, Cristina Fernández is still the favorite to win, between the peronists and those who are not. Great support for the population.
Avenida de los Caseros, a few meters from the Hurricane, is crowded. In spite of the many ideologies of people and flags, the Peronist liturgy is the protagonist: the duels and the cancioncillas are heard aloud; the microbuses that have brought to the neighbors are situated at the ends of the streets; the symbols of the montonero guerrillas, the images of Néstor Kirchner, Perón, Evita, father Pintada blanco and Cristina. The imagination of the 1970s and today seem to coincide.
When Perón returned from Madrid on 20 June 1973, the Peronists caused 13 deaths and 365 injuries, all without weapons, some of them montoners, which is difficult to understand. It is also incomprehensible that the three presidents Menem and Duhalde sold the state and Cristina Fernández, who has the confidence of the majority, are peronists. For some, all this is the result of the false subjectivities created by the coup d'état and the eighteen-year ban imposed by Perón himself. On the other hand, we must not forget that Juan Domingo Perón, who was president three times (1946-1952, 1952-55, 1973-77), knew from the beginning to attract the workers: he enacted all the legislation to protect the working class and built an industry that, taking advantage of the post-war situation, supplied the world. The new proletariat, born of it, joined Perón. Few stayed with the usual leftist unions, which were still very weakened. During Juan Domingo Perón's term of office, workers received 48% of the state's assets. Although he violently persecuted the left, he is a great character who, in the minds of many Argentinians, defended the working class and confronted the oligarchy.
When in 2003 Néstor Kirchner (1950-2010) was appointed president, for many he was merely the substitute elected by Eduardo Duhalde and neoliberalism to preside over the House. However, in the last nine years there have been many in the Government of Argentina: “I’m 55 years old and today it’s the best government I’ve ever known. The financial support of each newborn, homosexual marriage, the processing of genocidal military personnel, the law to break the oligarchy's monopoly over the media are, in my view, great achievements that we had been expecting for a long time,” says psychologist Marcelo Maddio. “It looks like Brian’s life, when they ask what the Romans have done: whether they have been Peronists or not, we have to admit that they are all changes produced by the governments of the Kirchnet.”
Once in the government, Kirchner called many of the leftist – peronist and non-peronist – to work with him to give legitimacy and effectiveness to his mandate, some of them matured in the 1970s. The President of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, said that one of her children went through the Plaza to sit on the bench of the President. “When the present government arrived eight years ago, we considered it a different project. We thought we should take it in our hands. We feel that the attitude that has never existed is open. In human rights and in many other areas,” says Hebek de Bonafini. Many have been impressed by this new attitude: “We all know what the theory is, what our parents fought for,” explains Lucía García, the creator and journalist of the Sons of La Plata group. “Basque, this is what is there, and there is nothing more than this. Today, what is being defended by leftist parties cannot be tolerated. Mothers would join the Government and campaign in their favor.”
In addition to assuming the presidency of the Peronist Party (PJ), the Kirchnenses have been able to sewing a very broad fabric for their project: militants of different origins and times coincide with Cristina Fernández. “Historically, in Argentina, the left has been anti-peronist, like the Communist Party. But it has always been left out of mass movements. Now, some of them have approached the government so that they don’t get out of play,” says cooperativist Nestor Apdelgani. In the same vein, filmmaker Fernando Krichmar gives us more explanations: “Peronism is the only movement capable of governing Argentina. It is trade unions that are the only ones that have a real relationship with the masses. In addition, Peronism is a policy that develops money, that is, that generates adhesions and support”. But how can the government that wants to be progressive receive the support of former President Menem? How can they be on the same boat with those who just ten years ago brought Argentina to bankruptcy? “When speaking of Peronism, there are laws that are not written, which are essential to understanding the movement: you cannot get your feet out of the tiest, that is, the party, and the loser of battle cannot say anything.” However, the most severe opposition of the Government is Peronism: The so-called Federal Peronism is ruled by former President Eduardo Duhalde and the Caciques of the interior, which represent the extreme liberal right. In Nestor Apdelgani's view, "the two sides need each other, they have to be what makes them leftist and what reflects the right." Yes, the right, Duhalde, if we were in government we would be shooting in the street.”
The New Union is an imprint recovered from the failure of the workers themselves. Hurricane is very close to the court. From the door, with the mate in the hand, Hector El flaco observes the peronist columns: “As far as we are concerned, we have to say that things have been done well. In addition to the enactment of the law to legalize situations like ours, companies also give us loans and extraordinary courses to manage ourselves. The media law has been very important. As the monopoly has disappeared, many journalists have lost the mask. They cannot continue to lie like before.”
Silvia Boo lives in the district of Solano in the municipality of Quilmes. Solano is 30 kilometers from Buenos Aires capital, and is one of the epicenters of the Picetero movement that once revolutionized all of Argentina. “It is true that we are better than before. Account must be taken, however, of the fact that current consumption has been driven by loans and public subsidies. There is a great deal of money invested by the Government in the neighbourhoods of the city. We do not know, therefore, how long the present one will last. It seems that it is closely linked to the Kirchnets Government. We still have the usual system,” says Book. And, as usual, they have militarized society and criminalized any protest that is contrary to them.”
During the presidency of Menem, the governor of the province of Santa Cruz, Néstor Kirchner, provided essential support for the privatization of the state oil company (YPF). Fifteen years later, a huge crowd greeted him at the ceremonies. Today, like Che Guevara, it is his photo that launches young people. “The only truth is reality,” Perón said.
Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.
Sare Herritarrak antolatuta, pasa den urtarrilaren 11n Bilboko kaleak bete zituen manifestazio jendetsuaren ondoren, berriz sortu da eztabaida, euskal presoei salbuespen legeriarik aplikatzen ote zaion. Gure iritzia azaltzen saiatuko gara.
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Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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