I Two young people are the sixth quote, the abuse of doubt; the same lake always in front, the slow step of their gaze: "Do you want to leave with me?" ", with a vibrant pulse, the head goes down with shame and the fire near the heart, does not answer, but receives the first kiss.
IV The seven and a half, with the neck of the church, is part of the silence; the pine box, the white candle, the black jacket, the burning chapel. You go in line giving your condolences to the widow, who is in front of you, accompanied by two kisses and a tear, and try to tell her something, but it does not come out.
II The same couple, who had gone for a walk in four years' time, takes their hand and tells him little by little: “I love you but there is a voice that speaks to me, that repeats me: ‘You’re young, take it up’… I’ll never forget you, get a kiss.”
V Music in a low voice, shining the spotlights, the night ends, at the edge of the bar the two bodies one, the servant looks, kisses the other: one, two, three, four, and hands at the waist... They bite each other: four, five, six, seven, hands under the waist... They look like animals, but they're human.
III It's Christmas Eve, before dinner, you seem pretty happy, "What a niky! And that beard?” you always touch the horn, your arms up, the aunt you hate comes to you, before everyone says “hello politta, two kisses,” but more than you give them to you she.
VI. A kiss can wind up or be sent by letter, a kiss can be refused or returned, it can cause anger or shut down the risen one, two kisses and a greeting or a kiss and two lilies, that is what I have for you: a kiss, good trip!