Complex explanations are often given to explain the difference between democracy and dictatorship. Political philosophy will tell you about Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke and others; experts in law will tell you about the huge and boring structure of the rule of law. But after the events of the last few weeks, the fundamental difference between democracy and dictatorship seems to me to be humor. In the dictatorship all things are serious and noisy, while in democracy we live in such a continuous parade of Iji and Aja, laughter and laughter. How else can we understand what has been said in connection with the Reunion affair and the assassination of bin Laden? José Luis mentioned that he has often been about to give himself the doll of the innocents, and I think I will also take the scissors of paper as soon as the ttakuna is finished.
Without a doubt, we would have a peak of the grotesque genre’s work containing all the misconceptions that have been said about the Creations and Reunions. But of all of them, one makes me the most gracious. It is known that the length of the Basque denominations is one of its highlights. Belaustegigoitia, Agirregomezkorta and so on. This tendency towards long names has, therefore, been passed on to armed organizations, breaking all the marks: Ethnic nationalist nationalists are listed in the list of citizens who are eligible for democracy. That is, colloquially known in bacchanals such as tertulias with the abbreviations “ETA-Union” or “always”.
But, as mentioned above, many of the statements about bin Laden have also been at the level of this hope. You may have noticed how we were told that Osama lived in a “luxury fortin” in northern Pakistan. And then they offered us a description of the fortress: the walls were three meters thick and five meters high, with stung wires, two security doors, no windows to the outside, no phone and no Internet. One of the two, either I'm a pijo like any San Sebastian officer, or I don't understand luxury at all. Because it looked more like the old Osama's garden. I heard from some journalist that, in order to reinforce the theory of luxury, there was also a cinema just a few meters from the house. I couldn't bribe myself. In the absence of Megaupload and Megavideo, would bin Laden go to the movies? Would you have seen the Avatar with 3D glasses? Did he eat palomites? Would it have been one of those annoying old men who make constant screams of strawberries? Or one of those frustrators who tell the neighbor what's going to happen in the movie? Or one of those who say “the book is better”? How many rows would he have liked? Would you have removed the turban so you wouldn't bother the back? What was his face when he saw the trailer for The Hurt Locker?
In fact, they have painted the Abbottabad so well that I wonder if they release films with subtitles, and once they start asking for them, they also do morning performances. They also have the day of the spectator in neglect. Since Marina D’Or sank I haven’t known where to go on vacation and I’m starting to think that luxury can be a good alternative to luxury, maybe Geronimo’s Resort. The song resonates in my head again and again: “Don’t you feel like going to Pakistan for a coffee?” I’ll put the paper scissors aside for the moment. I looked at the suitcase with wheels. Will it be from Abbottabad's Lonely Plan?
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