That the creator needs freedom...
There’s also a bit of mental illness, an elegant ego and, prefosta, sober, that bena in the hanitches they forget to give...
Lucky for you, you've created two costumes!
The third without Aipatü, to enjoy the beautiful meadows of Xibero, in the cement fields of... Oh, the work of the dream, if we had walked the path of ait’ama...
You've gone into exile, so it's the last Zubero.
Nene, no, to Guipúzcoa Niz with my Xiberotero ürrrina, and the tall “kangaroo” underpants, so that the people of Hebenko can throw away the pijoikeris and the Yankees to reconnect to the old potras of Aitor. That's my mission.
But the Basque soul, the pastoral, the Espartinas de Maule, is gone!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! And the ruby? Forget the ruby, the most gay and erotic sport in the mündük, with so many men caressing Giñarritsü algar in the mud! What hot flashes!
When Zubero dies, where will the Southern Patriots go?
To ruby, to wash the bottle and the testicle... He has always been the chief scout of the worker... Let us make the revolution once and for all, let the left absorb the penis and the egg!
You will be pleased to have the Tourist Office of Zubero...
It is also the costume of Xibero that the Basques are always plaguing you with gütaz. A weekend in Irati and Kakua, and look, gütaz opinion that this Vaskongadas is coming! Man, do we have anything on your stupid sports addiction?
Just in case, I won't mention Matala to you.
Matalaz, always Matalaz, what do we finally know about him, that he was a whim? Isn't that enough eüskal in this town? And what a bad warrior... Four Menderatü and Kükürrükü soldiers! Eight appearances and lekütü!
Well, now they make fiction feature films in Zuber: Most of the 10,000 spectators.
Plus the güzia patriotic left! I'm sorry, Ijaaaaaa! We are famous, we are girls, we are Honolülü!
A lot of jokes, but after asking for money...
Sosa gaüza hanitx permetz dütü, good dreams no! Eüskadi says: pray; gük: dream! But give the money anyway to Xibero, okay?
Before you go: what’s the weather like in Zubero?
Gaüak black, egünak clear. By Sohütan Aranberri, Larrainen Bagluz.
Actors: Justin Garfield and Jon Plazaola...
WHEN: January 26th.
IN WHICH: The New Culture Center. In the square.
The couple Margaret (Aitziber Garmendia) and George (Jon Plazaola) leave Idaho to guard the border between... [+]
Opera 'Tristan und Isolde'
Bilbao Symphony Orchestra. Directed by: Assisted by Erik Nielsen.
The Bilbao Opera Choir. Directed by: Assisted by Boris Dujin.
The stage director: To the Allex Eagle.
The soloists: I'm talking about R. Assisted by Nicholls, G. By Hughes Jones, M. The... [+]
Lehen itzulitik bigarrenera, auzapezgotzara jauzi egin zuen Ramuntxo Labat-Aramendi abertzalearen zerrendak. Erdiespena "xinaurri lanari esker" egin zela uste du Labat-Aramendik. Ahetzen zerrendak bozen %44,39 lortu zuen urtarrilaren 12an eginiko behin betiko bozketan... [+]