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Who in Chechnya killed Natalia Estemirova?

  • Qui a tué Natacha Estemirova premiered in March at the Geneva Film and Human Rights Festival (Switzerland), on 14 June on television France-2. By chance, on the same day a Moscow court acquitted the leader of the association Memorial, who accused the president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, of killing Estemirova.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Chechen President, Ramzan Kadyrov, does not care about the referees, if they are by far, they do not care about anything. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his principal sponsor, Kadyrov, do not lose the roles of the courts of justice. We must therefore believe that he has not been shaken by the murders of two famous Chechens committed by the Jews on 1 and 14 June in Vienna.

All the information about the Vienna court game was advanced by Net Cerca in the spring of 2009. In January 1982, Umar Israilov (Chechnya, 1982), a Russian guerrilla who, after falling prisoner, was forced to help the army, managed to escape with his family to central Europe. Israilov complained to the European Court of Human Rights that President Kadyrov was one of the detainees after being accused of torturing the insurgents.

Kadyrov, who tried to get Israilov back home by his own will, sent an email to threaten him and ask him to withdraw the complaint. Finally, the man was killed by gunshots in the centre of the city of Vienna. The human rights organisation, Memorial, has understood that “the murder of Israilov has sent Chechen people scattered throughout the world a brutal warning that being protected outside Russia will not save the claws of Chechen power structures.”

Three Chechen men have been sentenced in Vienna to life imprisonment for Ramzan Edilov, 19 years for Suleiman Dadaev and 16 years for Turpal Ali Iesurkaev. But the Austrian police believe that Letxa Bogatirov is at liberty in Grozni, where the Russian authorities refuse to stop him. In Vienna, they have not been able to judge Shaa Turlaev, Kadyrov's adviser and who announced a $3 million reward for the murder of Israilov. The Austrian police managed to arrest three aides of the murderer and bring him to trial, but not so much to the author as to the payer.

The other June ruling recalled, albeit indirectly, the death of Natalia Estemirova at the hands of eta. We'll explain how. Last day 14, a Moscow judge declared Oleg Orlov, head of the Memorial organization innocent. Memorial was founded in the 1980s, on the initiative of Andrei Sakharov, to investigate and recall the violations suffered at the beginning of the Soviet Union during the time of Joseph Stalin, one of Russia’s most respected institutions.

The Memorial has been working for the last few years in the Caucasus region and more specifically in Chechnya, Dagestan and Inguxetia to reveal the brutalities that the authorities have committed in the face of the alleged war on terrorism. Journalist Anna Politkovskaia worked with Memory - L.

What has now been resolved in Moscow is the complaint lodged against Orlov by the Chechen President, Kadyrov, that Orlov lied saying that he, Kadyrov, was responsible for the murder of Natalia Nataxa Estemirova. Orlov has been released by the referee, who has not failed. On the contrary, the investigation into the brutal oppression of Chechnya and the murder of Estemirova by this and the Memorial organisation is not followed by any judge, either in Grozni or in Moscow.

Chechnya without law

Human rights journalist and activist Natalia Estemirova was kidnapped on 15 July 2009 at the door of her house in Grozni, on the border of Inguxetia, in a few hours she was shot dead.

Born in Chechnya in 1958, he had studied history and since he was young he had worked as a journalist. During the first war in Chechnya (1994-96) she became a widow, her husband being one of the Chechen police officers who faced the Russians. When the Second War began in 1999, he began investigating the killings, torture, kidnappings and other massacres caused by the conflict, for which he sent his daughter away from Chechnya to his grandparents. 2000.etik He did a lot of work for the Memorials, for the massacres to appear through photographs as in writing.

Estemirova received a great echo around the world. He was awarded the Swedish Parliament Prize in 2004 from the European People’s Party in 2005, the prize in honor of Anna Politkovski, recently killed in Moscow in 2007... In particular, Estemirova had worked closely with Politkovskaya and the young lawyer Stanislav Markelov, both of whom were killed in Moscow.

What about Natacha that Milène Sauloy has just presented? The documentary shows how Estemirova first met Kadyrov in 2004. She was accompanied by Anna Politkovskaya to interview Kadyrov in her palace. Apparently, the young Kadyrov, who was not yet president, got angry and started threatening Politkovskaya, forcing Estemirova to get in the middle, out of fear of a blow.

In the winter of 2007, when Valdimir Putin had just appointed Kadyrov as president of Chechnya, they called Estemirova to work at the human rights protection office that the authorities intended to set up in Groznin. Little lasted, in March 2008 Kadyrov screamed at a meeting of the organization’s leaders, reproaching women’s criticism of the authorities in their latest news work, including that Kadyrov forces women to carry a scarf in their heads. The Memorial officials were so frightened that, for a few months, Estemirova was sent out of Chechnya.

The Chechen authorities are fighting the guerrillas without any kind of instruction. Just as activists have multiplied suicide attacks and shooting at civilians, government forces have all the methods to suffocate the Sasitars, be they uniformed by the police, the army or paramilitary groups. Revenge, punishment and retaliation are the bread of every day. They kill the parents of the guerrillas, they ignite the homes of the relatives.

On 7 July, armed men kidnapped Rizvan Albekov and his son Aziz and, a few days later, took them to their hometown, Akhintxu Borzón, where the people of the village met and one of the heads of armies asked the father if he helped the guerrillas. He tilted his head negatively. He pierced his head with a bullet.

The crime of Rizvan Aziz was not to help the guerrillas, who were arrested. 2000.ean Brother Vakhazi, being a pastor, was kidnapped and killed by soldiers on the mountain. Another brother, Ali, also filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Ali died of cancer before winning the lawsuit. The “guilt” of confronting the authorities would be paid by his brother Rizvan with his life. 2009.
Eight days later, Natalia Estemirova was kidnapped and killed.

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