Will you explain to me how it is possible for a Christian to be communist?
It is impossible to be a Christian without being a communist.
For some it is also impossible to be Basque abertzale, but...
I am a Basque nationalist, just as I am Catalan abertzale, Breton, Corso or Scottish. I am against the states that are the symbols of the death of the bourgeois system. Politically, socially, economically and culturally, they are police states.
Look at one who is ashamed of being Spanish!
How will I feel part of this system of denial and aggression? I'm not a Spanish, I don't need to invent an enemy to justify my life.
Did you get kicked out of EITB because you thought you could be from Bildu, or did you enter Bildu because you got kicked out of EITB?
I have always been on the same ideological horizon from the clandestine works of yesteryear to the apparent works of today. I was kicked out of the state waves and buried by the socialists. What do you want? We have weak governments.
Weak governments? !
The response of the weak is always strong. There is nothing more cruel than weakness. Without ideas, power is a very difficult tool to manage. That's why they do the killings.
It does not surprise me that for some media it is from the Madrid command.
I live very isolated in Madrid, in my house, which is my hole. What he's going to do. Spain is very difficult to understand, it has no democratic culture. It's always been a pretty short caudillo village to understand intellectual play.
Were you worthy before May 15?
Do you want you to look at a society built on a system that is based on accumulating money without doing anything? Okay, I'm a privileged one because my pension reaches 1,000 euros, but ...
But in the orchard, continuing to work for 82 years you're giving the government a reason!
As vocations cannot retire, I have no choice. At 82, you can't dream, my future is the next day, I live in a continuous present.
If the myth of vocational journalists is not the final past...
Journalism has lost substance, it depends on companies, it is part of the financial structures. From the commodification of the media, directors are puppets of boards of directors, and it is the economic sphere that decides.
Duela hemeretzi urte berpiztu zen libertimenduen usadioa Donibane Garazin. Antton Lukuk abiatu zuen mugimendu hori, eta bi hamarkadetan, Ipar Euskal Herriko herri desberdinetara ez ezik, Hegoaldera ere hedatu da. Zortzi libertimendu muntatu dira aurten, eta datozen asteetan,... [+]