The Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office and the State’s attorney will be filing appeals against the legalization of Crea before the Supreme Court by the end of this week or the beginning of the next. And then they will begin the juridical-political debate 61 of the Supreme Court. The judges of the Chamber. To the extent that they refer to laws, they will certainly use legal arguments as well, but even the most naive knows that there is basically a political decision behind it. In essence, it is already known that the nationalist left will be legal sooner rather than later – the official suffocation of those who say so is constant – and now the question is when it is advisable to carry out this step.
The Supreme Court will find it legally very wrong to outlaw Crear, mainly because in addition to rejecting violence, ETA’s violence is also explicitly mentioned. There is no room for manoeuvre here, unless the interpretation of the law – as some wish – is led to the condemnation of the past. It is also possible to resort to the orders of ETA, but it is not very credible that the armed organization rejects its action through another actor.
Whether or not it is a continuation of some other entity that was previously wrongful created is likely to be the crux of the matter. The prosecutor’s office will try to do this through the security forces, but it will need more solid evidence than has been presented to the public so far to avoid ridicule. Even more so after the “evidence” of the security forces in the Diario case and that of the City Hall received such timber from the National Court.
But where is the line of rupture with the past for those who do not want to see it, considering that Crear is an updated expression of the illegitimate patriotic left? Funding, people at the Basque event, assistants, symbols... what will the judges pay attention to? Everything indicates that with legal arguments it will be very wrong for the Supreme Court to outlaw Crear, and if that were the case, it would be incredible for the Constitutional Court to affirm that.
In a short time we will be able to see, as the President of the Supreme Court, Carlos Dívar, has pointed out, that the situation of Sortu will be decided before the elections. The fact is that the deadline for the submission of lists closes on April 18 and, if you want to guarantee the possibility of being present in the Sor elections, you will have to decide if it is legal or not by then.
It would certainly help to clarify some of the issues raised by ETA-K itself in the final document. This can be done in various ways, but it would suffice to state clearly that it coincides with the path that the civil patriotic left is taking. Because predicting his disappearance at this stage is the unexpected. After the event of February 7 in the Basque Country, the waters must also recover throughout the Patriotic Left; what was said and represented there is something to be dreaded. When this is achieved, it is not to be ruled out that the Nationalist Left makes some other request to ETA. The leadership of the Patriotic Left knows that the whole political class is penetrating that this has no turning back, but it also knows that a petition to ETA in this direction would strengthen its image even more, both in front of the citizens and in front of the judges who have to decide on Sortu.
In the direction of the inner strength of the Patriotic Left, the steps taken in the world of prisoners will also be important. It would be very helpful if a CFP delegation could meet with the signatories of the Pact in Guernica, since it was through such contacts that the CFP could become a party to the Pact. This would be a very important step towards the peace process and towards the cohesion of the nationalist left. The prisoner collective has already announced that it is “happy, with open arms and ready to walk the path together.” It's not a small approximation. The Spanish Government would also have the opportunity to make an appropriate gesture again. But given the position of the PSOE government so far, everything indicates that no such step will be taken until the legalization of Crear and probably not until after the elections, which would lead to an intensification of the PP’s aggression. Many concrete initiatives are still in the air, but the direction is the most important, and in this sense, as time goes on, the Democratic Process becomes stronger and stronger.
Euskal presoen auziari konponbidea ematea eskatu dute larunbat arratsaldean milaka pertsonak Bilbon. Kalera Kalerak deitu zuen manifestaziora, eta Presoak kalera. Bada garaia lelopean egin da Casillatik Bilboko udaletxerainoko bidea.
“Bakea Euskal Herrian, orain presoak” lemapean, 11.000 lagun batu dira Parisen arratsalde honetan. Euskal Herriko xoko guztietarik hurbildu da jendea eta guztien artean bete dute 10.000 manifestari biltzeko helburua. Alderdi eta kargu ezberdinetako hautetsiak ere... [+]
Zer adierazi nahi dugu lerroburu horretan? Bada, beharrezko dutela aurrean duten euskaldunek funtsezko gaiei planto ez egitea. Hau da, Euskal Herria praktikan herrialde okupatu gisa onartzea, okupatzaileei aurre egin gabe.
Oso ausarta da EPPKren erabakia. Lehenbiziz bere bizitzan, badaki aurrerantzean bera izango dela bere buruaren guztiz jabe, ez duela ETArekin partekatu beharko ezer, molde batez edo bestez ETA desagertzera doalako eta presoek arduratu beharko dutelako beren etorkizunaz, beti ere... [+]
Alderdiek, kolektiboek edo espetxean nahiz “kanpoan” dauden militanteek hartutako jarrera politikoen aurrean dugun iritzia edozein dela ere, ideia, kokatze eta dinamika politikoei buruzko eztabaida, gure ustetan, gutxieneko irizpide batzuei loturik egon beharra dago.
Hori da astelehen honetan Deia egunkariak argitaratu duena eta, honen arabera, erakunde armatuak urte bukaerarako eman dezake desagerpenaren berri.