In Romania, |
IV Dogs |
II |
Solidarity can |
III. |
VI Aurore has kisses and hearts! In the struggle, in the force of freedom, your companionship of ünun(rü)ko is not innocent, now we begin to believe in the defeat of two statüs, or we have to go ahead to win. |
Melody: "Our insensitive ancestors."
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Doinua: Mutil koxkor bat.
Urte askoan gurea izan da
abundantzien bailara
zenbat familia joan ote da
orain langabeziara?
Mahaian dago eztabaidagai
zer ginen eta zer gara
alfer alferrik izango dira
hemen ERE eta Hara!
Mentalitate aldaketa bat
ematen ez... [+]
Melody: Millet.
What pedagogical innovation for?
academic result will be measured,
equality will
be valued and the
mito.El low level of the Basque
is higher
than the Spanish...
The geroglyph that
One, big and free of dew,
drinking and clicking are things... [+]