Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Elektronikaren eta gitarren arteko batuketa ilusionagarria

  • SPLIT 77 ::split 77


    iraupena ::48´30´´

    prezioa ::10€

Split 77.
Split 77 diskoaren azala.
Iraganean Euskal Herrian pop-rock ilun eta dantzagarriaren gidariak izan ziren bilbotarrek bost urteko etenaldi luzea egin dute eta musikagintzarako Internet hainbeste erabiltzen ez zen garai haietatik gaur egunera arte hutsune handia utzi dute. Baina, orain bueltan etorri direnean, aurreikuspenak gainditu dituzte. Taldekideek diotenez, partaideak falta arren ez diote inoiz lan egiteari utzi, eta hori oraingo emaitzan antzematen da. Sintetizadoreak eta erritmo elektronikoak presente daude oraingoan ere, eta gitarren eta elektronikaren arteko oreka ederra lortu dute: technoa, esperimentazioa edo ukitu industrialak ere gehituz. Horrez gain, baina, rock gitarreroak, after-punkak, popak eta 90eko hamarkadako noiseak ere bere lekua dauka, nabarmena. Hiriaren soinu banda dotore eta ilun bezain erakargarria.
"Disko hau egiterakoan askatasun izugarria eman digu hainbeste gauza airean egoteak"

Diskoaren diseinua oso minimalista da. Oharkabean itzuli nahi izan duzue?
Beti diseinua desberdin egiten ahalegindu gara, gure nortasunaren atal funtsezkoa delako. Izan ere, aurretik ibili ez ditugun bideetan jardun dugu oraingoan taldearen arlo guztietan. Horregatik egin dugu disko hau, musikarekin hazi eta disfrutatu nahi dugulako.

Ba al da benetan “Euskal Hiri”-rik?
Gure Euskal Hiria Bilbo da, beste guztia entelekiak dira. Musikarekin, ez dago zertan egi bakar bat erabili mundua den moduan erakusteko.

43º14,51N 2º56,39W. Oso argi daukazue zer posizio zehatzetan zaudeten?
Batzuetan bidaia luze eta konplexuenak entsegu lokal batean egiten dira; horiek dira gure lokaleko koordenadak.
Tarte askotan ez da ahotsik ageri. Halakoetan beste instrumentu baten pare jarri nahi duzue, nagusitu gabe, alegia?
Musikan askoz errazagoa da gauzak “jartzea” kentzea baino. Jende askok esaten du gure musikan elementu asko ikusten dituela, baina guk ez dugu uste horrenbesterako denik. Prozesuaren atal batzuetan gauzak “kentzea” da helburua, eta horretarako kantak kanpotik ikusi behar dituzu, zureak ez balira moduan. Eta hala ahotsak beste baliabideek baino garrantzi txikiagoa izan dezake.

Badirudi disko honetan aurrekoetan baino askeago aritu zaretela konposatzerako orduan. Hala da?
Bai. Pentsa ez genekiela bateria jotzaile berria lortuko genuen ala ez. Dena airean zegoen eta horrek askatasun izugarria ematen dizu.

Bizitza “bi koloretan” ikusita, errazagoa edo zailagoa zen?
Kontua ez da errazagoa edo zailagoa zen, baizik eta garai batean dena berria zela; sentsazio hori da hazterakoan galtzen duzun gauzetako bat.

“Etxean ispilurik ez dut”. Sortzerakoan barrura baino ez da begiratu behar?
Berez bigarren pertsonan egina dago letra guztia, sortzerakoan ispilu bera izatea errazagoa da batzuetan.

Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees

The... [+]

Trump offers nuclear easing to Russia and China
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump wants to discuss nuclear weapons with both countries, he told reporters in his office on Thursday.

UPV teacher accused of sexual harassment excluded from schools by the Rectory
The Rectorate Group of the UPV/EHU has communicated the measure through a note to the media: "The university confirms that the teacher who has been charged is already out of class and will not go to college until the case is resolved."

AAV in the Southern Basque Country: An investment of 15 billion euros to reach Irun at high speed?
A demonstration against the high-speed train will take place in Pamplona this Saturday, called by the platform AHT Pause, at 12:00 hours from the Provincial Council. The construction of the railway line between Castejón and Pamplona continues and the Spanish Ministry of... [+]

Emeadedei + Mahl Kobat
They're talking about us

WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.


On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]

2025-02-14 | ARGIA
Coach sentenced for kissing a minor baseball player
The younger girl reported in 2023 that the coach had kissed her three times without her consent. The Provincial Court of Navarre has confirmed the sentence imposed by the Pamplona court. The coach may not have direct contact with minors in any profession or activity for two and... [+]

2025-02-14 |
Carnival 2025 basic calendar
The “cascarotas” and “mascaradas” have been in operation since January, the ones from Malerre have come in succession and little by little the carnival parties have been celebrated here and there. This year, however, the main dates are very late; on Candelaria Day the... [+]

2025-02-14 | Euskal Irratiak
David Gramond
“Gizartea beldurrarazteko baliatu zuten tortura, militantziari uko egiteko”

Otsailaren 13a Torturaren Kontrako eguna izanki, Euskal Herriko Torturaren Sareak gutun publiko bat igorri du. Poliziek torturatu euskal jendeen lekukotasunak bildu, eta aitortza egiteko xedea du sare berri horrek Euskal Herri osoan. Torturatuak izan diren 5.000 pertsonei... [+]

2025-02-14 | Sustatu
Translator research: how does advanced machine translation affect Basque?
The Cluster of Socioluinguistics, with the collaboration of several institutions and in the work elaborated by Asier Ambeka, Eduardo Apodaka and Asier Basurto, has published the results of the project called Itzulerem. They have studied the influence of neural translators... [+]

2025-02-14 | Gedar
In Munich, a union demonstration is captured and at least 21 people are injured by a man
Using a vehicle, Ver.diren takes the protesters who were at a protest in front of them. A few days ago, a white supremacist murdered 11 people in Sweden.

A man arrested by the Civil Guard in Amurrio for laughing on social media at the expense of two dead agents
"Dead police, the best fertilizer for the garden," the detainee wrote on social media, and his profile has more than four million followers, the Civil Guard said.

Lava de Pamplona, a short farewell to return with renewed strength in September
This Saturday the Hostal Laba will close in the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona and, curiously, the closing will be celebrated with a party of the whole day, since the farewell is not definitive: Lava will join the adjacent Windsor Bar, the works are about to begin, and will... [+]

The Health System eliminates a nursing position in the Valley of Roncal
Amparo Viñuales, mayor of Roncal, has denounced that since the clinics of Roncal, Burgi, Garde and Bidankoz will have to reduce attention, it will have an impact on prevention.

Eguneraketa berriak daude