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Free approach to mainstreaming

  • Jare::On the brink of hope Screaming duration: 38´22´´ price::10€
Mikel and Gorka Bizar, creators of heavy groups like Idi Bihotz and Flyin’Freak, are back on the road, with a new and different Jare project. “Libre” means the name of the group, which comes free and eager, and it is significant that this album has been published long ago by the rocker subtitled Elkar Oihuka, which is almost sleepy. If you choose labels for the music that Jare members make, you bet on the modern AOR, and I would put them in an environment between the hard rock catchy and the pop-rock, although sometimes they approach mainstream pop rock, the heavy, the punk pop or the melody and the force of Governors, without forgetting both acoustic and orchestral passages. Alex Sardui from Gatibu and Ainhoa Cantalapiedra from OT have also participated in the work; and they wanted to pay tribute to Iñigo Egiluz and Xabier Lete.
Mikel Bizar: "Ez ditut ikusten gure buruak popa egiten, baina nork daki"

“Egunsentiak erailtzen du unea”. Ametsetan ez dago bizitzari aurre egin beharrik?

Oso gogorra eta zaila izan arren, beti borrokatu behar dugu nahi dugunaren alde, izan gure ildoa, izan musika, izan lanbidea. Ekin eta ekin lortzen dira gauzak; lagun batzuek behin esan zuten bizi ala iraun, zurea dela erabakia…

Nori buruz ari da Izarra? Izan ginen iraultzaileez?

Oso kanta berezia da, hitzak gure lagunek idatzi zituzten. Iñigo Egiluz lagun eta kooperante euskaldunaren omenez dago egina. Kolonbian erail zuten orain dela 12 urte eta Idi Bihotzekin ere kanta bat egin genion bere garaian. Melodia egin ostean, lagunei eskatu genien Iñigoz gogoratzen zuten zerbait, esaldi bat, hitz bat bidaltzeko eta denon artean letra egin genuen. Izugarria izan zen!

“Gorputz zahar baten bihotz gazte”. Luzaroan ikusten duzue zuen burua rocka egiten?

Ni futbolaria nintzen eta orain berriro hasi naiz lagunekin futbolean: burua oso azkar doa, jokaldia ikusten dut berehala baina orkatilak ez doaz hain azkar. Bizitzan gauza bera gertatzen da, umea edo gaztea beti izango dugu barruan. Musikari dagokionez, gorputzak eskatzen diguna emango diogu, ez ditut ikusten gure buruak popa egiten, baina nork daki…

Talde berri honetan ahots erregistro oso desberdinak landu dituzue…

Hasieran kantatzeko zerbait erraza nahi nuen, Idi Bihotzen garaian ahotsarekin asko sufritu nuelako. Orain ez dut hainbeste oihukatzen, baina distortsioaren soinekoa ez dudanez, interpretatu egin behar dut kanta guztietan.

Ilargi berria, Itzala naiz… Gauzak desberdin ikusten dira orain?

Bai noski, esperientzia handiagoa dugu, dagoeneko ez gara 20 urteko gazte ameslari haiek. Horrez gain, bizitza oso azkar doala konturatu gara. Eskerrak taldekide gazteagoak ditugun…

2025-02-20 | Gedar
Work to start the construction of the AVE between Vitoria and Burgos, moving forward
The first works to connect AVE with AHT Madrid and the AVE train will cost 2 billion euros. A demonstration was held this weekend in Pamplona to denounce the conditions of slavery in the construction works of the AVE.

2025-02-20 | Xuban Zubiria
Conservative Friedrich Merz, favorite to win the German elections
The government coalition of the “semaphore” led by Social Democratic Prime Minister Olaf Scholz with the greens and liberals broke down at the end of the year. On Sunday there will be a general election to elect the new German chancellor, whose favorite, according to polls,... [+]

Leonard Peltier: “Azkenean libre naiz, gaurkoa egun ederra da”

49 urte preso pasa ondoren, libre utzi dute Leonard Peltier AEBetako ekintzaile autoktonoa. Otsailaren 18 honetan heldu da bere senide eta lagunen artera 80 urte dituen preso-ohia.

A filmmaker's "anti-Israel speech" is being investigated in Germany
It happened at the Berlinale Film Festival last weekend. Director Jun Li, when presenting his new work Queerpanorama, read on stage a text by Iranian actor Erfan Shekarritz, who decided not to go to Germany for ideological principles: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be... [+]

The Prefect of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques advocates linking migrants to crime and increasing border control
The Prefect of the Atlantic Pyrenees has welcomed the strengthening of border controls, arguing that more and more “illegal” migrants pass from the Spanish state to France. He adds that migrants have a “perceptible effect” on minor crimes.

Cannibalism for survival

In the Maszycka cave in Poland, remains of 18,000 years ago were found at the end of the 19th century. But recently, human bones have been studied using new technologies and found clear signs of cannibalism.

This is not the first time that a study has reached this conclusion,... [+]

Records of the Allies

Porzheim, Germany, February 23, 1945. About eight o’clock in the evening, Allied planes began bombing the city with incendiary bombs. The attack caused a terrible massacre in a short time. But what happened in Pforzheim was overshadowed by the Allied bombing of Dresden a few... [+]

What happened at ESO 2? The diagnostic evaluation highlights "two unusually large decreases" in science and Spanish
At the Diagnostic Assessment Results Party, which measures the level of EAE students in the mathematics, science, Basque, Spanish and English competences, the evaluators have expressed the need to reflect "prudently" on the discalming in science and Spanish experienced by students... [+]

And here we are again, religion in school

On February 3rd, the time has begun to pre-enroll our children and young people in schools, and as every year we would like to remind you why we do not think it is a good idea to enroll them in religion. Last year we finished the article saying that “many of you will be... [+]

A woman in San Sebastián complains that after the assault on her, she ended up in the ICU unconscious
Members of the woman’s family have filed a complaint with the Colombian consulate in Bilbao. He was assaulted on 1 February at the gates of a nightclub on Manterola Street in San Sebastián. According to various testimonies, even though he was unconscious, he continued to be... [+]

The Fury. Mime and strength
"If Cascante is the Basque Country, why are Basque cultures not jotak?"
Panties of hair, from waist to toe, latex on the arms and torso, and golden orange hair. This is how La Furia presents its third full-length work:It's the Ultra. All this perfectly reflects the rap singer’s bet: to give everything, according to his criteria.

Reflections on the use of screens

From the Association of Parents of the Instituto Arratia Small Tram we want to encourage reflection on the use of screens in the learning community.

Lately there is a lot of concern about the impact of screens on children and adolescents. This responsibility extends from... [+]

Will a hydroduct pass through the area?
Petronor has indicated that it intends to start a hydrogen production plant in the Port of Bilbao and that the access of this type of fuel to Tubacex, Tubos and/or Vidrala will require the construction of the hydroduct.

The Government signs a decree to make urban planning regulations more flexible and promote the construction of housing
One of the main objectives of the decree approved by the Governing Council of the Basque Government is not to delay the promotion of new housing. In this sense, the councilor, Denis Itxaso, has assured that it will give more "autonomy" to the municipalities.

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