Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Madrid to the sky

  • Since I am a murderer, the narrator, BEÑAT, has not even let me choose the victim, he has done so, having too much patience from fiction, does not respect the work of the good assassins. In total, knowing the end is not important; it will be for the reader, as the murderer is hardened enough by the work.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I tried to calm myself down and find another to die, watching the procession that crossed the street of Alcalá, trying to forget the impression that surrounded me, a singing murmur that gave the city the appearance of Gran Prix, from sixteen to seventeen years old, dud. “Benedict, equis, uve, pallor!”, diminishing my nerves against Beñat. (If you decided to be the victim and I obeyed him not to be guilty of making the narrative complicated, you will wonder if Beñat was alive when he wrote the previous text, yes, and if during the summer we had to close this chiringuite, although Patrick Swayz left the way for it, it is because the man has spent almost a month in contact with the writing of Argia).

It was more than a lack of respect. He has accepted the detective things that are clearly against me, such as this Amy style pussy (Goian bego), that leaves me little discretion and that has grown me a few weeks ago. And detective, I see you pretty late in the research, something that surprises me, narrator, the same narrator that I told you would be an honor to work for him, even though he invented an unbelievable mackerel costume (who thinks he voted for Hamaikabat? ), since he has been on the side of the detective from the very beginning, giving on the first page my description and details of the crime.

Detective Mr. Beñat was dying in Barcelona, in an hour when he only had a soul to attend the Pope’s Mass, and as the return to the place of crime is a mistake, something that many criminals do in fiction, I went to see portraits of El Prado, portraits of José de Ribera’s youth, and in those fables.

Another runway/alibi. If Chesterton wrote that he admired the Catholic Church, among other things because it is a great construction for forgiveness, in the Retiro, in Madrid he became crazy with confession and filled the meters with those young people, the workers left our site and we looked up at those teenage tourists who, forgiven by sin, still lost sin and wanted to take the path they know.
You couldn't imprison me, I have celestial alibi.

Beñat, one last observation from heaven (you wouldn't think I was in hell! ), if you intend to continue giving clues to the detective, or to revisit with Hamaikabat: I have contacted Rouco Varela, the next pope may be when they learn to value the hypnotic power of their voice, which demonstrated direct contact with God. For two weeks, Rouco informed us of his desire to forgive the repentant women who had aborted, which would be a joy in Chesterto.

I wouldn't want to live a hell that Rouco's contacts can imagine after his death, not even a heaven again.

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‘Pikoletoak’ ere Euskal Herrian euskaraz

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Inoren Ero Ni + Lisabö
Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.


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