You are right, José Luis, being a public opinion donor is not well regarded. Because they don’t ask CIS, Eusko Pacometro, and in surveys like this, because if they ask, I bet we would be with politicians to be in the hole of the less valued trades in the struggle (it’s a way of speaking). It is also true that there are differences among opinion makers. Nero’s career is an extraordinary sign of decadence, without going far. Although people lately confuse the newspaper criticism department with the contact department, the literary criticism still maintains such a pedigree and remains one of the most respectable among opinion makers. You are supposed to have criteria, you are a specialist in the subject, learned, read, etc. Well, I’ve gone from there to the columnist, although I’ve gone from the columnist to an honorable form, yes – won’t Mikel Asurmendi and the others annoy me? In any case, I wonder what the next one will be: a member of one of these political tertullians or think tanks? I don't even want to think about it.
Sometimes people ask too much of the donor. In fact, you see how potential experts walk, and I would say that the most likely way to come up with an opinion is to not know anything about a topic and not understand anything. See otherwise Rodrigo Rato, the great savior of the Spanish economy, an excellent statesman, the most effective manager overcoming ideologies. Recently, his latest company, the International Monetary Fund, has declared him irreversibly incompetent. Better than the specialists is the bertsolari’s model; they put themes one after the other and he has an answer for everything, and not only that, he has an answer and only one for everything: Live the Basque Country Released! (a) and (b)
Since I suspect that with this last remark and the title of the article the desatspas will multiply exponentially, let me clarify at least the cause of the latter.
The fact is that I recently heard from a veteran militant of the Patriotic Left that he was not against the nuclear; he said no, but he was also against it. At first I thought it was going to be one of those last necessary unions; it wasn’t enough to reject violence, it wasn’t enough to reject ETA’s violence, and it wasn’t enough to purge the militants who support the violence and send them to Siberia that more gestures were needed. No one could have imagined, then, that this change towards integration was in the good eye of the nuclear. But then I realized that it had nothing to do with it. That it's not about creating nuclear energy, that these things are minor secondary things, but about building an atomic bomb. That the path to independence is neither an effective armed struggle nor a democratic path of lawlessness and ingenuity, but a transformation into a nuclear power. That it will be really appreciated when the Basque Country gets the atomic bomb: nu-klearra-da-bide-ba-karra!
And for the relief of those of you who are concerned about the division of the patriots, I would not immediately say that PNV would be against the idea. For the jealous have always maintained that great nations are made by great projects: Euskos, Ertz, Athletic Club, Petronor, Euskaltel, Euskal Air... What bigger and more international project than the nuclear bomb?
Pictures of Post Scriptum: I'm talking about A. I'm talking about A., I. I. I... R. and L. I'm talking about L. I owe it to Z. n n n n n n n
Azken hilabetetan izandako lan gatazketan auzipetuak izan diren beharginek agerraldia egin dute Eusko Jaurlaritzaren aurrean, langile borrokaren kriminalizazioa salatzeko. Mobilizazioak iragarri dituzte.
2008ko udan sortu zen Meatzaldea Bizirik elkarte ekologista izen bereko eskualdean, Cokearen Aurkako Koordinadoraren segida modura eta bide batez hari izaera legala emateko. Otsailaren 12rako manifestazioa deitu dute Muskizen, Petronorren ate aurrean, findegiari bertan... [+]