Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The emphasis on

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Before the plastade that the Mid-Command would give in a public sit-down, he had to read, with commitment, a few words in Basque. But he dared to say goodbye on his own:
– Basques and Basques.
When he started the Erdar, I noticed that his translation of kabbalah had already been done by the fucked calamity:
Vascas and Vascos.

* * * *

Recently, in one of the many facades of the television program, a Spanish scholar was asked if this expression of childbirth was correct. The scholar, with all the feathers of his higher knowledge swollen, answered categorically: it is not correct, because Spanish has the rule and habit of using the masculine for everyone, because the masculine is the genre without marks.

However, the corrector corrected it incorrectly. “Vascas and Vascos” is not mandatory. But it can be right. Because any language allows you to emphasize and differentiate something with a special emphasis. Here’s what it’s all about: what we put the emphasis on. A nuance that has not been realized for many centuries, whether we want to do it and do it now or not.

Language is always linked to life. There is no doubt that it has been linked to what it has been: the model of sociality that men prescribe. And this use of emphasis to make you realize that benefits you. Especially if we use a non-sexist form of speech, unlike our politicians, in a decent way.

* * * *

What should we now focus on in other life issues as well? Any society relies, in a tacit and implicit way, on many conventions and agreements that are accepted by all its members and that are changing very gradually. There will be those who break these covenants, which are “the wicked.” And inevitably, some of them will walk among the authorities. When, instead of being “some”, they are the majority, there comes the defeat of socialism, total corruption. The reluctance of the majority of the population today is precisely this: that most of our leaders (not only politicians, but also many religious and intellectual) are not righteous, but gallant chorizos.

At the same time, I don’t think they are very smart. The fractional sharks who make the evasive illusionism in the world of economics move fast and have the world – the universe soon – as their playing field. Our leaders, on the other hand, are lost in slow and fractional disputes. For the majority of the population, it seems to us that in the face of economic thieves, when they are not bought, they are powerless.

* * *

In the face of these evils, the appearance of apparent “saviors” amazes many people. They prefer to return to the mentalities of the past in order to feel safe. Many others, especially among young people, will think it is not worth getting involved in public affairs, that the best law is to “go to each one of them”.

We must put the emphasis on reaching new agreements. Those that favor everyone (men or women, old or young, domestic or immigrant, black or white, healthy or sick...), agreements that do not tolerate abuse, agreements that respond to new problems (financial engineering, euthanasia, families of different types, advances in genetics, relationships between religions and culture...), agreements that allow our leaders to have credibility in terms of codes. Agreements that will help us to recover the joy of living together.

We must focus on reaching agreements that are good and progressive for the future, firm with the powerful and soft with the weak. Vascas and Vascos.

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