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Herio arratsean

Antton Olariaga
Antton Olariaga

Asagoko mendi horixka eta erreka gorriez gaindiko herri urrun hartan, eguzkia itsaso eta herri bihurtzen baina ilargia berritzen ez zeneko hartan, ozenki esan zuten egunkariek. Ozenki esan zuten ezen beharrezkoa zela enpresa nuklear hura, argindarra ekoizteko. Balizko arriskuak arrisku, babestu egin behar zela hura. Saihestezinak zirela energia-iturriak oro, baita perilosenak ere. Zeren, argindarrik gabe, ekonomiaren motora itota ibiliko baitzen, ibiltzekotan.

Berrehun sumendi eta zazpi mila uhartetako herri urrun hartan, irratiek esan zuten ezen hain arriskutsua ere ez zela zentral nuklear hura. Alegia, ingeniariek bazutela buruan zerbait burutsua, gai gris deitzen zaiona. Beraz, arriskua bazegoen ere, kontrolpekoa zela hura.
Kanforrondo- eta magnolia-basoetako herri urrun hartan, telebistek esan zuten ezen lurrikaren aurkako hormatzarrak zituela eraikinak. Ez zutela botako haizeteek. Ez zutela eraitsiko euriteek. Lotozko sare digitalek esan zutenez, fabrika hura zen birrin-ezina, suntsiezina.

Baga, biga, higa…

Bat-batean, Apokalipsiaren zaldi gorriaren etorrera ikusi zuten denek, eguzkiaren azken labankadak ortzia orbaindu zuenean. Abantaila hartuta hurbildu zen Herio: trostan hasieran eta, ondoren, asapala bizian.

Sortalde urruneko herri hartara, ezpata eskuan zuela hurbildu zen balbe gaiztoa. Zamaria zakarki akuilatuz, ezinezko abiadura eroa eskatuta. Bitsak eta izerdiak xigortu zizkion zaldun krudelak abere ederrari… Kontatzen dutenez, hegoak ere kiskali omen zizkion lau hankakoari, bortizkeria neurgaitzean.

Eta, estropuz egin zuen zaldi gorriak ustekabean. Gerriak hautsi zitzaizkion zaldunari, eguzkiak kiskalitako buztinetan. Eskuan zeraman ezpatak ihes egin eta, hara non jo zuen Herioren aihotzak zentraleko paretatzarra; birrin-ezina zena, plutonioaren kartzela izateko ingeniariek gai gris delakoarekin bikainki eta ezin hobeki diseinatua zena.

Zulo txiki-txiki bat eragin zuen metal ondo galdatu eta hobeto suberatutakoak porlan trinkotuzko eta sendotuzko hesian. Horrela geratuko zen dena, baldin eta barrutik indar egin izan ez balu patu beroak. Zuloa zena, arrakala bihurtu zen. Arrakala, zintzur. Zintzurra, leize eta amildegi.
Askatu egin zen munstroa. Bost itsaso eta lau haizeetara barreiatu zen haren pozoia.


Egunak pasatu dira harrez gero. Ez asko ere, egia esan. Egunkariek eman dute ezbeharraren albistea. Negarra eragin digute irratitik nahiz telebistatik. Sare digitalak hasi dira plazaratzen segurtasunari buruzko dudak. Lehenago, txoroek baizik planteatzen ez zituztenak. Eztabaida piztu da berriz ere.

Albiste eta albiste bitartean, amona xaharra ikusten dut lehertu zen fabrikaren inguruko hondakinetan. Sigi-saga dabil haien artean, plastikozko poltsa bat darama eskuan. Arropa esekitzeko kakoa aurkitu du zaborraren azpian. Jantzita duenaz aparteko ezer ez duen arren, bildu egin du.

Hots, hots… bizion oinok. Eguzkia itzalita, elur-zirina ari du. Erori eta mina hartu du amona horrek. Zauritu egin da, baina ebakiari ez dario odolik. Gatzatua du. Arnasa bezala. Esperantza bezala. Urratsa bezala.

Ingurura begiratuta, ezer ez du ezagutzen, errekonozitzen. Hondakin handi xamar batera hurbildu eta kakotik eskegi du. Bere burua.

In the second round it will be decided who will be the President of Ecuador
Despite the fact that the current right-wing president, Daniel Noboa, is the favorite of most of the polls, he has taken less space than expected from the Correist candidate, Luisa González. The second round will take place on April 13.

2025-02-10 | ARGIA
Tractors on the streets of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Bayonne and Tafalla at the anniversary of the last protests
The protests in Vitoria-Gasteiz have been called by the associations Treviñu and Álava, the Tafalla by the association Semilla y Herarra and the Bayonne by the 'Peasants of the Pyrenees Mountain Range'. They have all denounced the competition stemming from the Mercosur trade... [+]

Goya Awards and Various Things to Say (No)
A large number of Basque citizens have been recognized by the Spanish film academy at the Goya Awards, which took place last weekend. In the second part of the article, we will highlight some of the issues that have given a lot to talk about.

Trump announces 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum
Donald Trump has announced that he will impose tariffs of 25% on steel and aluminum that imports the United States. It does not specify when the measure will enter into force.

Hamas and Israel hold fifth prisoner exchange
Three weeks after the ceasefire came into effect, Hamas released a total of 21 hostages, while Israel released 730. Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog, denounced the images of Israeli hostages as “an example of a crime against humanity.”

BDS organizes a national boycott day against Carrefour for Saturday
The Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions campaign, prolonged in solidarity with Palestinian society, has called for "national reconciliation" on February 15 at five Carrefour shopping centers in the Southern Basque Country.

UPV Professor Investigated for Spreading “Fascist” Messages Denounces Identity Substitution in Networks
"Until the matter is clarified, the teacher will not return to the campus," said the rector, Joxerramón Bengoetxea, adding that a "mediation" has been launched to investigate what has happened and see what to do about it. Iñigo Ugedo, President of the UPV/EHU Student Council, has... [+]

EH Bila reaches out to the PNV and the Confederal Left to form joint lists with a view to Spain and Europe
It is possible to have a "minimum common program of broad consensus" at the base, says EH Bil. It will prioritize the formation of joint lists in the Spanish and European elections, taking the form of the New Citizen Front of the French State.

Hundreds of people in Bilbao demand the halt of the Ibaip motorway project
It has been denounced that the project initiated by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia does not respond to "the real needs of the population", Subfluvial NO! Called the platform. Instead of building highways, it has been said that institutions should promote public transport.

Beltrán and Sololuze commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Zaldibargo disaster
In addition to remembering the two employees, they have demanded responsibilities in the event held by Zaldibar Luz on Sunday in Eitzaga. They denounce the slowness of the justice system, since the summary is still in the stage of investigation.

“The City Council is illegally denying the census to the most disadvantaged people”
The initiative No Being Without a Census published two internal documents of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz on 30 January. It includes restrictive criteria for registration in the municipality, “unfair and illegal”, according to the agent, to the detriment of the most... [+]

2025-02-10 | Behe Banda
Bar Warros |
Bring up the topic

Sometimes I don't know if it's too much. That we're eating a pipe, that we're talking about anything else, that we're bringing it up. We like to speak aloud, to leave almost no pause, to cover the voices, to throw a bigger one. Talk about each one of them, each one of them, what we... [+]

2025-02-10 | Hala Bedi
The cry for Palestine and against Israel sounded loudly on Friday in Vitoria
Hundreds of people mobilised to condemn the Israeli team Maccabi Tel Aviv’s performance in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Baskonia’s leadership has been criticized for its contribution to the “normalization of the State of Israel.”

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