Bad news! Bad news! Everywhere! What some people said about time change is getting safer. Heat will rise by two or three degrees by the end of the century. It is said! It's been in Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. And in terms of drought, famine. You have already paid EUR 1 billion here, and Greece will have to be given another amount: 19 billion in relation to France. So far, pale and yellow money, the spike on the wound! If you are going to need something also in Spain and Italy... France itself falls short. Xipri will have to present a new, expanded and complete edition of the book Requiem.
Isn't all of them always crying? Whatever you want, no matter how good you feel, it always has something wrong. What do we care about the rest of the century? We will be dead!
How important can the sea be? In Baiona, could the houses on the Adour shore be flooded in high tide days? And then? With those of modern science, that's not a problem: walls over a meter high will be built on both sides of the water and the water won't expand. The same is true in Urumea, Orio, Deba, Ibaizabal and others. Do you realize the thousand hours of work that this is going to produce? What development for the economy!
Would it heat the air? Don't you know air conditioners? They're going to sell like hitherto heaters, and there comes another bomb for our economy.
African drought? Thousands of deaths? And what? Black people are too much. You have to come here to live, because you are not able to limit the development of the multitude. They don't have viewers or pills. No money to buy them. Should we pay them? It is necessary. Drought and hunger naturally limit their growth and will not be able to migrate, with the risk of drowning at sea.
Our economic problems? They've always been. It will always be. And we've always come out. Why not this time? Have you forgotten that? Three years ago, the globalised economy was on the verge of staggering and we got out of the hole. To Zaluka! Those who have brought us into the hole and pulled out of it have in their hands the guides of the world. We have to be very astute not to believe that this time they will not do as well as then.
Stay quiet and go to blacken the skin, opening it to the beach. If you don't have enough to go to Tahiti, at least to Andalusia. By force of smoking leather, if you pick up cancer, you'll give the doctors a job. Another department of economics will develop!