Gaia is coming to the square today. All eco-warriors and thinkers have nothing else in their mouths. Mr. Serge Latouche appears on foreign screens, alluding to the unknowns of non-development, sown in his many books where we can get explanations. It seems to me that we are going from oil shock to oil shock, and that we have as much urgency as nehoiz as the germ of what Latouche calls a-croissance. In the verb of the word there are some who lament: they say that these mensheviks will bring us back to the time of the Neanderthals, that development is a sacred dogma, or that only development can guarantee the level of goodness of the majority, a greater pastiche, even mouths. What if it was the infamous pastry?
The economic development that we know, share, share, multiply is based on blind tarrapatous consumption. The prestamos, the publicity and the rapid extinction of things always encourage us to buy more, to devour more, to yearn for more, that the wealthy elite make us militate the decks of the coveted model. Since the morning we are frustrated, angry, jealous and equally dominated, bloodthirsty, outraged, lobotomized, in the elections let’s say we don’t even know who to vote for. We push the brightest and the most orrollic to power. Just like us, we deserve it. We are buried in houses, the computer in front, the e-book on the side, the telephone on the right and the television on the 568 channels on the left. We have technological prostheses instead of the brains.
In the name of morbid development – we need money, we use prayers like time is money and we have been made wholly marketable time, including free time – on the one hand work is distorted, suicides and the unemployed are already innumerable, they suppress rights, especially for young people, and on the other hand the world’s natural wealth is privatized in the service of continuous production, such as water, oil, food, seeds, territories, with which the most proficient speculate without shame. A third of the world’s population has shifted from poverty to red misery in this decade. Dirt and pollution: brought to the neoliberals.
Why consume disproportionately? Change a car for two years? Take over the house with Pizina? Eating junk food at both times a day? Lazy on vacation in the Caribbean? Give cold kids the famous wii and playstation? What is the essence of our relationship with the planet? When we meddle with reflection, the absurdity of this artificial reality hides us to the point of vomiting, noticing that we will soon fall upside down in the pit. But the monolithic society of compulsory development is promoted by the right, the left, the churches and the anonymous.
Latouche is right: if we start to live in a charitable way by limiting the needs of the debtor, we will not suffer from such monetary falangas and we will occasionally cast round denials on politicians. We'll feel more like people.
Still being crazy for seventy-seven years.
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