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Irudimena, baliabideak eta galerari aurre egitea

  • Bide Ertzean :: Don Inorrez

    Gaztelupeko Hotsak

    iraupena ::43´34´´

    prezioa ::10€

Bide Ertzean
Badira hainbat urte Tolosako Ubeda anaiek gidatutako taldeak Euskal Herriko pop-rockean letra larriz idatzitako kantak egiten dituela. Joserra Senperena eta Fran Iturbe munstroak dira, baina ibilbidean izugarri ikasi dute guztiek. Aurreko erronkak handiak izan baziren ere, oraingoan Senperenak gidatutako hari-orkestra batekin lan egiteko aukera izan dute eta Lizarbakar moduko kanta ederrekin udazkena jantzi dute. Horrez gain, baina, Zurekin dantzatu nahi nuken poparekin, harizko instrumentuekin eta erritmoekin jolastu dute. Bada, baita, country pieza atseginik, pop-folk kanta biluzi bezain ederrak, erritmo eta intentsitate oso bereziak… Jantzi, tonalitate eta sentsazio oso desberdinak, baina batez ere, gero eta gehiago disfrutatzen dutela transmititzen dute eta hori ezin da ezkutatu.
Imanol Ubeda - Bide Ertzean
"Sofistikazioak edo epikak ez du beti kanta ontzen; alderantziz, esango nuke"

“Argia itzaltzen da zalantzen itsasoan”. Betidanik tartean idazle lagunei esker asko zaindu dituzue hitzak; baina dagoeneko zuek ere, idazten eskarmentu handia hartu duzue... Gero eta erosoago sentitzen zarete hitzak egiten?

Egia da doinuak lantzen erosoago egoten garela eta testuekin izaten ditugula zalantza handienak. Gure diskoetan, hainbat poema musikatu izan dugu. Baina oro har, guk geuk idatzitako testuak gehiago dira. Non dira diskoa izan zen denetan zailena. Gureak dira disko horretako testu denak eta 36ko Gerrari buruzko hitz horiek idazten denbora asko eman genuen. Baina ordainetan, jende askoren esker ona bildu genuen; bereziki, gerraren eta diktaduraren ondorioak zuzenean edo zeharka pairatu zutenen aldetik.

Esango nuke ausentzia dela disko honen ildo nagusienetakoa. Berau inspirazio iturri indartsua izan ohi da, ezta?

Funtsean, itzali den maitasun bati egindako kantak dira nagusi Don Inorrezen. Horrelako egoeran zaudenean, ausentzian erreparatzea ia saihestezina dela esango nuke. Nik uste inspirazio iturri baino gehiago, barrutik gogor jotzen zaituen harra dela galerarena. Eta gitarra batekin eta boligrafo batekin harrapatzen bazaitu, ausentziak eragindako ajea nekez utzi ahal izango duzu albo batean.

Pieza orkestraletatik aparte, badira oso kantu intimoak, folkyak, biluziak…

Gure kasuan, kantak oso oinarrizkoak dira. Gero eta gehiago. Jatorrian ere, hala direlako. Ez dugu hori onartzeko inolako erreparorik. Musikari handiak ditugu taldean baina kanta dago beti ororen gainetik, edonoren gainetik. Grabazio estudioan, maiz, konponketa eder asko utzi ditugu albo batean, kanta elementu soiletara mugatuz. Nire uste apalean behintzat, sofistikazioak edo epikak ez du beti kantua ontzen. Alderantziz, esango nuke.

The use of video games has increased among adults, according to Ipsos
Julen Linazaroso, from Macsonrisas, explains that the reward balls, loot boxes and others aim to play more hours of video games. The use of video games among people between the ages of 35 and 64 has increased from 2023 to 2024, according to data provided by Ipsos.

11 doctors in health care earn 230,000 euros each year, one of the practices 18,000 euros

This Thursday, EH Bila asked the Government of Navarre to investigate and correct this situation in the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarre. The UPN and the PP have joined the... [+]

2025-02-21 | Euskal Irratiak
Boliviako laborari talde bat sustengatuko dute Xiberoatik

Zubiak eraiki Xiberoa eta Boliviaren artean. Badu jadanik 16 urte Boliviaren aldeko elkartea sortu zela Xiberoan. Azken urteetan, La Paz hiriko El Alto auzoko eskola bat, emazteen etxe baten sortzea, dendarien dinamikak edota tokiko irrati bat sustengatu dituzte.

A call to put a stop to the "fascist aggression" in Errenteria
Dozens of citizens have called for a demonstration with the slogan “Freedom in the face of fascist aggression”. On Friday 21, at 7:00 p.m., the protest will leave the People’s Square and the callers want it to be as crowded as possible to put a stop to the fascist... [+]

While Abdallah’s release is in favor, the Paris Call Court has postponed the verdict to June 19
Although the Paris Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of parole, the ruling has been postponed until June 19 because Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has not paid damages to the United States. On 15 November, the French Court for the Enforcement of Sentences ruled in favour of parole,... [+]

The Government has not taken a decision in the case of the woman from San Sebastián who was hospitalized in the ICU after the assault of the Ercion
Security Counselor Bingen Zupiria said that as long as they have “no security or certainty about whether things have been done right or wrong,” they will not take action. Her aunt explains that the woman who was attacked by police officers is "helpless" after two or three days... [+]

Monte Perdido is included among the glaciers in danger of extinction
An international registry documenting the ice masses in danger of extinction has included Monte Perdido of the Pyrenees in the list.

The analysis
Repsol wants for itself the mountains of Urumea to install the largest wind power plant in the Basque Country
The company of Josu Jon Imaz has appealed to the Basque Government, accusing Endesa of “fraud”. Repsol plans to build 15 wind turbines, 28 km of track and 21 km of power lines between the Rama and Mandoegi mountains, which would be the largest wind power plant in the Basque... [+]

We are many, come with us to the Basque public school

The time has come for us to enrol in schools in the Basque Country for the 2025-26 academic year, and in many homes the youngest of the household will take a new step soon, in September, which is schooling. Proud of the Basque Public School The members of Topagune are firmly... [+]

Quotas in schools

Since the adoption of the new Education Law for Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, we are hearing/reading again and again that education will be free from now on. We have listened to different actors, including the Department of Education, and in the interviews we offer to the media,... [+]

2025-02-20 | Manex Gurrutxaga
EH About the Internal Congress of Reunidos: The Road to Definitive Integration

At the beginning of the month he did III. Congress in Pamplona. It is said to be the “ordinary congress” that serves to draw “non-ordinary conclusions”, or at least that is how they have received Zutunik in the paper, proposed by the leadership and unanimously approved... [+]

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