The nuclear power plant is flooded in Nebraska, the giant laboratory of Los Allamos, which has produced atomic bombs, surrounded by fires... Have you seen any images of them in Euskal Herria? That the editors who demand catastrophes on television here have “forgotten” the drowned Fort Calhoun power station? Go unnoticed to journalists looking for the tears of viewers for the exciting videos coming from Fukushima? What's that like?
The Guardian has launched this trick from London: “The British Government’s plans to downplay Fukushima,” he said on 30 June. Two days after the explosion of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant due to the earthquake and tsunami, the London Government agreed with the nuclear lobby a marketing campaign to blur the aspect of the accident. Here are some examples of the omertta that European media use rigorously.
The Guardian has shown evidence: 80 electro-mails between government officials, company EDF Energy, Areva and Westinghouse. EDF is a giant power multinational originating in France. Areva is one of the world’s major nuclear suppliers, French as well; one third of the planet’s reactors smell the uranium from Areva, the main driver of the new MOX fuel, composed of uranium and plutonium, from Africa to England. Westinghouse is an American who, in addition to producing domestic tools, is the main reactors manufacturer company.
“This situation can be a major setback for the nuclear industry,” said one of the leaders of the London Government in one of the emails sent to private actors. “We have to somehow get the people of Antinucles not to come forward. We must occupy and retain space. We have to prove that nuclear is safe.” In another message: “Antinuclear people in Europe have managed to associate all this with Chernobyl. (...)We must crush these comparisons with Chernobyl.” So, word by word.
Now, thanks to the publication of the London newspaper, which has raised a new scandal amid the conspiracies organized by the Murdoch media, we know that from March all the opinions that the British Government and the major nuclear companies launched came to an agreement beforehand. In another email address, an official said that “we all have to use the same material to appear in the media and in front of people.”
The Environment Officer in the newspaper, John Vidal, believes that “the players in this theatre must be happy with what they have achieved so far, seeing how the debate on nuclear in Britain has gone”. The London Government has given the green light to the construction of eight new plants by the end of June, and few have already screamed.
Another example of the strength of the nuclear power plant owners has recently been seen in France. He has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the newspaper Libération, icon of the radical left and the gauchism... Anne Lauvergeon, up to 15 days before the director of Areva. Hard gabiron among nuclear lovers at the Lauverge. It was known that the Libé Rothschild family had taken it, but don't disguise it that it didn't...
Therefore, most of our means – the big ones set the agenda, the small ones follow – have secretly condemned Fukushima. In Japan, however, radioactivity has not disappeared, but its echoes are being seen and heard more and more on blogs and Internet publications. We will summarize some of the most serious ones that follow Fukushima in English and French.
Excess radioactivity is becoming more and more evident in food. The last one, before writing these lines, was in covered shiitake mushrooms found in Tokyo. Previously, beef distributed by radiation from Fukushima has been extended to 26 provinces. Beef, pork, milk, vegetables, tea, hay for cattle -- the list is spreading.
Radioactivity is increasingly found in more places. In waste incinerators, for example, it has appeared in large quantities. But they have also highlighted the traces of radioactivity in the air conditioning systems of cars. Also in areas with more rainfall, parks, sewerage, etc., separated from Fukushima, including Tokyo.
In the same Fukushima, work has begun on the dismantling and burial of the contaminated surface in schools. It seems incredible, though, with the help of schoolchildren. The other news is the growing movement of the citizens of Fukushima, who have approached Fukushima. The Japanese are disciplined, as among them, the authorities, but more and more accuse their bosses of deceiving them, using them as laboratory pieces.
Just as some citizens respond with complaints and mobilizations, there are not a few who make desperate decisions. The news of those who commit suicide comes in, a peasant poisoned with the earth and life here, a 93 year old woman who does not want to leave home when her family goes away...
The Japanese authorities are sending contradictory messages. Recently, Prime Minister Naoto Kan stated that he had provoked a great stir in seeing the risks involved, that we must move towards a society without nuclear power stations. But with the other hand, it continues to seriously manipulate information about radioactivity.
Until July, the results of the measurements carried out in March have been kept hidden from 1,050 children in Fukushima: almost half of the thyroid had obvious signs of radiation. In addition, however, the authorities continue to manipulate the limits of the maximum amounts of radiation that citizens have to endure, increasing both the milliservets they can receive and the becquerels stored in food and soil.
In Japan itself, many citizens meet in old and new groups. In order to organise mutual assistance, for example, for those who have been raped to leave the house. Others, to begin control of radiation in Auzolan, since the data and information provided by the authorities are not reliable.
And around the world, entrepreneurs are on the rise. Classics such as CRIIRAD and Greenpeace in collaboration with Japanese. Also a lot of news, more unknown, gathering, synthesizing, classifying, translating, elaborating and disseminating information. No holidays.
Irudi handiak abuztuko oporrak bururatzen dizkio herritar arruntari, halako ekililiak topatuko baititu Europako edozein landa eremutan, egun bero argitsuen iragarle. Japonian, aldiz –argazkia Education in Japan Communityk dauka webean– , eskoletan haurrei irakasten zaie ekiloreok erabili izan direla Txernobylez geroztik erradioaktibitatez kutsatutako lurretan, zorua garbitzen laguntzen duten landareak direlakoan. Foto txikikoa da Nakate San, Fukushimako Haurrak Erradioaktibitatetik Babesteko Elkarteko burua, gure artean ere ezaguna egin dena hizkuntza askotan azpititulatuta –euskaraz ere bai– Interneten zabaldu duen mezua dela eta. Une honetan Fukushiman pilatuta dutena baino erradioaktibitate gutxiagorekin Txernobyl inguruko eremu osoak ebakuatu zituztela salatu dute Nakatek eta beste hainbat ekintzailek.
Otsailaren 28an Hendaian eman dio hasiera kanpainari Herri Urratsek. Euskararen transmisioa bermatzen duen Seaska babestea da helburua.
Gizonak ustez Ortuellako Jendea futbol taldean zuen posizioa baliatu zuen umeari argazkiak egiteko. Ertzaintzak ikerketa abiatu du eta aurretik antzerako salaketak zituela jaso dute.
Agintari gutxik aitortzen dute publikoki, disimulurik eta konplexurik gabe, multinazional kutsatzaileen alde daudela. Nahiago izaten dute enpresa horien aurpegi berdea babestu, “planetaren alde” lan egiten ari direla harro azpimarratu, eta kutsadura eta marroiz... [+]
Abdullah Öcalan buruzagiak PKKri otsailaren 27an eskatu zion armak uzteko. Taldeak egin duen adierazpenean babes osoa agertu dio buruzagiari eta Öcalanek eskatutakoa betetzeko konpromisoa adierazi du.
Poliziaren eta manifestarien arteko talkek atxilotu eta zauritu ugari utzi dituzte ostiralean herrialdeko hiri nagusietan. Herritarrek gertatukoaren erantzuleak zigortzea eskatu diote gobernuari, ez baita oraindik istripuaren inguruko epaiketarik ireki. Greba orokorra deitu... [+]
Hala iragarri du Keir Starmer Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak Londresen eginiko goi bileran. Etxe Zurian Trumpek Zelenskiren aurka egin ostean, izandako eztabaidaren aurrean, Europako buruzagiek babesa adierazi diote Ukrainako presidenteari.
Elizak 23 kasu ditu onarturik Nafarroa Garaian. Haiek "ekonomikoki, psikologikoki eta espiritualki laguntzeko" konpromisoa adierazi du Iruñeko artzapezpikuak.
Karbankulu pomelatua "garai batean gure bizilagun Francisco Casanova hil zutenen ideiak babesten dituztenek erabilitako ikurra" dela, adierazi du Noelia Guerra UPNko Castejoneko alkateak, eta sinbolo "ez ofizialak" udalaren espazioetan erabiltzea... [+]
Mendizale batek asteburuan ikusi du animalia Lapurdiko Azkaine herrian, eta otsoa dela baieztatu du Pirinio Atlantikoetako Prefeturak. ELB lurraldean "harraparien presentziaren kontra" agertu da.
Elkarretaratzea egin zuen Aiaraldeko Mendiak Bizirik plataformak atzo Laudioko Lamuza plazan, Mugagabe Trail Lasterketaren testuinguruan.
Martxoaren 2an igandea Iruinkokoak berriz ere Iruñeko karrikak hartu ditu.
EH Bilduk sustatuta, Hondarribiako udalak euskara sustatzeko diru-laguntzetan aldaketak egin eta laguntza-lerro berri bat sortu du. Horri esker, erabat doakoak izango dira euskalduntze ikastaroak, besteak beste.
Martxoak 3ko sarraskiaren 49. urteurrena beteko da astelehenean. Grebetan eta asanblada irekietan oinarritutako hilabetetako borroka gero eta eraginkorragoa zenez, odoletan itotzea erabaki zuten garaiko botereek, Trantsizioaren hastapenetan. Martxoak 3 elkartea orduan... [+]
1976ko martxoaren 3an, Gasteizen, Poliziak ehunka tiro egin zituen asanbladan bildutako jendetzaren aurka, zabalduz eta erradikalizatuz zihoan greba mugimendua odoletan ito nahian. Bost langile hil zituzten, baina “egun hartan hildakoak gehiago ez izatea ia miraria... [+]