Where is the documentary Pluja Seca?
The offer to work on the idea came from Baleuko's house. I wrote the script and sent it to TV3. Monica Terribas welcomed the project. We completed the work in a year. Similar documents have normally been produced from the point of view of the Basque Country, for our consumption. I wanted to take advantage of the Catalan and Catalan perspective. I have done so with complete freedom. I have received views from them, and that has enriched the work. Catalonia has a connection with the Basque Country, but as if it were a matter of the past. Instead, I want the relationship for the future. The Catalans warmly welcome our desire and our need for peace, but we do not do the same for them.
What reactions have you received about him?
So far, we have had positive views on Pluja seca, we have not read or heard any negative views. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have, but, until now, those who don't want the documentary have chosen to shut up. And that means a lot. This means that some do not want to address the debate behind the documentary, which they prefer to abandon the documentary, relegate it to the marginal sphere, because if they confront the existing debates they may feel uncomfortable. So what we have received has been positive, but realistically, we have not received all the opinions that exist in society. They have also seen politicians and we have received positive opinions, but we have heard nothing from the leaders of pp and PSOE.
But did you stay comfortable?
Yes, I was very comfortable. There were two parts: the content and the form. Iban González has been the technical director, has done a great job, you cannot understand the documentary without his contribution. I have no experience in this area. I liked it, but as I said, it was a surprise, for example, to explain the role of Brian Currin, to say that he has been threatened by the secret services or the environment, or by the participation of Jhonatan Powel, because they are objectively novel elements. The documentary does not offer a fixed thesis, it is not unidirectional, it has many nuances, it is not against anyone and everyone is well explained. I expected a broader response or response.
Brian Currin Nazioarteko Harreman Taldeko kidea elkarrizketatu du Diagonal hamabostekariak. Lokarriren agur ekitaldian izan da Currin eta azaldu du Espainiako Gobernuak presoen gaia ez eztabaidatzeak "bake prozesua luzatzea" dakarrela.
Harremanetarako Nazioarteko Taldea (HNT) urri bukaeran edo azaro hasieran iritsiko da alderdi eta eragile sozialekin hitz egiteko. Hauteskundeen ostean bakerako oztoporik ez egotea nahi dute.
Brian Currin mintzo: “Prozesua bide onean doa. EPPK-k eta iheslariek marko legala onartu dute. Politikoak engaiatu dira, gehienak, ez denak. EAJ eta Urkullu lehendakaria, lehen aldiz. Estatuak ez, orainokoan. NHTko ordezkariak poliziak galdekatuak izan ginen atzo... [+]
Brian Currin abokatu eta Harremanetarako Nazioarteko Taldeko (HNT) kidea elkarrizketatu du Público egunkariak. ETAren barruan gerta litekeen zatiketari dagokionez, argi utzi du berak ez duela halakorik aurreikustera eraman gaitzakeen inolako informaziorik. "Beste... [+]
"Brian Currin abokatu hegoafrikarra da ETA ez desagertzeko interes handiena duena, bere lanagatik kobratzen jarraitu ahal izateko", esan zuen atzo Antonio Basagoiti EAEko PPko buruak, Europa Press agentziari eskainitako elkarrizketan. "Euskal Herrian galdera... [+]
Josu Urrutikoetxea, David Pla eta Iratxe Sorzabal ETAko kideak Ram Manikkalingam eta Jonathan Powellekin harremanetan izan dira Oslon, Norvegiako gobernuaren baimenarekin, Efe agentziak argitaratu duenez. Nazioarteko Egiaztatze Batzordea (NEB) Euskal Herrian ere... [+]
Elkarrizketa eta bizikidetza izeneko nazioarteko mintegia egingo da Donostiako Kursaalen gaur; eta bihar Baionan berriz, Bake Foroa. Paul Rios Lokarriko koordinatzaileak Berriari adierazi dionez, ekitaldiarekin bake prozesuan herritarren parte hartzea eta elkarbizitzari... [+]
Lokarrik, Bake Bideak eta Baionako Unibertsitateak antolatu dute Baionako Bake Foroa. Aieteko bake konferentziako Adierazpena izango dute oinarri eta antolatzaileek adierazi dutenez, euskal gatazkaren konponbidea Ipar Euskal Herrian ere gizarteratzea da helburua. Herritarrek... [+]
Noticias taldeko egunkariek zabaldu dutenez, ETAren su-etenaren Nazioarteko Egiaztatze Batzordea aste honen amaieran Euskal Herrira dator. Alderdi politikoekin bilera erronda egingo dute, PPrekin izan ezik. Basagoitiren alderdiak ez du NEBrekin harreman zuzenik izan eta... [+]
Presoak Euskal Herriko espetxeetara gerturatu behar direla esan du Brian Currin Nazioarteko Harreman Taldeko kideak, Gazta zati bat dokumentalaren estreinaldian. Bestalde, Jorge Fernandez Diaz Barne Ministroak baieztatu du ETAK ez duela armategirik eta, beraz, Currinen... [+]
EAEko PPko presidenteak, Antonio Basagoitik, Brian Currin abokatu hegoafrikarrak gidatzen duen Harremanetarako Nazioarteko Taldeaz adierazpen berriak egin ditu: "Ez du deus esateko eta soilik alde baten alde egin dezake lan".
Harremanetarako Nazioarteko Taldeak (HNT) batzorde bat sortuko du, pasa den urriaren 17an egindako Aieteko Adierazpenean adostutako gomendioen jarraipena egiteko helburuarekin.