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Dakidan bakarra

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Elkarrizketa bat ikusi berri dut: Wikileaks eraitsiaz (Desmontando a Wikileaks) liburuaren egile Daniel Estulini Kataluniako telebistan egina. Ezer ez omen da dirudiena. Eta ustez banekien. “Niri ez didate sartuko...”. Baina zeharbide sasi-alternatiboetatik zerbait iritsi orduko, barrura: “Ikusten? Esaten nizun nik...” Eta plasta! Orduan sartzen dugu hanka. Ohartzeke noski, begi aurrean sortu diguten antzezpenak geruza bakarra zuelakoan, eta hura saihestu izanaz harro. Ba harrapazak! Wikileaks ere jokoaren parte omen da.

Michael Moore aipatzen du elkarrizketan, eta haren Fahrenheit 9/11 filma. Hark ni ere ez ninduen konbentzitu. Hain erraza zirudien... Bakeroak bilakatzen ziren gaizto, eta indioentzat ziren loreak. Betiko eskema, pertsonaiak elkar-trukatuta, besterik ez. Errazegia.

Dirudienetik denera bidean, Victor Erizeren lan bat datorkit gogora: La morte rouge. Eta nondik sortu zitzaion: bere haurtzaroan zineetan, filmaren aurretik No-Doa proiektatzen zen (baita beste jenerazio askorenetan ere tamalez). Berri haiek egiatzat jasotzen zituzten haurrei, errealismo-fikzioaren mugetan lausotzen zitzaien jarraian ikusten zuten filma. Zer zen asmatua, eta zer erreala? El espiritu de la colmena filmean ere jolastu zuen bi munduokin Erizek, Frankensteinen munstroa pantailatik haurraren errealitatera ekarriaz.

Umetzat beti izan dut nire burua, baina errealitatearen eta fikzioaren arteko muga argi trazatua nuelakoan nintzen. Banekien No-Doak errealetik ez zuela Michael Mooren dokumentalek baino gehiago. Eta harro nengoen: “Niri ez didate sartuko...”. Bigarren antzokian lasai, txotxongiloen hariak ikusten nituelakoan. Eta bai zera! Show honetako Truman bat gehiago naizela esan dit Daniel Estulin delako horrek. Ikusten dudana ez dela benetan gertatzen ari.

“Ezer ez dakidala da dakidan bakarra”. Baina pentsalariak ere ez dakit bere maxima lortuko ote zukeen informazioz biziatutako gizarte honetan. Gure amak beti esan ohi du gertakari bakoitza aztertzerakoan, mesederik gehien nori egiten dion galdetzearekin aski dela. Eta Interneten begiratu dut: Estulinen liburuek izugarrizko arrakasta dute.

You are interested in the channel: Wikileaks
Wife of Kristinn Hrafnsson Assange: "If you extradite her, she'll die."
On 20 and 21 February the High Court of Justice of the United Kingdom will decide whether the extradition of Julián Assanz has free way. In theory, this will be the last legal option to decide whether or not the Australian journalist is extradited to the US.

The United Kingdom Government gives the green light for the extradition of Assange to the United States
Priti Patel, UK Interior Minister, gives the green light to the extradition of Julian Assanz. On 14 March, the Supreme Court authorized extradition, but the opinion of the current government was lacking.

2022-04-20 | ARGIA
British justice authorizes the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States
The government must now decide whether to extradite Assange, one of the founders of Wikileaks. The decision shall be appealed to the National Court by the defence lawyers.

Nils Melzer, Special Rapporteur on Torture at the UN
"The aim of the trial against Assange is to frighten all journalists"
The UN special rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer, has investigated the case of journalist Julian Assange. Swiss journalist Daniel Ryser of independent media Republik first explained in February 2020 the details of this investigation in a rigorous and exhaustive interview... [+]

2021-01-07 | Axier Lopez
British Justice orders Julian Assange to remain in prison
One of the founders of WikiLeaks will have to stay in prison, as WikiLeaks is pending. Vanessa Baraitser, the same judge who decided on Monday not to extradite Assange to the United States, decided to do so this Wednesday in London.

2021-01-04 | Axier Lopez
British justice will not extradite Julian Assange
British justice has decided this Monday not to extradite Julian Assange, one of the founders of Wikileaks, who has been arrested in the UK. Justice Vanessa Baraitser has considered that Assange takes into account the "suicide risk" that has led her to the National High Court. The... [+]

2020-12-24 | Axier Lopez
The case of Julian Assange
Dirty war against journalism

In 2010, WikiLeaks, with the collaboration of mass media, published one of the widest leaks in the history of "secret" documents. Over 700,000 files of the U.S. intelligence services, which evidenced the opaque and cruel diplomatic and military actions of many governments and... [+]

2020-09-07 | ARGIA
Extradition proceedings against Assange resumed in London
The second trial calling for the extradition of the United States began in London this Monday. The journalist’s defence contends that the long list of irregularities and violations of fundamental rights in Spain should prevent extradition to Spain.  

U.S. military projects a video in which civilians die on the facade of the London Parliament
The US military has today projected videos of attacks on Iraqi civilians in the British Parliament, in response to Julian Assange’s extradition request to the United States. The images are from 2007, and they've been filtered through the WikiLeaks website.

The Spanish Government asked the United States for a "closer relationship" in exchange for using the shooting range
Four weeks before the death of Gladys del Estal in a police attack in Tudela, Spanish Government Vice-President Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado spoke with a high U.S. representative on the Bardenas shooting ground. What were they negotiating? What was at stake in that corner of the... [+]

2019-05-30 | Paul Iano
Double standards
Two major events have shaken the United States in recent weeks. On the one hand, in London, they have arrested Julian Assange, who allegedly helped Chelsea Manning crack a government password. On the other hand, they have completed the so-called Muller report, a document that... [+]

Kristinn Hrafnsson, Director of Wikileaks: "You're a radical journalist or you're not a journalist."
The new director of Wikileaks is Icelandic Kristinn Hrafnsson. Trained in investigative journalism, he is convinced that a new Neo-McCarhtysmo has spread the war against journalism. The alleged decision of the authorities to extradite Assange to the USA The case against... [+]

2019-04-11 | ARGIA
Ecuador delivers to Julian Assange from London
British police Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, was arrested this morning when the Ecuadorian Government has withdrawn its political refuge and allowed it to enter the Embassy.

2018-09-05 | ARGIA
Report the disappearance of one of the founders of Wikileaks
The Norwegian police have opened an investigation following the disappearance of Arjen Kamphuis, who has been arrested in Denmark. Wikileaks is one of the creators of the Wikileaks portal, known in recent years for bringing to the network documents that concealed the economic... [+]

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