Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Cholera repair

Antton Olariaga
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In the midst of the words, in the midst of all restlessness and all madness, they wanted to mislead the truth and lie, the truth. In that unspeakable site, in the midst of all the turmoil and corruption, the truth was seized and the lie was free. Mud was added to the truth and shined before the lie.

Liars laughed relentlessly at their fellow countrymen. Once a week, indomitable beasts of all shapes and colors. Every day, fierce beasts and pierced by heart-beating. In this way, everything that was in the world was encolerized.

In heaven the same thing. And in order for the Earthlings to turn on and rebel against that excess, the vagrant San Antonio ordered that at his heights he had a pernile healed by the cold winds of the north and salted by the saltpetre exploited in the most abundant blue mountains, beautiful in the sand, well hidden and hidden, so that he could start and enjoy with his friends.

To the devil war. In the realm of half-words, indignation has led citizens to fight liars. Faced with all these funnels, the exasperated have gathered in the squares. The campsites have been placed in front of the City Hall, in front of the great theater and under the protection of the church the places destined for the indignados have been enabled.

Meetings have been held. Setting up of committees. Avoid prohibitions. Judge false leaks. Great artimañas, galantas, round, empty… all have been discussed and condemned to fire.

They criticize the people who lie. Naked friends from bad practices. They've buried purses of scams. Professional politicians have been squandered. Delude the Pseudocinists. They have torn up scales of their necks and acolytes of the powerful.
And they've tried to define a new truth. Here and there we have heard phrases that cannot be denied according to reason. Great truths, clear, empty and round, have circulated.

After the dark May, there comes a light drink, and everyone has dreamed of a bountiful bread.

To hypocrisy, to war. In the realm of half-words, some have promised to put an end to unemployment. Freedom of all by others. Let someone work fairly.

Those who are not have been married. Put aside those who existed. Transfigured, red. Dress up, blue. Naked, green. The deaf played, the blind painted. How colorful spring they have organized it!

Some citizens have taken the ballot box to denounce the lie, to bring to light what is due to the truth, to fight for justice, to end unemployment. Neighbours have gone to vote. They've wrapped their dreams in white paper. The safes for the visions have been made of intense orange color. With the greens, imaginary treasures.

The votes have been recorded as follows. The dreams of some are intertwined in the Azaos. They've put large ear bullets on the tables. And the consequences have been claimed. Television said it. Repeat the radio. Show the newspapers in columns… The winners have been thoroughly erased and the losers have been poorly drunk.

Voters look at each other. They meet in the squares. One and the other got angry. Nobody.
One of them took the megaphone and yelled at the clouds of the sky.

“That one of the vagyl… and the pernila?”

“It’s here, hidden in the sideboard, but I’ve been hidden from the key.

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Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.


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