Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"In Baiona it is possible to live without contact with the Basque Country"

  • Sallaberry was born in Donamarti in Lower Navarre, although he has been living in Baiona for years. He's a professor at AEK. The desire to live in Basque produces joy and frustration. Here and there he uses the blog as therapy and to share experiences with people who experience similar sensations.
Bea Sallaberry
"Etengabe lotu behar dugu jendeak ikasitakoa egin ahal duen erabilerarekin".Gaizka Iroz.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

6-8 months ago, when he opened the blog, he made a bet with his friends. Bea Sallaberry was sure that in six months she would locate ten situations for acting as Basque judged or criticized. He has come soon to make six or seven stories and has not written some of those he remembers yet.

On the blog you’ve also told rewarding situations. In the oral view, being a judge, you had the opportunity to hear “A finer air than any air of Mozart.”
Is it possible that someone speaks so well in Basque? Today it is not politically correct to talk about the quality of Euskera, the number of Euskaldunes is given more importance, the use of Euskera, but sometimes people listen in Euskera and think, “What are we in?” Okay, speaks Basque, but Masacra. There are people who have not gone through the Euskaltegi or the ikastola, who have received the Euskera at home, and who have a level of quality that is rarely heard.

Is the exam student a good example of this?
Yes. There are usually different people coming. They come to do a demo, they think they have to talk about making long, complex queues, introducing the subjunctive. They create strange language, it can be right, but it's not natural. The examiner would speak hours without the need to look at the language.

In the blog you've talked about the category of people who have prefabricated opinions.
There are Euskaltzales, there are Euskaldunes that are not Euskaltzales, and some that do not change their opinion about Euskera, who think that Euskera is old, that it is not worth, that nowadays it is not appropriate to do it in Euskera to a child. Those people are not ashamed to blame you for such things.

Stubborn or ignorant?
Maybe not everyone is traumatic of the Basque Country (those who have not received Euskera at home), but they tell you that it is not appropriate to do it in Euskera or that it is complicated... And we started arguing extensively, benefits, bilingualism ... Many times not at all, because we spend time and people like that don't change their minds. If people come up with questions, with a little bit of curiosity, it's OK, but sometimes you have to shake people up.

In the pastry, the young Bayonese woman believed you were speaking in Spanish. You spoke in Basque.
It's very common. In the urban centers, less in the center, but in a Baiona it is possible to live without contact with the Basque. The presence of Euskera on the street is very small. When does the Basque Country see the Baionese? If you don't come here to eat [we're at the Kalostrop, at the AEK headquarters bar].

He mentioned the importance of areas respiratorias.En the case of the student
the most difficult thing is to have motivation to learn. But where do we use it? If there are breaths, we know where they are, but the normal person who has started studying needs at least 6-7 years to reach the basic level, and also has the whole picture in French.
I am super special in the North. 80% of my life I do in Euskera, my family, my friends, neighbors, colleagues ... They are all Basque. But how much does the common Basque speak in Basque? He has no choice. Do you know there are places where you can speak in Basque, but in your daily life all your friends are monolingual in French?

The respiratory areas and the added value that teachers and teachers should have
euskera.Los, when we teach Basque, we have to continually relate it to the use that people can make of what they have learned. We have to encourage these people to make bridges to use the Basque language somewhere; it can be the organization of some events, to meet other people, to connect people in the networks... but to give a function to the Basque: I have learned and will use it in this initiative, in this and this one. For the rest, a colleague of mine says there is “arinaiztarras”. You're learning Euskera, but studies can last 20 years, if you don't take that leap for a moment. The Arinaiztarras need the Basque to be useful, culture, in a broad sense.

It says that language and culture are used separately.
Today we understand culture as heritage on many occasions, and the definition of culture is not in itself. All other knowledge should also be addressed in Basque. Linguistic transmission is related to family transmission, school transmission or AEK. Language is valid if it has a field of use, if it has any relationship with culture. The Basque and the culture must not be separated and the greatest possible draw is necessary, otherwise both will be lost.

In the blog he has posted disappointments and frustrations, and has not hidden the emergency situation suffered by the Basque in Iparralde. However, it is also optimistic.
In Iparralde we cross the people in the street and we do not know that they are Euskaldunes. To such an extent we have internalized that it is probably not Basque, that we start in French. So, to do a huge amount of work, he's dedicated to Euskalgintza. Moreover, it is always in the hands of your militancy. You enter the offices of the village house and surely one of the employees will be Euskaldun, but when you come to know that you will be asked to make an effort. Speaking in Basque is always something else, it is not something
normal.En in recent years I have been teaching in the administration and I was surprised by the amount of Euskaldunes there.

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