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Erakunde publikoei emailuka

Joan den astean jaso genuen buletina, bostehungarrena. Denbora ez doala alferrik esplikatuz zikindu zitekeen orrialde hau, esanez, adibidez “bostehun Literatur Emailu; alajaina; marka da gero”; eta eskerrak ere emango genizkieke atariaz arduratzen diren lagunei horrelako zerbitzu txukunarengatik; eta artikulua nahikoa koipeztatua ez balego ordurako, errematea ere eman geniezaioke “ea beste bostehun ere etortzen diren txintxo-txintxo, banaka-banaka, astero-astero, gure bihotzetako e-postetara” bezalako kurtsikeriaren bat jarriz –ofizio gutxiko kazetariok askotan idazten baititugu tankerako bukaera borobil ustekoak artikulua nola amaitu ezin asmatuz gabiltzanean–; sindudarik gabe, elkarri bizkarrekoak eman eta denekin ondo geratzea izaten da prezeptiboa hau bezalako efemeride-artikuluetan.

Ez daukazu ba gogorik, hara. Eta ez egiten dutenek merezi ez dutelako, ez, zalantza daukazulako baizik, ea zu ote zaren, erabiltzaile bakarti anonimo hori, horrelako zerbitzua klik bitan eta doan edukitzeagatik eskerrak ematen hasi beharko litzatekeen lehenengoa. Are, zalantza daukazulako horrelako webguneak eskatzen duen bilaketa, sailkatze eta digitalizatze lan eskerga argitaletxe batek (Susak) hartu behar ote lukeen bizkar gainean eta ez erakunde autonomiko, foral, unibertsitario edo, sikiera, lokalen batek. Ez ote diren horrelako instituzioak, hain zuzen, Literatur Emailuak bostehungarrenera iritsi izanagatik zorionak, eskerrak eta bibak partitzen hasi beharko liratekeen aurrenekoak, beraiei egitea tokatzen zaiena –eta egin ez dutena– besteek egin dutelako. Zorionak beraz, baimenik gabe emana bada ere, haien partez.

More sanctions await in the case of the house of the former PNV councillor in Zarautz
The SOS Talaimendi said that the ruling of the Superior Court of the Basque Country "has not left a gap" and that "there remain some arbitrary and quasi-criminal decisions that have not yet received the legal sanction they deserve". It states, among other things, that several... [+]

2025-01-30 | Julene Flamarique
“We have won”: the Socialist Housing Union of Pamplona stops the eviction of Burlada
A woman who is a victim of gender-based violence and her five children, three of whom are under the age of eighteen, were evicted on Thursday. The dismissal has not been completed on the grounds that there were no conditions to carry out the decision, but a new date will be... [+]

San Sebastián residents sentenced for speaking Basque have been fined
The Basque Government has lifted fines for the Basque people who were punished for speaking Basque to the border. These citizens are Manex Ralla and Amaia Abendaño, who have confirmed to this media that they have been deprived of fines.

2025-01-30 | Leire Ibar
The Basque Committee of the EITB denounces the rejection of the Basque language requirement in management positions
The Basque Committee of the EITB has expressed its rejection of the selection processes for the management positions carried out in recent months. Three people who do not have a C1 level have been selected for key positions: For the direction of EITB Media, for the direction... [+]

Adif says that the situations of labor slavery denounced in the works of the AHT are "false"
After receiving the scandalous testimony that AHT Geldi denounces the existence of situations of labor slavery in the works of the High-Speed Train of Navarre, the company Adif that promotes these works has had to respond publicly: "They're a lie."

2025-01-30 | Aiaraldea
Amurrio City Council refuses to include the Ayaraldea Media subsidy in the municipal budgets of 2025
The budgets of the Amurrio City Council for 2025 will be discussed and voted in this Thursday’s Plenary Session and, once again, the Municipal Government has refused to reinstate the agreement and subsidy of the Ayaraldea Media.

2025-01-30 |
KarKarCar, a new cooperative mobility proposal in Pamplona
Kar Kar Car, a cooperative of electric car users, is expanding its fleet of vehicles and expanding its service to Pamplona.

Guardian workers will continue mobilizations in the face of the “false promises” of the institutions
On Wednesday, the Laudio company began the process of cooling the oven with the guarantee of technicians from the Basque Government. The workers are outraged and “deceived” by the attitude of the organizations: "Whoever was going to protect us and be on the side of the... [+]

2025-01-30 | Gedar
Raimundo El Canaste will be sentenced on February 12
The song Beef D'Alda was created to denounce the authoritarian attitude of the City Council of Estella, in which they have been prosecuted. In addition to the proclamation of freedom of expression, the music group reports that it is organizing a program for February 8.

Bringing future generations on wheels in Vitoria
The Vitoria-Gasteiz cooperative, through its Vivienda Escuela initiative, has started this course to train the children of the schools to ride bicycles safely and independently in the city. It participates in the initiative together with the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and... [+]

Western embassies in the Congo seized on the jo-frontier during protests against M23
The 23 March armed group enters and takes control of the capital of Goma in North Kivu in the Congo. The expansion is advancing and is now targeting the capital of Bukavu South Kivu. The population has gone out into the streets to denounce the M23 and the support shown by Rwanda... [+]

2025-01-30 | Axier Lopez
Schools without mobile phones in Brazil
The invasion of screens in our lives has accelerated in recent years. In the Basque Country, on the one hand, we want “screens in Basque” to increase the audiovisual offer, and on the other hand, we organize ourselves to reduce the areas that have gained the most diverse... [+]

2025-01-29 | Julene Flamarique
Start an indefinite strike against the expulsion of 104 workers from the MFS company in Trapagarán
ELA and LAB reject the ERE and ask for its withdrawal. Both unions recall that in 2023 they managed to stop similar measures through mobilizations

2025-01-29 | Julene Flamarique
Morocco prevents representatives of the Basque Parliament from entering El Aaiún “without any explanation”
Members of the Basque Fund and the Basque Parliament travel to study the human rights situation in Western Sahara. They couldn't even get off the plane. The MEPs have called Morocco’s position “shameful and unacceptable.”

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