This year, like all other fruits, the grapes have also come quickly, rather than on other occasions. Here's the vineyard of a txakoli winery. Here the biggest problem with grapes is moisture, which promotes diseases until grain is wasted. The solution is to remove the fruit from the earth, to lift it up. The sun enters the ground and heats up and dries. Now, in this early stage of maturation, they have removed the leaves from the lower part so that the sun could also warm and enjoy the many grapes.
The area of Nabaridas (Álava) is the territory of the wines, so the landscape is dominated by the vineyards. However, in 2014, neighbors began to revolve around an idea to promote the native oak forest. The question was: What do you do to expand the forest, protect it and... [+]
At the other end of organic and biodynamic wines are industrial or chemical wines. The latter use synthetic chemicals; hormones, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. in vineyards and chamomiles, and similarly in wineries.
Most chemicals are synthetic, i.e. produced in... [+]
At a time when organic farming is booming, wines produced in biodynamically based agriculture are becoming more and more rewarded. It's about seeing if the cider comes as in grape wines, perry, beer, etc.
This agriculture, based on the enrichment of the land and the integral... [+]
Errioxa Kontseilu Arautzaileak egin du dagoeneko aurtengo mahasti-bilketaren gaineko lehen balorazioa. Emaitza "oso onak" jaso direla nabarmendu du. Kalitatea eta kopuruari dagokionez, "aparta" izan dela gaineratu du.