Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


Nahiagoko nuke hainbeste bidaiatzea eskatzen ez duen belaunaldiren bat, baina eskerrik asko Beñat, onartzen dut zure Seneca, “Ze-neke!”n izen emateko gonbidapena (Volgako batelariek zerbait ezin badugu, belaunaldi bat osatzea da), gutxienez Erasmusarekin baino gutxiago mugitu behar dut, Madrilen bizi naizenez batere ez. Niri, eta Orgasmus liburua irakurri gabe, bigarren partea gustatzen zait, adjektibo luzeak jartzearena; Koldo Izagirrek lideratzen duen –ez aginte zuzenez, sinbolikoki baizik– belaunaldi maskulino “biktimista-folklorista-enpresarial” monakala, adibidez; a ez, feminismo zen (feminitate guztiak dira feministak?), eta Irati Jimenez, nahastu egiten zaizkit niri jartzen ez dizkidaten etiketak, ni gainera ez dakit Orgasmusetik kanpo gera naitekeen ere (Erasmusetik bezala), galdetu izan didaten eran, orain bat-batean, uholdeka, agertzen ari garen emakume mordoaren parte garen guztiok (etorkinen kopuruarekin ere izaten dira halako portzentaje-irudipenak), berdin eta gai berdinei buruz idazten dugunez. Nik egia esan, eta aukera eman didazunez, gustura larrutuko nuke Uxue Alberdi mozorro teoriko batekin, izan ere, duela gutxi izan nuen bazkari batean lagun batek seinalatu zidan eran, inbidia diot nire izen berarekin arrakasta handiagoa lortu duelako (eta guapagoa delako, eta nobio guapoagoa duelako eta Google-en desagerrarazten nauelako…), gorrotoa diot irratiko nire kolaborazio batean bere izenez aurkeztu nindutenetik; baina ondo pentsatu eta ohartu naiz ez dagoela Orgasmus koadrilan. Denok berdin idazten dugunez, nahastu egiten naiz ni ere; agian horregatik zuk ezin duzu egon Beñat, gizon bakoitza bat eta bakarra zaretenez oraindik.

Belaunaldi izenetara itzuliz gaztetasunarekin oso loturik dauden izenak dira denak hala ere, oso ikusia; ni zahartzaroaren zain nengoen berez ezer aldarrikatzen hasteko, Estrellita Castroz mozorrotu eta medioak konkistatu, emakume zahar, makillatu eta mozkortzat agertu, “Benidorm” belaunaldia, osasun sexuala pitorik inporta ez zaion bat. Baina ez, zahartzaroa aldarrikatzearena, emakume gaztearena bezala, Arantxa Urretabizkaiak kendu digu; belaunaldi batzuek aldarrikapen asko berenganatu dute.

Nik zerbait arinagoaz aritu nahi nuen berez, hauteskunde kanpainaz adibidez, gure gurasoen belaunaldia, edo haien bidean, politikariak paternalki guretzat antzezten, dena hain historiko, simulazio, ideia baino etiketa gehiago, irudien atzetik, koadrila bila bezala, eta ETA, denen kanpaina, gure “kezka” ulertuz, ezer aukeratzen ez dutenen festan, dagoeneko liturgia baino ez den sigla bat kanpainen zutabe, aukeratuko bagenu bezala egiten dute guretzat, klasean inperio garaietako senatuez esaten ziguten eran, nork agintzen duen jakinik ere, eta bozkatzen ditugunak gestore esanekoagoak edo kexatiagoak izango direla, zentratzen gara denok antzerki gero eta sinesgaitzagoan, non gaur egungo krisian eztabaidagai eta kontraesan handiena ETA den, eta Troitiño kokatzea (gure belaunaldi fundatu berriaren izena alferrik erabili dut ia, gero eta gehiago gustatzen zait “Ze-neke!”rena).

Errealitatea kontatu behar duenak gezurra bizi badu, fikziogile zenbaitek ezin dugun zerbait, eta belaunaldietara itzuliz, Arantxa Urretabizkaiari aurrea hartzeko beste modu bat erabil dezakegu (uste dut lehen aipatu dudan Angel Errorekin elkarrizketaren batean sortu zela ideia); idazteari utzi behar genioke, eta Guggenheimeko instalazio batean jarri idazten ari garela performatuz, idazten ez duen idazle belaunaldia behar genuke, edo gure holograma bat jar daiteke besterik gabe, etiketaz: “Idazle esperientzia”. 

UPV teacher accused of sexual harassment excluded from schools by the Rectory
The Rectorate Group of the UPV/EHU has communicated the measure through a note to the media: "The university confirms that the teacher who has been charged is already out of class and will not go to college until the case is resolved."

AAV in the Southern Basque Country: Investment of 15 billion euros to reach Irun at high speed
A demonstration against the high-speed train will take place in Pamplona this Saturday, called by the platform AHT Pause, at 12:00 hours from the Provincial Council. The construction of the railway line between Castejón and Pamplona continues and the Spanish Ministry of... [+]

Emeadedei + Mahl Kobat
They're talking about us

WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.


On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]

2025-02-14 | ARGIA
Coach sentenced for kissing a minor baseball player
The younger girl reported in 2023 that the coach had kissed her three times without her consent. The Provincial Court of Navarre has confirmed the sentence imposed by the Pamplona court. The coach may not have direct contact with minors in any profession or activity for two and... [+]

2025-02-14 |
Carnival 2025 basic calendar
The “cascarotas” and “mascaradas” have been in operation since January, the ones from Malerre have come in succession and little by little the carnival parties have been celebrated here and there. This year, however, the main dates are very late; on Candelaria Day the... [+]

The Health System eliminates a nursing position in the Valley of Roncal
Amparo Viñuales, mayor of Roncal, has denounced that since the clinics of Roncal, Burgi, Garde and Bidankoz will have to reduce attention, it will have an impact on prevention.

Lava de Pamplona, a short farewell to return with renewed strength in September
This Saturday the Hostal Laba will close in the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona and, curiously, the closing will be celebrated with a party of the whole day, since the farewell is not definitive: Lava will join the adjacent Windsor Bar, the works are about to begin, and will... [+]

A man arrested by the Civil Guard in Amurrio for laughing on social media at the expense of two dead agents
"Dead police, the best fertilizer for the garden," the detainee wrote on social media, and his profile has more than four million followers, the Civil Guard said.

2025-02-14 | Gedar
In Munich, a union demonstration is captured and at least 21 people are injured by a man
Using a vehicle, Ver.diren takes the protesters who were at a protest in front of them. A few days ago, a white supremacist murdered 11 people in Sweden.

2025-02-14 | Euskal Irratiak
David Gramond
“Gizartea beldurrarazteko baliatu zuten tortura, militantziari uko egiteko”

Otsailaren 13a Torturaren Kontrako eguna izanki, Euskal Herriko Torturaren Sareak gutun publiko bat igorri du. Poliziek torturatu euskal jendeen lekukotasunak bildu, eta aitortza egiteko xedea du sare berri horrek Euskal Herri osoan. Torturatuak izan diren 5.000 pertsonei... [+]

2025-02-14 | Sustatu
Translator research: how does advanced machine translation affect Basque?
The Cluster of Socioluinguistics, with the collaboration of several institutions and in the work elaborated by Asier Ambeka, Eduardo Apodaka and Asier Basurto, has published the results of the project called Itzulerem. They have studied the influence of neural translators... [+]

Ernai will hold the Youth Meeting in Berriozar from 17 to 20 April
It will be held in Berriozar (Navarre) under the motto Jóvenes, because the organization believes that more and more young people are joining the fight for independence. It has been proclaimed that the meeting point is more than a "simple initiative": “It’s a way for young... [+]

Hamas has finally confirmed that it will release three hostages on Saturday
While the risk of a ceasefire break has been real throughout the week, both sides are on track to reach a consensus that more hostages would be released by Hamas because of Israel’s “promise” not to obstruct the path of aid into Gaza. The peoples of the Arab League will... [+]

Reflecting on the present of yesterday’s philosophers

Epistemology, or theory of knowledge, is one of the main areas of philosophy, and throughout history there have been important debates about the limits and bases of our knowledge. Within this we find two powerful corridors that propose different ways of accessing knowledge: The... [+]

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