Where to approach a subject with so many ramifications? The anesthesiologist Argitxu Noblia (Anglet, 1942) has put us on the trail: “You have to collect and compare data first.” In 1976 he presented his memoir 20 ans de suicides au Pays Basque (1955-1975) at the Institute National de Medicine Agricole in the city of Tours (France) to obtain his medical diploma. “I chose the topic of suicide on the proposal of my godfather,” he explains. “He was a doctor at the hospital in Bayonne and he said there were suicides in the Basque Country. I didn't understand why so many people make this decision. He also said that most of them were Basques, not Bayonne bourgeois. I didn’t believe what my godfather said, that there were more suicides in the Basque Country and I wanted to verify it.”
For this, Noblia went to the hospital, “but nothing can be done there,” she says: “They have no data of the dead (profession...) or of their relatives. Who has this information? By the cops. The data collected is forwarded to the courts. I went to the courthouse in Bayonne and started looking at the files of the dead without knowing for sure what I wanted to find. I've completed a database of about 450 people suspected of suicide. I compared my data to those of some well-known doctors and found that the number was almost the same, but they weren’t the same people. On death certificates it says ‘stop the heart’. The heart always stops, but how? If it happened with guns, it was considered an accident... People, for various reasons, did not recognize suicides: the church, insurance companies, life policies... The truth is that I did not find an extraordinarily high number of suicides, at least not higher than in other places.”
In 2008, 223 people committed suicide in the Southern Basque Country, according to official data: 28 in Álava, 88 in Bizkaia, 55 in Gipuzkoa and 52 in Navarre. In the French State, in the department of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, of which Lapurdi, Lower Navarre and Zubero are part, 97 people committed suicide each year between 2001 and 2003. In all cases, the number of men is significantly higher: 162 men and 61 women committed suicide in the South Basque Country and 71 men and 26 women in the Atlantic Pyrenees (see Table 1). According to data released by the French epidemiology centre CépiDC, 69 men and 17 women committed suicide in the Northern Basque Country in 2007, but the data are not very accurate (1). (You have the notes at the end of the report.)
Even in the thesis 20 ans de suicides au Pays Basque, presented by Argitxu Noblia in 1976, the data reveal the same. A total of 448 people committed suicide between 1955-1975 in Lapazú and Lower Navarre (2), 324 men and 124 women. When asked what the reason might be, Noblia tells us that, in general, during life a man always goes “one step further” and takes “more risks” (in the car, in the mountain...). It's more impulsive. “The woman, on the other hand, at least at that time, did not go out of the house so much, she took care of the children... The man felt less bound and not even now.”
The Spanish psychiatrist Carmen Tejedor has a similar vision: “The key to the difference between men and women in suicides lies in the genetic and biological agents. Testosterone has historically made men hunters, they’re more aggressive and they make decisions in a whirl or whip.” To this must be added the sociocultural and moral agents: “Men’s suicide is considered a matter of honor; the same is not true for women. Her death is not accepted and it is thought that the one who chooses suicide is the bad mother.” The number of men who commit suicide is three times that of women, but try, three times more women try to commit suicide because, in Tejedor’s opinion, “the pressure they are under is three times greater.” (3)
Gender is one of the variables highlighted by the statistical institutes in the tables and graphs of suicide rates. The other is the age group. Looking at the data of Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarre (Table 2.1), we can see that, with the exact quantities in hand, the differences are not very large (4). The same is true in the Atlantic Pyrenees (Table 2.2). However, nearly one third of all suicides among men (22 out of 71) are among those over 65 years of age.
In March, the Basque Institute of Legal Medicine presented its suicide data for 2010. The media highlighted the decline: “Suicides in the Basque Country have decreased by 20% compared to 2009. 125 people committed suicide last year and 158 two years ago” (5). In 2008, 171 people committed suicide in Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. Even in most European countries, such as France and Spain (Figure 3), the suicide rate shows a downward – or sustained – trend in recent years (according to data from 2005 to 2006), but there has been a reverse trend among young people aged 15 to 25. Some reports have also included cases under 15 years of age (6).
Experts agree that suicide cases among young people have increased. In determining the amount of the increase, however, the percentage sauce must be used with caution. In March of this year, for example, during a conference in Seville, Spain, the president of the Foundation for Biological Psychiatry and Mental Health, José Giner, pointed out that in 2010 suicide was the cause of more deaths among young people than traffic accidents. Five or six months ago, however, in other conferences held in Barcelona (Catalan Countries), he explained that suicides have always occurred among young people, but that little has been said about these cases because the data has been kept secret. The European Commission has also highlighted the increase in suicides among adolescents in its reports, but without providing precise figures.
The factors involved
What makes a 15-25 year old decide to commit suicide? The answer is not tender, because there are many factors that are related to each other, as is the case in the other age groups. Frustration caused by a bankruptcy event, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia... According to the World Health Organization (WHO), behind most suicide cases is a mental pathology, a mental health problem. The fractures of the couple, the situation at home, the school, a violent experience suffered in childhood or youth and, later in age, working conditions, poverty, legal problems... there are many factors that can feed these pathologies.
It must also be taken into account that the consumption of drugs and alcohol has a great influence on suicidal behaviors. Iñaki González, who works in emergency services – that’s not his real name – tells us that this has a scientific explanation: “Drugs weaken the neurotransmitters of pleasure; some people may not feel pleasure.” Based on the experience of his years of work, he tells us that suicides among young people have not increased, at least he has not had to attend to more cases than in previous years. When talking about factors, González mentions sub-worlds, such as drugs, or prostitution. And somehow related to this issue, immigration. It’s not just about young people: “Some suffer from the problem of relocation, they have no friends, they have fallen into the clutches of the mafias... We also see this reality in the Basque Country.”
Argitxu Noblia gives us a different explanation by asking about the difference in the number of suicides between young people of yesteryear and those of today: “Young people from the Northern Basque Country used to travel to the Americas hoping for a more prosperous life. They moved because they had reasons for it. Now they stay at home. They turn on the TV and see that the situation is similar in other places. They have no reason to leave. “Where should I go?” they ask. This question reveals the feeling of blockage or drift that is frequently mentioned by experts. “Teenagers are blinded by their fears,” says Blas Erkizia, a Beasain psychiatrist. “Young people are lost,” says Enrique Rojas, author of Studies on Suicide (7): “They are constantly bombarded with news, demands... and with fewer and fewer criteria. There is a lot of information, but little training. There is a lack of clear ideas and concepts that can help us understand what is happening around us.”
The need to influence prevention
The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided several tips to prevent suicide among young people: access to life skills training, promoting parental involvement in their lives, reducing alcohol consumption in young age and reducing access to lethal resources such as firearms, pesticides and sedatives (8). The experts say that it is important to identify the risks, whether in school, in the family or in the gang, because it would allow doctors and psychiatrists, on the one hand, and the agents that surround these young people, on the other hand: teachers, social agents, authorities...
Noblia believes, however, that it is difficult to be properly prepared. “Nothing is done about prevention. Teachers are not prepared.” Not just them. “I’m a doctor and I’m still not prepared.” Iñaki González says that although there are many things that can be improved, there are more and more resources. The complex situation is ei: “It’s hard to go to health services to report that a friend or family member is wrong. There's another thing. You can go to the judge and ask for an involuntary transfer for your partner, child, or whatever on the grounds of personality disorder because that person is dangerous to others as well as to themselves. He is taken to the hospital where he undergoes a psychiatric examination. It is very hard for a person to see how their husband or children are taken to a health center in a psychiatric ambulance, followed by the Border Guards. It’s really unpleasant.”
We asked Gonzalez if they cooperate with the border guards and other agents. “Everyone knows what to do,” he said. “We’re all on the same dance floor, but in bulk. Police officers and police officers see as many things as we do, their work carries a lot of emotional burden. Sometimes you need the support of others, there are no superheroes here. Taking care of the caregivers is very important because we have to deal with hard things.” Noblia says that prevention is something that belongs to all of us, because “there can be so many reasons to lead a person to make that decision...”
According to the WHO, “not all suicides can be prevented, but most of them do.” Some of the measures that may reduce the risks include: reducing access to means of suicide; caring for people with mental disorders, especially those suffering from depression, alcoholism or schizophrenia; following up on patients who have attempted to do so; training primary health care professionals (home doctors); and promoting responsible media treatment (see the Recommendations for Journalists box).
Gonzalez says that suicide is out of the logic of what is natural and that’s why it’s so hard for us to understand: “It’s not natural for a child to die before his father, and if he has committed suicide... ‘It’s my fault,’ that father will think. Because we harm ourselves, making ourselves responsible for the pain of others. “What have I done wrong?” Parents don’t ask themselves, ‘Did we do something wrong?’ No, they're sure they've done something wrong, and they want to know what that is, even though what happened may have nothing to do with them. This burden must be removed from their shoulders; it is their own responsibility.” It is common for people close to the person who has committed suicide to feel guilty. “‘Hey, the decision was yours,’ we tell them,” Blas Erkizia explains.
Among the factors that may elucidate suicidal behavior, experts also mention the family history. Argitxu Noblia points out that one of the conclusions of the study published in 1976 was that suicide is not related to family brands or genes, nor to the “Basque race”. What we live around us may affect us in the future, but it is false that the tendency to suicide is inherited. Another thing is that about 30-40% of suicides can be clarified by genetics, especially the neurotransmitter called serotonin. Serotonin has a strong effect on the nervous system, conditioning human moods. It is sedative and antidepressant. A low level of serotonin is associated with a number of pathologies: depression, anxiety, insomnia, schizophrenia, aggressive behavior... Many antidepressants help to increase the amount of serotonin and, indirectly, at least in some cases, to combat suicidal ideas.
“Suicide is a decision that is respectable,” says Blas Erkizia. “It’s a way to escape,” González believes, “cowardly or not, these are value judgments.” He also considers it a “completely respectable decision”, “as long as the person who committed suicide has a good degree of consciousness, because it has been an act caused by mental disorders...”. He says that some people can commit suicide “during a period of madness,” “but others are very conscious, they know what they are doing.” Erkizia gives us the case of the Catalan politician, writer, thinker and religious Lluís María Xirinacs. Senator during the transition period, Xirinacs worked for the independence of Catalonia (Barcelona, 1932 - Ripollés, 2007). In September 2002 he gave a controversial speech in Barcelona: “I’m going to say it out loud so the police and the judges can hear it. I consider myself an enemy of the Spanish state and a friend of ETA and the Union.” On August 11, 2007, his body was found in a forest and five days earlier he had written two letters in his office in Barcelona. In one of them he said that he made the decision to go to the forest with absolute power, because he wanted to spend the last days in solitude and silence. “If you want to make me happy, don’t come looking for me, please,” he wrote. In the second letter he referred to the “Catalan Countries occupied by Spain”. Shortly after the news of his death, the newspaper Avui published the article Cultura de mort, written by Xirinacs. The former senator defended the right to die freely in his letter (9).
In the words of both Noblia and González, the idea of suicide is gradually embodied within oneself. “In some cases it’s more spontaneous,” says González, “but many others make the decision after tying everyone to tying; suicide is not just an action driven by madness.” On the other hand, the World Health Organization warns that in most cases of suicide there has been some prior warning: “Many people give clear warnings about their intentions. Therefore, all threats of self-harm must be considered. In addition, most people who try to commit suicide are ambivalent and do not seek only death.” I mean, they experience conflicting emotions or feelings at the same time.
Attempts at suicide
Experts say that suicide attempts should be given attention, because 10% of them will commit suicide. In France, health services assisted 195,000 suicide attempts in 2002. With the addition of those that went unnoticed, the number increases. Of these, 64,000 were hospitalized in psychiatry. According to a survey conducted by CCOMS and DREES between 1999 and 2003, 8 per cent of the population attempted suicide at one time or another. The results showed that 2% had a high risk of suicide. This group includes those who have carried out their suicide attempt in the previous month, or those who have tried to commit suicide in their lifetime and have had this idea in mind in the last month.
WHO warns that many suicides occur when a person has enough energy and will to turn desperate thoughts into destructive actions. However, never attempting suicide does not mean that this person will always be in danger. Suicidal thoughts may emerge again and again, but they are not persistent and often do not reappear.
“Yes, suicide is a free choice, but that freedom is conditioned,” says Erkizia: “We live at all times in conditional freedom, we have not freely chosen the circumstances, there is no absolute freedom.” He says that “our limits are our body – space – and time – born, live, die. Neither body nor time –birth– are chosen at the beginning. However, one becomes the master of one’s time and body. We are free to decide what to do with the body and time while dying.”
“No, I don’t think it’s a free decision,” Noblia tells us: “Whoever puts the rope around his neck has not been forced directly by anyone, nor raped by anyone, because otherwise it would be murder, but still... there may be many factors behind that person’s suffering.” Iñaki González answers the question with a metaphor: “There are ways to encourage you to commit suicide indirectly: I can close nine doors for you and leave only one – that of suicide – open. I didn't open it for you, but I closed the others. If someone who may have a propensity to commit suicide has someone harmful on his side, he can make him take the final step.”
Erkizia gives us another example that can be given for a long discussion, based on the deaths of the Italian philosophers Giordano Bruno and Galileo Galilei. What is suicide, what murder? Both of them had the opportunity to choose their own destiny, which is why Erkizia talks about conditional freedom.
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) believes that if the Earth was recognized as a rotational movement, other presumed movements should be rejected, and there was no reason to believe that the stars were at the same distance or that the contours of the stars were limited. In 1591 he was arrested by the Inquisition and asked by Cardinal Bellarmine to renounce these ideas, otherwise he would be accused of heresy and killed. Bruno did not fulfill his promise and was burned alive in 1600. According to the philosopher and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), following the theory of Copernicus, the Earth was not at the center of the universe. In 1633 he was arrested by the Inquisition and asked to give up his ideas that he would be tortured and killed otherwise. He knew what had happened to Bruno and chose a different path: to give up all his work. Galilei was not assassinated by the Inquisition, but was imprisoned in his home until 1642.
The happiness of it. The loneliness
“The person who is able to be happy will not commit suicide,” González tells us. “The problem is they haven’t taught us how to be happy. ‘What do you want to be when you grow up? Butcher, carpenter...’ No, I want to be happy. “You have to be productive, competitive,” they just tell us. This society is sick, unnatural and therefore it is normal to adopt unnatural behaviors. Unnatural society has unnatural consequences.”
Gonzalez says that “denying love and happiness” is another factor: “The couple dies and I deny myself to be happy. From this denial, I will feel that I am out of place. I just suffer.” In the words of Blas Erkizia, “those who know how to be alone, who love themselves, are less at risk of suicide.” The Spanish poet Antonio Machado recalls what he said: “Love your neighbor, but do not forget that he is another person” (10).
Knowing how to be alone is one thing, feeling isolated is another. In this sense, we asked Noblia how she understands loneliness, referring to the rural world between 1955-1975. “You can’t compare past and present loneliness,” he tells us, “before there was no radio, television, telephone, car... Not to mention the Internet.” According to a 2009 study by the French Institute of Public Health, the risk of suicide among farmers is three times higher than that of executives. The main factors are working conditions, easy access to means of suicide and social isolation caused by a lack of pay (11).
In 2006, there were 145 doctors in the Northern Basque Country for 100,000 inhabitants, out of a total of 391 (in addition to 403 other specialised or specialist doctors). There are, however, major inequalities between inland and coastal areas, with 163 doctors on the coast for 100,000 inhabitants and only 93 on the inland side (12). Also, when they have to go to the hospital, the interiors must be directed to Bayonne. The bridge is also administratively linked to Pau. All these factors make it more difficult to carry out preventive tasks – among others, suicide.
In 2008, 3,457 people committed suicide in Spain, according to data provided by the INE statistics institute. Without going into detail, we will mention that 1,723 of them were killed by hanging, 706 by jumping from a high place, 354 by taking “poison” (analgesics, narcotics, drugs and biological substances...), 194 by shooting with firearms and 141 by drowning. These are the most recurrent forms of suicide today, and we can see that these data are consistent with the results of the study carried out by Argitxu Noblia in 1976, with the exception of the fact that there is a difference that deserves to be highlighted. Between 1955 and 1975, of the 450 people who committed suicide in Lapazú and Lower Navarre, 160 died by hanging, 27 by jumping from a high place, 97 by firearms and 102 by drowning. Looking at the data in the cold, we will realize that those who jumped are much less. Iñaki González has given us an explanation that can help us understand the difference, based on his experience: “People die differently on the farm. They have ropes and a shotgun at their disposal, but there is not enough height to jump.”
In terms of gender inequalities, both according to the INE and according to Noblia, the differences are small between the number of men and women who died from poisoning, jumping or drowning. On the contrary, many more men committed suicide by hanging and especially by shooting with firearms. According to data published by the CépiDC Centre in France in 2004, 50 per cent of men who committed suicide died by hanging, and 19 per cent by firearms. In the case of women, 60% died by hanging and taking medication in a very similar amount.
The hidden suicides
In addition to the obvious suicides, there are also those that remain hidden, which have been defined by several experts as suicides disguised. These include, for example, self-censorship or the path chosen by motorists in order to make what happened more confusing, or suicidal drug addiction in cases of people who consume substances chronically. Iñaki González explains that if you go to the place where an accident has occurred and you notice that something strange has happened, you call directly to the border guards so that they can decide how the death occurred. He says that traffic accidents are a special case: “Let’s say you’ve received some very bad news. You've taken the car, but you're crying, you don't see well, your consciousness is lower, and you've decided to drive faster, get out of the way... you don't want to die, but you don't do anything to prevent death. Part of our job is to help the person who has lost consciousness to reverse the situation, through drugs, for example.”
Luz Noblia presented her suicide study 35 years ago. He tells us that no one has followed his work since then: “It is difficult. The dead are dead, that's over. The issue is not politically correct. Once a year, on the International Day for the Prevention of Suicide (September 10), the media releases reports and data, but the rest...” Even on the street, he says there is a certain fear or reluctance to deal with the issue: “People talk more than before, but they don’t like it. Everyone takes it for themselves. If it happened to him, why not to me? It is complex.”
Iñaki González believes that we are not prepared to face suicide and death in general: “Just as we don’t know what money is because it doesn’t interest us to know what it is, neither does it interest us to know how death works. For centuries, control over death has been guaranteed by terror. We're afraid to talk about it, too. It's embarrassing, it's almost worse than sex. If you talk about death, they'll think you're weird, people think you're sick. Our religion says we get rid of him after he dies. How can we not accept death when our culture says it’s the right time for the best?”
Gonzalez has nailed a passage from a story he read as a child: “Members of a culture that I don’t remember were throwing a memorial party when someone in the community died. Death was compared to reaching the end of a book. When you’re reading the novel you enjoy it; and when you get to the end you don’t cry, you keep it on the shelf – in the corner of your memories – even though you know you’ll probably never read it again. The same thing happens with the deceased, you keep it in the corner of your memories and remember that you have been happy by his side. But here we have mourning, etc. We have learned that religion controls us with life and death; we fear death.” Even in Nobel’s words, “Catholicism has not helped to accept suicide; that it is sin, guilt...”. For González, “religion continues to weigh on everyone.” We've demystified everything except suicide.
Suizidioaren gaiari heltzen dioten kazetariek, arazoaren konplexutasuna dela-eta, hainbat zalantzari egin behar izaten diote aurre. Laguntza gisa, erakunde batzuek gomendio-zerrendak plazaratzen dituzte. Osasunerako Mundu Erakundearen (OME) arabera, hedabideek tentuz jokatu behar dute, suizidio kasuak txarto tratatzeak –“publizitatea egiteak”– suizidio gehiago eragin ditzakeelako. Besteren artean, datu esanguratsuak barneko orrialdeetan soilik aurkezteko gomendatzen du, laguntza-erakundeei buruzko datuak emateko, argazkiak eta suizidio oharrak ez argitaratzeko, arrazoi sinplistarik ez emateko, errudunik ez izendatzeko, suizidatzeko moduen inguruko xehetasunik ez emateko eta, oro har, sentsazionalismoa alboratzeko.
Aholku horiekin bat egiten du Britainia Handiko Media Ethics Charity PressWise-k, hedabideen jarduna kontrolatzen duen erakunde independenteak. Keith Hawton eta Kathryn Williams Oxfordeko Unibertsitateko Psikiatria Saileko kideek egindako ikerketa du abiapuntu PressWisek: “Bi irakasleek uko egiten diote suizidioari buruzko aipamen oro debekatzeari, batzuek proposatu duten moduan, eta ideia bat nabarmendu dute: suizidioari buruzko ikuspegi arduratsuak bizitzak salba ditzake”. Zentsura eta desinformazioa alferrikakoak direla uste du erakunde britainiarrak. OMEk bezala, hizkuntza, irudi eta titulu sentsazionalistarik ez erabiltzeko gomendatzen du, senideen mina errespetatzea funtsezkoa delako. Suizidatzeko moduei buruzko xehetasun gehiegi ez emateko ere azpimarratzen du, imitazioa bultza dezakeelako. Eta espekulazioa ekiditeko dio, bereziki pertsona ezagunen kasuetan.
Erakunde horren arabera, “sarri buru-nahasmendu batekin loturik dagoen arazo konplexua” da suizidioa: “Ez da faktore bakarraren ondorioa, ez da arazo zehatz bati ematen zaion konponbide erraza”. Mitoak gezurtatu egin behar direla gomendatzen du, hala nola, suizidatzeko asmoa agertzen duten pertsonek ez dutela sekula euren buruaz beste egiten, edo suizidek hiltzeko erabaki irmoa dutela. Gai zabalago bati ere heltzen dio: “Testuingurua aintzat hartu behar da. Jendea instituzioen zaintzapean dagoela suizidatzen denean –ospitalean, atxilotze prebentiboan, espetxean…– haien heriotzak kontrol eta zainketa mailari buruzko galdera garrantzitsuak plantea ditzake. Susmoak ikertzeak interes publikoari erantzuten dio”.
Informazio gehiago: www.presswise.org.uk
Legedi batzuek suizidioa delitutzat jotzen dute, baina ez du zigorrik jasotzen, inor zigortu nahi izanez gero, hildakoa bera zigortu beharko litzatekeelako. Eta hori, gaur gaurkoz, inork egitekotan, Jainkoak besterik ezin du egin.
José Luis Orella unibertsitateko katedradunaren iritziz, suizidioa baloratzean kontuan izan beharra dago “legeak ez duela debekatzen” (13). Bestalde, Espainiako Auzitegi Konstituzionalak dio bertako antolamendu juridikoan ez dela “suizidatzeko eskubidea” existitzen. Orellaren hitzetan, “suizidioa norberaren bizitza eta heriotzaren gaineko askapen ekintza da. Eta ekintza hori gauzatzea agere licerearen manifestazioa da, norberaren bizitzaren pribazioa edo heriotzaren onarpena legeak debekatzen ez duen ekintza den heinean. Hala ere, suizidioaren hautua buru-gaitasun osoz hartzen den kasuetan, inor ekintza hori eragozten saiatuko balitz, legeak koakzio-delitu gisa har dezake”. Suizidioa eragotzi duen pertsonak zigorra jasoko luke, “legez horretarako eskumenik izan gabe, beste pertsona bati bortxaz eragotziko balio legez debekatu gabe dagoen zerbait egiten” (Kode Penala, 172. artikulua). Edozein kasutan, beste pertsona bat suizidatzera bultzatzea, edo suizidioa (zein eutanasia) prestatzen laguntzea delituak dira, zigor desberdina jasotzen duten arren. (Kode Penala, 143. artikulua)
Suizidioarekiko hirugarren pertsonen erlazioa nahasi eta eztabaidagarria da. Izan ere, suizidio saiakera eroaldi baten, egoera depresibo oso larri baten edo antzeko egoera batzuen ondorio denean, ekintza hori ez eragozteak, horretarako aukera dagoenean, sorospen-eginbeharra ez betetzea ekar lezake. Eta hori, hainbat legedik delitu gisa hartzen du.
Espainiako eta Frantziako aseguru-etxe gehienek estaltzen dituzte suizidioak, baldin eta poliza kontratatu zen momentutik gutxienez urtebete pasa bada. Datuek erakusten dutenez, bizitza-poliza sinatzean, pertsona horrek bere buruaz beste egiteko erabakia hartua badu, ez du urtebete itxarongo. Bizitza-poliza kontratatzen duenak formulario bat betetzen du; bere osasun-egoerari buruzko galderak erantzun beharko ditu, suizidioaren gaia ukitzen dituztenak tartean. Kontratatzaileak gezurra esan dezake, baina aseguru-etxeek Gizarte Segurantzara deitu eta erantzunak egiaztatzen dituzte.
(13) Las razones sociales del suicidio artikuluan (Gara, 2011-04-05).
(1) Ipar Euskal Herriari dagozkien CépiDC zentroaren 2007ko datuetan, 25 eta 59 urte arteko gizonak soilik hartu dira aintzat, zonalde geografikoak eta maila sozio-profesionalak bereizi gabe.
(2) Argitxu Nobliak Baionako Auzitegiko dokumentuetan oinarrituta osatu zuen bere tesia. Lapurdi eta Nafarroa Behereko datuak gordetzen dituzte han. Zuberoakoak, aldiz, Paueko Auzitegian daude.
(3) Gizonek beraien buruaz beste egiten dute, emakumeak saiatu egiten dira artikulutik (http://blog.gizonduz.euskadi.net, 2010-10-24)
(4) Espainiako Estatistika Institutuaren arabera, 2008an 15 urtetik beherako inork ez zuen bere buruaz beste egin Hego Euskal Herrian.
(5) Heriotza ez naturalei buruzko datu-dantzan, auto-istripuetan hildako pertsonen zifrekin alderatu dute hainbat hedabidek suizidio-tasa. Batez bestekoak interpretatzean, faktore ugari izan behar da kontuan, auto-istripuak izugarri gutxitu direla, adibidez.
(6) Europako herrialdeetan beheranzko joera orokorra dela esan dugu. Kontuan izan behar da, hala ere, zonalde batzuetan, Ekialdeko herrialdeetan bereziki, suizidio-tasak batez bestekoa baino altuagoak direla. Bestalde, Greziako kopuru baxuez hitz egitean, aintzat hartu behar da arrazoi erlijiosoengatik (eliza ortodoxoa) ez dituztela suizidioak deklaratzen. Hain justu, analistek adierazi dute krisia dela-eta suizidio kopuruak nabarmen egin duela gora herrialde horretan.
(7) Epidemia de suicidios entre los jóvenes artikulutik (El Mundo,2010-03-19).
(8) Azken urratsa artikulutik (Lierni Alkorta/Ainhoa Oiartzabal. Berria, 2010-10-24).
(9) Un any sense Xirinacs artikulutik (www.vilaweb.cat, 2008-08-11)
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(11) Suicides de paysans: une vérité qui dérange artikulutik (Béatrice Molle. Le Journal du Pays Basque, 2011-01-27)
(12) Osasun hausturak konpontzeko beharra artikulutik (Eneko Bidegain. Berria, 2006-08-17)
Protestak 24 ordu bete dituenean, suhiltzaileak bertaratu dira udaletxera eta kateak moztu dizkiete bi gazteei. Bi kateatuek gaua bertan igarotzea "udaletxearen hautua" izan dela adierazi du Gazte Asanbladak, eta udalaren ordezkariek "ekintza deslegitimatzeko eta bi... [+]
Ez da gauza berria politikari profesionalak gizarteko arazoak estaltzeko ahaleginetan ibiltzea. Azkenaldian Denis Itxaso -EAEko Etxebizitza sailburua- entzun dugu etxegabetzeei garrantzia kenduz eta aditzera emanez gurean bazterreko fenomenoa direla; eta Begoña Alfaro... [+]
Iruñeko Zaldiko Maldiko Elkartean eta Baigorriko Bixentainean aurkeztu da aurtengo Nafarroaren Eguna, egun berean. Ohi bezala, apirileko azken igandearekin bat egingo da festa Baigorrin, eta horrez gain, apirilean hainbat ekitaldi egingo dira eskualdean.
Antropozentrismoaren aldaera traketsena eurozentrismoa izan zen. Europako mendebaldea, geografikoki, Kontinente Euroasiarraren penintsula txiki bat besterik ez da, baina lau mende luzez gertaera demografiko, teknologiko eta ideologiko batzuk zirela medio, bazter horretako... [+]
Hezkuntza eredu propioa "ezinbestean" independentziatik etorri behar dela adierazi dute, eta sistema propio hori "publikoa eta komunitarioa" izatea nahi dutela. Ikamak deituta, goizean zehar piketeak egin dituzte Euskal Herriko hainbat hezkuntza zentroetan.
Euskal Pilotako Nazioarteko Federazioaren eta Espainiako Federazioaren arteko gatazkak bere horretan jarraitzen duen bitartean, Jose Manuel Rodriguez Uribesek euskal selekzioaren aldeko adierazpenak egin ditu. Desadostasunak direla eta, Nazioarteko Pilota Federazioaren eta... [+]
Badakizuenok badakizue, beste gauza asko bezala, euskararen aldeko borrokan ere politikoek, eragile batzuek eta hedabideek beraien antzezlana saldu nahi digutela, benetakoa balitz bezala.
Lehen urtean pozik jaso nuen, "Euskaraldi" hau. Zer edo zer zen, ezer ez zegoela... [+]
Euskarak, mendez mende, zapalkuntza sistematikoa jasan du, eta oraindik ere borrokan dabil egunerokoan bere leku duina aldarrikatzeko. Hizkuntza baten desagerpena ez da inoiz berez gertatzen; planifikazio politiko eta sozialak eragiten du zuzenean. Euskaldunoi ukatu egin izan... [+]
Puntueusek eta Cyberzaintzak elkarlanean ikusentzunezko baliabide pedagogiko bat sortu dute gazteentzat eta haiekin lan egiten duten profesionalentzat: irakasle, guraso eta hezitzaileentzat. Ikusentzunezko honen bidez, ziberjazarpena ezohiko ikuspegi batetik... [+]
Kamioiak ez sartu ez atera. Horrela eman dute goiza BSHko Eskirozko lantokian. Parez-pare langileak aurkitu dituzte protestan. Hilkutxa batekin, elkarretaratze formatuan lehenbizi eta Foruzaingoak esku hartu behar zuela jakin dutenean eserialdia egin dute erresistentzia pasiboa... [+]
Dakota Access oliobidearen kontrako protestengatik zigortu du Ipar Dakotako epaimahai batek erakunde ekologista, Energy Transfer Partners enpresak salaketa jarri ostean. Standing Rockeko sioux tribuak protesten erantzukizuna bere gain hartu du.
Sareak nabarmendu du Euskal Herri osoko eragileak daudela bertan eta deialdiak 140tik gora atxikimendu jaso dituela: "Horrek islatzen du zein den gaur egungo errealitatearen urgentzia, lurraren defentsaren beharra eta auziarekiko dagoen konpromezua".
Koalizio abertzaleko hiru ordezkariek ohar baten bidez euren "frustrazioa" adierazi dute proiektu fotovoltaikoa ezin gelditzeagatik: "Egoera horren aurrean, ez gara legegintzaldia amaitzeko indarrez sentitzen". Proiektu honi ez! plataformak salatu du EH Bilduren... [+]
Lau agenteak lesio-delituengatik ikertzen ari dira eta horrek galarazten du 2024ko amnistia aplikatzea. Polizia horietako batek, ustez, gomazko bala batekin begi bat zartatu zion Roger Español kataluniarrari.
Arrazismoaren aurkako nazioarteko eguna kari, larunbat honetan 16 alderdi, kolektibo eta elkartek deia luzatu dute, Baionako Marengo eta Pannecau zubien artean giza kate bat osatzeko. Aniztasuna, elkartasuna eta giza eskubideen errespetua aldarrikatzera deitu dute,... [+]