The writer was convicted of being a militant. At the police station, after taking the warm, they took him to the kitchen to be cooked. He continued his efforts to create literature and, taking refuge in the Christmas spiderwebs, looked at the moon to meet the distant. He was freed from death with the sun that fell on the cliff and sang to life. They could not roast and did not freeze, jumped from the pot to the pot, from the refrigerator to a refrigerator, putting the Basque letters fresh for the Basques. Now, after more than two and a half decades of work, the Government of Vitoria-Gasteiz has awarded a prize to one of its attempts, demonstrating that time itself does not attract justice. His work has been rewarded, not him, the terrorist cannot be a literate. Joseba Sarrionandia has not repented. It has not liquidated the debt owed to the State that wanted to see dissolved, and the colfradys here have done that of the frac collectors, with the 18 thousand euros that corresponded to it. The decision has been particularly applauded by the Spanish media, which have shown a grudge in the size of former smokers. Peace and Sos.
Datorren astean Departamenduko Laborantza Ganbarako hauteskundeak ospatuko dira Ipar Euskal Herrian. Frantzia mailako FDSEA eta CR sindikatuez gain, ELB Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasuna aurkezten da, "euskal laborarien defentsa" bermatzeko.
Euskal Herriko Laborantza Ganbera elkartearen hogei urteak ospatu zituzten asteburuan Ainhize-Monjolosen. 2005eko urtarrilaren 15 hartan sortu zuten Lapurdi, Baxenabarre eta Zuberoako laborantzaren garapena –hori bai, iraunkorra eta herrikoia izan nahi duena–... [+]
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
The tipi-tapa is the first step taken by a migrant person who leaves his homeland in Africa,... [+]
And for another year, the unions have organized prefabricated strikes for us. And we, individually, will decide whether or not to join the strike, without the need for any assembly at the school.
The strike model that I was taught is no longer in vogue, it seems. In my... [+]