Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Tximu baten gogoeta

Tximua naiz, mendikoa,
ia kaiolan itoa,
agoantatu dut nahikoa!
Beraz, kantatu nahi dut barrutik
bizi ta ikusirikoa,
ez baita askoz txikiagoa
kanpoko zoologikoa. (bis)


Askok barroteetatik
eskua sartu izan dit,
zer gura duten badakit…
Kosk egin eta zera galdetu
nahi izan dut kumetatik:
“Zuk laztanduko al zenuke inor
kakahuete bategatik ?” (bis)


Betaurrekoak, bisera,
mapa, motxila, kamera…
Zer espero duzue ba?
Nahiz gizakiok tximua ikusi
eta aho-zabal gera,
gure arteko diferentzia
hainbestekoa ote da? (bis)


Kobak margotu aurrena,
gero asfaltoz bete dena,
han fabrikak, hemen trena…
Gaur egun hobe estimatuko
bazenute ingurumena,
harrotasunez zeuen burua
maite duzuen laurdena. (bis)


Bakoitza bere kulturan,
eta dagokion gudan,
kontraesanekin mugan,
hor zabiltzate askatasuna
zeuontzako lortu guran,
baina niri inork ez dit galdetu
kaiolan bizi nahi dudan. (bis)


Pertsona tximutik dator,
baina zuontzat zorrak zor,
kaiolan gara emankor.
Historiaren pendulu handiak
aldaketa bat digu zor;
nork daki noizbait egongo ez garen
zuek hemen eta gu hor. (bis)


Doinua:  Uso xuria errazu

Bidali zure sortak helbidera. Aukeratuak orri honetan argitaratuko ditugu.

2025-01-27 |
EH Baterak aurtengo Aberri Egunean erabakitzeko eskubidea modu bateratuan aldarrikatzeko deitu du

Euskal Herria Baterak apirilaren 11an Donostiako Kursaalen egingo den ekitaldiaren berri eman du. Ekitaldia Aberri Eguna ospatu baino egun batzuk lehenago eginen da. Agerraldian Mireia Epelde, Xabier Euzkitze eta Carlos Etchepare bozeramaileek hartu dute parte, eta Manex Fuchs... [+]

Don’t let the sound of money silence the buzz of bombs

On January 15, the techno-business lobby called Cedarios presented its 6th report, Euskadi and the European Union, the shared destiny of prosperity and competitiveness. This neoliberal Think Tank, made up of eminent experts drawn from the world of finance, presented a magical... [+]

2025-01-27 | Behe Banda
Bar Warfare |
The first times

“It happened once and since then it happens every day [...] let’s not see what happens here. Such is the world, and no one today is a prophet in his dominion.”

I’ve been told about something else since time and time, I can’t see anything else and nothing I would... [+]

How to Create a Criminal (and Why Carpentry Criminals Aren’t Prosecuted)
The week of the Basque black novel is celebrated in Baztan from the 20th to the 26th. Among various book presentations, colloquia and other events, the morning round table has generated extraordinary expectation. In fact, under the pretext of the black novel, they have also... [+]

2025-01-27 |
Lesaka is full of verses on Verse Day
In collaboration with the School of Verses of Los Bortziries, we had prepared a program for the whole day to celebrate the Day of Verses; and even the verses have not failed: it has been a beautiful atmosphere in Lesaka since the morning.

2025-01-27 | ARGIA
The Light Awards will be presented on Friday at the Atxega Palace in Usurbil
The Atxega Palace in Usurbil, on January 31, will gather around a hundred people from the media, culture and public institutions. After lunch, the award ceremony will take place at 16:00. The winners will receive the latest trophies from Antton Mendizabal. The Donostian sculptor... [+]

2025-01-27 | Julene Flamarique
Renewable energy beats fossils in EU electricity generation in 2024
Electricity production from gas has declined for the fifth year, and overall fossil electricity generation is at an all-time low, according to Ember’s European Electricity Review.

The official who approved the license of the San Sebastián pier and his son have been working together on “at least four more”, they say
The neighborhood association Vida en Parte Vieja has denounced irregularities regarding many of the licenses of Parte Vieja, as well as denouncing that "the beneficiary" is "always" the hospitality industry. They asked for explanations and responsibilities.

Watering in winter
In February, when we are in the middle of winter, the priority is to have a well-watered body. Just like the walnut is doing: it uses the roots as a reservoir in winter, it needs short and thick roots to collect water and nutrients from the soil.

A powerful hunter with a weak appearance
The largest insects currently inhabiting the planet Earth may be about 30 cm in size, about one-sixth of a human being. These include giant butterflies and moths or fat beetles. In the face of such amazing creatures, how can one look at a creature of just four centimeters? The... [+]

2025-01-27 | Jakoba Errekondo
Herbs of the pig
Winter is the season of pig slaughter. The cold will make it easier to get rid of the heat. If only we could get rid of the heat when we talk about pigs, too!

2025-01-27 | Garazi Zabaleta
The network of seeds
Place of collection and dissemination of the seeds of the village Itsasun
The Association of the Earth of Tomorrow (BLE) of the Northern Basque Country has been working for years on cultivated biodiversity. “We have several projects underway, one of which revolves around the seeds of the garden,” explains Nico Mendiboure, a member of the Seed... [+]

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